Конспект урока по английскому языку Клуб знакомств (защита творческих проектов, 5 класс)

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Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Конспект урока с использованием элементов проектной методики

Класс: 5.

Тема: Ролевая игра " Клуб знакомства " (урок обобщения).

Цель: совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков по теме.


  • активизация изученной лексики по теме;

  • повторение типовых фраз;

  • продолжение работы над развитием коммуникативных умений в говорении (диалогические и монологические высказывания), аудировании, письме;

  • продолжение работы над развитием умения работать в группе, инициативы, творчества, воображения, уважения к мнению товарищей;

  • продолжить работу над интеллектуальным развитием учащихся;

  • продолжить работу над развитием речевых способностей, психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью, и мыслительных операций;

  • продолжить работу над развитием мотивации к изучению английского языка;

  • продолжить работу над развитием общеучебных умений;

  • формирование способности анализировать и давать оценку.

Оформление доски: тема, цель, задачи урока, элементы проекта, его цель и критерии,.

Оборудование: рекламные буклеты, магнитофон.

Ход урока:



ОКонспект урока по английскому языку Клуб знакомств (защита творческих проектов, 5 класс)

рганизац. момент

T CL : What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today?

Объявление темы и целей урока

- Now I propose you to guess the theme of our lesson. Look here and think what it is (ребус "Friendship").

So, the theme is " Friendship in our Life". It's very interesting and important. Because our life is boring if we don't have friends.

What poems about friendship do you remember?

Kate, please. (Friendship is a thing for two,

Three or four, even more,

Like a song that is made to sing

Friendship is a doing thing.)

All together, please. (Friends are people who share,

Friends are people who care,

They try to understand,

They give a helping hand.)

Активизация изученной лексики

First of all let's revise the words.

1). Please, P1, P2, P3 come to the blackboard and find the words:

Appearance Qualities Other words

(составить слова по слогам)















2). CL :

а).I would like you to play lotto (...).

б).Make up your own sentences with the words. Other pupils translate (...).

Well done! You know many words. But now, look at the blackboard, please. Check up the ex. Do you agree?

(Appearance: - All together, read and translate.

  • What other words associate with appearance do you know?

Qualities: - Lena, read.

  • Karina, translate.

  • Guess about what quality I say:

  1. A person who is happy and joyful. He is optimistic. He knows many funny stories and often smiles. (cheerful)

  2. A person who is gentle, helps other people. (kind)

  3. A person has clever and original ideas. He can think new things, interesting games. It's not boring with him. (inventive)

  4. This person works all time. (industrial)

  5. This person enjoys meeting talking to other people. (sociable)

  6. This person wants to have more and more money, things. He doesn't divide with other people. (greedy)

  7. He always tells true. (honest)

  8. This person likes to study, knows many interesting things, gets good marks. (clever)

  9. A person who isn't afraid of anybody. Can fight even with boys who are bigger than he is. (brave)

  10. This person doesn't talk much to strangers, doesn't show much emotions. Never tells you anything about himself. (reserve)

- Try to describe your quality.

Other words: - Read, repeating after me.

  • Translate, please. You are splendid.

(По результатам I тура команды получают жетоны).

Защита своего проекта

- Today we are not only boys and girls. You are clever, active, inventive groups. You have your own agencies of friends.

I am a representative from England. I want to invite one agency to take part in the festival of agencies in Great Britain.

I'm looking for the best group, because I can choose only one agency. Your task is to advertise yours. Who is the best?

  1. "A visiting card".

(Рассказ об агентствах: "Друзья по гороскопу", "Идеальный друг", "Дружба - это..." с использованием стенда, эмблем и т.п.).

All agencies are good and fine. But I think the best visiting card was at "..." agency. Because...(have a fine stand, excellent speech of manager, interesting emblems, wonderful services...).

  1. "To describe appearance":

Now we'll check up how you can describe people and find them. (Оценивается описание известного человека и угадывание его имени другой командой.)

  1. "Dialogues".

Please, act your dialogues. (Посетители из одного агентства, сотрудники из другого.)

So, we have visited all agencies. You were kind, polite and gave us a lot of smiles.

Итог, д/з

You were splendid. Thank you very much for the lesson.

But I said I could choose only one agency. Please, count your hearts (жетоны). The best agency is "...". But I liked...too.

Now open your recordbooks, please. Put your mark for the work... . Write down your homework on Friday... .

We have 1 minute, let's make a test "Are you a good friend?" (...).

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