Итоговая контрольная работа за 1 четверть 5 класс

данную контрольную  работу рекомендуется использовать в конце первой четверти. контрольная работа состоит из четырех заданий. первое задание позволит проверить умение понимать полное содержание текста, второе-знание форм неправильных глаголов, третье-умение оперировать лексикой изученных разделов, четвертое-знание настоящего простого и настоящего длительного времени. контрольная работа составлена на основе материала к учебнику М.В. Вербицкой "FORWARD". данную работу можно использовать в качестве...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Test 1. 5 class

  1. Read the story and mark the statements as True (T) or False (F)

I am Toby, a 5-year-old dog, an animal star. Three years ago I was the pet of a family. We lived in the country and there I learnt to ride a horse and to dive. Then a famous producer saw me and invented me to a film studio. Now I live at the film studio.

I played many parts in many films. These films are comedies and adventure stories. I want to star in an action film because I like to rescue. I can jump over a wall and run fast.

One day I rescued the children from the burning house.

  1. Toby is a 5-year-old dolphin.

  2. Toby can ride a bike.

  3. Toby can dive.

  4. Toby lives at the film studio.

  5. Toby likes cartoons.

  6. Toby wants to be a director.

  7. Toby wants to be an operator.

  8. Toby lives at the film studio.

  9. Toby doesn't like to rescue.

  10. Toby can jump and run very well.

  1. Write the Past Simple tense form of these verbs

  1. to build-________________________

  2. to cut-__________________________

  3. to find-_________________________

  4. to have-_________________________

  5. to buy-_________________________

  6. to eat-__________________________

  7. to swim-________________________

  8. to read-_________________________

  9. to get-__________________________

  10. to be-__________________________

  1. Fill in the gaps with the right word from the box. There is an odd word there!







  1. I like sing and dance every day. _____________programs on TV are my favorite.

  2. My mother hates watching detective stories. She likes _____________ stories.

  3. My little brother and sister enjoy watching __________________.

  4. This is Josie West. She does my _______________.

  5. Anecdotes are the short funny _______________.

  1. Use the prompts to write sentences. You may use the word 'but'

  1. Ben \ every day \ play \ football \ today \ he \ swim.

  2. Dasha \ usually \ eat \ apples \ at the moment \ she \ eat \ bananas.

  3. Andy \ sometimes \ watch \ comedies \ now \ he \ do \ English test.

  4. Vera \ every day \ read poems \ today \ she \ draw.

  5. Max \ usually \helps \ his mom \ now \ he \ ride a bike.

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