Финальный тест к разделу№1 учебника английского языка 7 класс УМК О. В Афанасьева И. В. Михеева

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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УМК О.В Афанасьева,И.ВМихеева учебник 7класс

Unit 1 Test 1 (1) Form 7 .

I Choose the right answer.

1.The official name of our country is

a) Russia b) The Russian Federation c) the Republic of the Russian Federation

2. The National Government of Russia consists of

a) The President and the Prime Minister b) The President and the Council of Ministers c) The President, the Council of Ministers and the Federal Assembly

3. Russia is a land of over _____ nationalities

10 b) 100 c) 1000

4. Pirozhki means a) circles of dry pastry b) homemade jam

c) baked pastry with some filling

5. The main church in Russia is a) the main church b) the Russian Orthodox Church c) a cathedral

6. Alexander Pushkin composed his first poem at the age of

a) 9 b) 8 c) 7

7. Yuri Gagarin made his first space flight on the

a) 21 of May 1961 b) 12 of April 1991 c) 12 of April 1961

8. The first performance of «Swan Lake»

a) impressed the public greatly b) was not successful

c) left an unforgettable impression

9. Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruki in

a) 1647 b) 1147 c) 1247

10. The Kremlin clock on The Spasskaya Tower strikes

a) once an hour b) 3 times an hour c) 4 times an hour

II Ask questions on the following:

1) The main symbol of Russia is the Kremlin. (A special question)

2) The Russians like to sit down for a nice long chat.(A tag question)

3) G. Zhukov became a general in the Soviet Army in 1940. (A general question)

4) The Russian Orthodox Church has survived the hard times. (A question to the subject)

5) Pushkin received his early education at home. (An alternative question)

III Translate from Russian into English:

1) Москва-это один из городов в мире, который обязательно надо увидеть.

2) Главой Российской Федерации является президент.

3) Исаак Левитан вынужден был зарабатывать себе на жизнь после смерти своих родителей.

4) Россия граничит с Америкой на востоке.

5) Мне нравится жить в России, хотя наша жизнь достаточно сложная.

6) Все больше и больше людей начинают понимать, что чистая окружающая среда чрезвычайно важна.

7) Он родился в семье бедного сапожника.

8) Театр был основан в 1994 году.

9) Московское метро выглядит как дворец.

10) Балет Лебединое озеро оставляет неизгладимое впечатление.

Unit 1 Keys 1 Form 7

I.1) b 2) c 3) b 4) c 5) b 6) b 7) c 8) b 9) b 10) c

II. 1) What is the main symbol of Russia?

2) The Russians like to sit down for a nice long chat, don't they?

3) Did G. Zhukov become a general in the Soviet Army in 1940?

4) What has survived the hard times?

5) Did Pushkin receive his early education at home or at school?

III. 1) Moscow is one of the cities of the world that must be seen.

2) The Head of Russian Federation is the President.

3) Isaac Levitan had to earn his living after the death of his parents.

4) Russia has borders with America in the east.

5) I like to live in Russia although our life is difficult enough.

6) More and more people start to understand that clean environment is extremely important.

7) He was born into the family of a poor shoemaker.

8) The theatre was founded in 1994.

9)The Moscow Metro looks like a palace.

10) The ballet «Swan Lake» leaves an unforgettable impression.


I-ex. 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 p.5-13

II- ex. 9 (b) p.11, ex.1p. 3- A.B

III- ex. 11p.10- A.B., ex.7 p.9 , ex. 8 p.10

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