Контрольная работа для 9 класса по теме Прямая косвенная речь, предлоги

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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I variant

№ 1. Переведите вопросительные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

Example: He asked me, "Do you know my sister?" - He asked me if I knew his sister.

  1. She asked John, "When are you going to come?"

  2. He asked her, "Who is your favourite actor?"

№ 2. Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную предложения с модальными глаголами.

  1. He said, "I can drive a car."

  2. She said to me, "You ought to call her."

№ 3. Заполните пропуски.

  1. "I will contact you tomorrow." He said he would contact me………………

  2. "I was there the day before yesterday." She said she was there………………

№ 4. Put the passive sentences in order.

  1. played / The game / is / on a computer

  2. with a modem / are / sent / E-mails

  3. is / on a disk / Information / stored

  4. sent / Text messages / are / using mobile phones

№ 5. Вспомним постановку предлогов в адресах. Complete the sentences. Use on, at or in

  1. His flat is ___ the second floor.

  2. Carlos lives____Barcelona.

  3. I live____Main Street.

№ 6 Поставьте необходимые предлоги в предложения.

about in at with to of for on

  1. We are going … the party … Saturday. (Мы идем на вечеринку в субботу.)

  2. I bought a new pair … sunglasses … the chemist's. (Я купила новую пару солнечных очков в аптеке.)

  3. What do you know … Scotland? (Что ты знаешь о Шотландии?)

  4. The postman came … a letter … my Dad. (Почтальон пришел с письмом для папы.)

№ 7. Insert this, that, these, those.

  1. None of _______ present expressed any surprise on hearing __________.

  2. Try one of _____________.

  3. _________ is a computer

II variant

№ 1. Переведите вопросительные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

Example: He asked me, "Do you know my sister?" - He asked me if I knew his sister.

  1. A man asked me, "Do you have a car?"

  2. My father asked me, "Where were you yesterday?"

№ 2. Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную предложения с модальными глаголами.

  1. She said, "He must stay here."

  2. They said to me, "You should drive more carefully."

№ 3. Заполните пропуски.

  1. "He came yesterday." She said that he had come……………

  2. "My parents will arrive today." He said that his parents would arrive……………

№ 4. Put the passive sentences in order.

  1. in a lot of schools / are / used / Computers

  2. of plastic / made / are / CDs

  3. seen / The information / on a screen/can be are /

  4. very quickly / The answers / calculated

№ 5. Вспомним постановку предлогов в адресах. Complete the sentences. Use on, at or in

  1. Gary Clench lives ____ Brighton.

  2. He lives _____ Clifton Street.

  3. He lives ____ 33 Clifton Street.

№6 Поставьте необходимые предлоги в предложения.

about in at with to of for on

  1. My sister will arrive … the station … 9 o'clock … the morning. (Моя сестра прибудет на станцию в 9 часов утра.)

  2. I'm hungry. What's … lunch today? (Я голоден. Что на обед сегодня?)

  3. This is the highest mountain … the world. (Это самая высокая гора в мире.)

  4. What do you usually do … weekends? (Чем ты обычно занят в выходные?)

№ 7. Insert this, that, these, those.

  1. Suddenly I felt something soft and warm on my knees _________ was a cat.

  2. ___________ are the TV sets of the latest type.

  3. Whom were you talking with? ________ was a friend of mine.

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