Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

В данной разработке задания составлены для учащихся 5-7 классов. Задания даны на трех языках: казахском,русском и английском языках. Предлагаю для использования во время предметной недели языков. В работе использованы пословицы, поговорки, загадки, песни,  слова используемые в повседневной жизни.  Помогает развивать интерес  у учащихся  к изучению языков. Использование картин во время конкурса " Мы полиглоты" развивает разговорную речь учащихся и расширяет их кругозор, углубляет знания. Развивае...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
For-Teacher.ru - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

"We are polyglots"

Teacher: Good morning, dear children,

Teachers and guests!

Welcome to our party

We are glad to see you today.

The aims

of this party: - To develop the pupils' interests in the subject of English.

  • To develop pupils' abilities in speaking, reading, listening, writing and understanding.

  • To develop their memory and attention.

  • To teach pupils to love and respect the language they speak and to develop pupils' love for their Motherland.

The motto of

the party: "Live and learn".

"Век живи, век учись".

«Біле бер қанша білсең тағы тіле,

Жетерсің мақсатыңа біле, біле».

Stages of the party.

  1. Greeting.

  2. We write and read in English.

  3. We like to paint.

  4. Riddles.

  5. About our village.

  6. Proverbs.

  7. We sing English songs

Well, we begin our game and let's meet our partiapants.

They are

  1. The team of the 5th form. Happy children

  2. The team of the 6th form. Baiterek

  3. The team of the 7th form. He bests of 7th form.

I . Greeting.

Participants tell some words about themselves, about their hobbies.

II. We write and read in English.

I'll give you questions.

You must answer the questions.

III. We like to paint.

I'll give you a paper and different colures of pencils. You must draw picture

about seasons.

When I clap my hands you must stop and pass your picture to the next pupil.

The 5th form - spring.

The 6th form - summer.

The 7th form - autumn.

Let's begin to work.

Now tell me please about your pictures.

IV. Riddles. (жұмбақтар)

I'll read the riddles. Listen to me attentively.

You'll try to guess them. Then you must translate these words into Kazakh and


For the 5th form.

  1. I don't know the ABC

But I am writing as you see. (Pen, ручка, қалам)

2.Теңізден,мұхиттан да өткізеді.

Аңсаған алысыңа жеткізеді. (кеме, корабль,ship)

For the 6th form.

1. A little old woman, with twelve children,

Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.(year,год, жыл.)

2.Таң атып күн шығарда

Көркіне қаратады

Ертемен ел аралап

Жаңалық таратады.(газет, газета,newspaper.)

For the 7th form.

1. It is running

Night and day

But it never

Runs away (a watch, часы,сағат.)

  1. Өзі адамша ойлаған

Туа сала сайраған

Төрт мүйісті тұлғасы

Адамзаттың мұңдасы

Мәңгі бақи сырласы (кітап, книга, book.)

V. About our village.

I'll show the slides about our village. And you'll try to talk about it.

VI. Proverbs.

I'll give you proverbs. You must give Kazakh and Russian equivalents.

  1. Better late than never.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Ештен кеш жақсы.

  1. So many man, so many minds

Сколько голов, столько умов.

Көптің ойы -кемеңгер.

  1. Health is better than wealth.

Здоровье- лучшеe богатство.

Денсаулық -зор байлық

  1. East or west, home is best.

В гостях хоршо, а дома лучше.

Өз үйім-кең сарайым-боз үйім.

  1. Tastes are differ

О вкусах не спорят.

Талғамға талас жоқ.

  1. There is no smoke without fire

Нет дыма без огня.

Жел болмаса шөптің басы қимылдамалды.

VII .We sing English songs

The pupils 3rd and 4th forms prepare some English songs.

"The ABC", "What is your name?", "Happy Birthday"

The party is over. Conclusion.

Good-bye, dear pupils and teachers.

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