Поурочный план на тему Sport in Kazakhstan

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Сабақтың тақырыбы: Sport in Kazakhstan. Білімділік мақсаты: Өтілген тақырып бойынша оқушылардың алған білімдерін жинақтау, қарым - қатынас барысында қолдана білуге үйрету. Дамытушылық мақсаты: Оқушылардың ойлау қабілеттерін дамыта отырып, тілге деген қызығушылығын арттыру. Тәрбиелік мақсаты: Өнері мен білімін бағалай отырып, спортқа қызықтыру. Сабақтың әдісі: Баяндау, сәйкестік тест, сұрақ - жауап, іздену. Сабақтың түрі: Аралас сабақ. Сабақтың көрнекілігі: Жұмбақ, мақал - мәтел, суреттер, кроссворд. Пән аралық байланыс: Дене шынықтыру, қазақ тілі, орыс тілі. Сабақ жоспары: 1. Organization moment. Greeting. Talking about the theme of the lesson. 2. Warm up. Polyglot. Give in three languages. 1) . . . байлықтан да қымбат. (health - денсаулық, здоровье). Good health is above wealth. - Здоровье дороже богатства. 2) . . . денсаулық кепілі. (спорт - спорт - sport). Спорт - лучшее лекарство здоровье. Sport - for the best health. 3) . . . is a nasty illness. (laziness - жалқаулық - лень). Жалқаулық - ауруға себеп. Лень - вторая натура человека. 3. Match the words in A with in B. 1) Sports a. importance 2) National b. pool 3) Compulsory c) games 4) Swimming d) sport 5) Olympic e) fan 6) Kinds of f) hockey 7) Ice g) skating 8) Figure h) subject 4. Work with the text "Sport". Kazakhstan is a sporting country. Millions of people of our country go in for sport. You can hardly find a person who does not support his or her favourite sports club, or team. Physical training and sports have become a matter of national importance. We begin to teach our children to love sport since early childhood. In nursery school the child takes his first sporting steps - he learns to run, jump and dance. In school and college sport is a compulsory subject. Our sportsmen have excellent sports facilities at their disposal - places of sports, stadiums, sports grounds, gymnasiums, swimming pools, tennis courts and excellent coaches. Not only champions and keen sportsmen but anyone can take part in sports and competitions. If you like athletics you may go in for running, jumping, throwing. Many people are fond of winter sports: skating, figure - skating, skiing, ski - jumping. In summer you can go in for swimming, diving, rowing, sailing, yachting and cycling. Boxing, wrestling, weight - lifting, fencing, shooting, mountaineering, slalom and chess also have millions of followers. Many people are very good at various games: football, ice - hockey, tennis, basketball, volley - ball and golf. Every four years the best sportsmen of the whole world come together at the Olympic Games. The best athletes of each nation compete there with one another in all kinds of sport. 5. Question - answer. Ask and answer the questions about Olympic Games. 1) When was the last Olympic Games and where? 2) How many countries did it take part? 3) How many sportsman and sportswomen of Kazakhstan did it take part? 4) How many medals are there of Kazakhstan? 5) The names of champions. 6) What place did Kazakhstan take? 6. Crossword. Exercise 10. Find eight sports in the crossword. W I N F O O T B A L L G R H D J W E J B P W F O K G O L F P L W H I M L O A E R S S T E N N I S X F N L S B J P F D G L C B M P W E F S P S M K E Y L W I M R H W U W P E V C Y M H P I X R Y A M C O L M S J W D F J L W A S K I I N G L I K F L A G F N N B F O N N C D H J P G P G L J G H G 7. Conclusion. You must write the names of sport which do you know. (boxing, wrestling, tennis, running, basketball, football and swimming) 8. Homework. New words - to learn by heart. Ex. 2 (in writing form).

Қ. Қ. АБИЛГАЗИЕВА Қызылжар негізгі жалпы білім беретін мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі.

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