Урок по английскому языку Ты умеешь играть на гитаре? (5 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Есть
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The plan of the lesson

Iskakova Aigul Amanzholovna

the teacher of English

of Preeshimskaya school



The 5th

The theme of the lesson

Can you play the guitar?

The type of the lesson

Mixed lesson

Aims of the lesson

  • Talking about abilities using the modal verb "can". Revising the using of "can" and its forms;

  • To enlarge pupils` vocabulary engraining the names of the musical instruments. To develop their skills and grammar, lexical skills;using such strategies such as cooperative learning and TPR.

  • To foster their love to the traditional musical instruments, listening the qualitative music but in moderation.

The results of the lesson

  • They use "can" in their speech;

  • Talk and share opinions about the musical instruments.

Basic ideas

Increased interest to the lesson, they will all take part in the work; they will active at lessons.

The procedure of the lesson.

1- action. Organization moment:3min.

a) Greeting;

b) Check up absentees;

c) Warm up ;The Song "Good morning"

2- action. Checking the home assignment : 5 min

P64. , ex.8

5- action.Presentation To introduce with the new words:5min.


Can not-can't

The teacher shows and explains by gestures and mimics what does it mean.F.e I can swim.I can't swim(Shaking you head).

Then ex2 p64


Pupil do the activity 1.16(приложение 1) «You can ask me»

Teacher devide class in groups,and give them each a copy of the Graph template,one person in each group write the verbs in the boxes at the bottom of each column and another pupil acts as interviewer,asking each of the others in the group relevant questions.Pupils then colour in a box in each verb column for a positive answer.When they have finished ,ask each group to report their results to you by asking How many pupil can ride a bike?,and so on.

Presentation To introduce with the new words:5min.

The teacher shows and explains by gestures and mimics what does it mean and pupil must guess it.

Violin [ vaiә`lin ]

Flute [ flu:t ]

Guitar [ gita: ]

National [ næʃnәl]

Cello [ ʧelәu ]

Dombyra [dombyra]

Orchestra [ ɔkistra ]

6- action. Practice

p.65 ex4 read the dialogue

Questions to the dialogue

  • What musical instruments can Colin play?

  • What musical instruments can Omar play?

  • What musical instruments can Ben play?

  • What musical instruments can Carol and Asel play?

7- action. 6 min.creative work

P. 67, ex.9 ( Make up the dialogue using these words: ride a bike, ride a horse, swim, stand on your head, use a calculater, use a computer, knit, make tea, speak English, Russian, Kazakh.

8- action. Conclusion. Ch. up the understanding (Рефлексия кезеңі) )2 min.

Pupil do the activity 1.12 "Mystery animals"each group work around a table with a set of animal cards.One pupil turn over a card and look at it in a secret.The other pupil take it in turns to ask questions in order to guess what the mystery animal is, using questions Can it…?The pupil who guesses the animal gets the card.At the end of the game the player with the most cards wins.

Traffic light

Green ---

I have understood

very well.

Yellow ---

I need to work

on this theme.

Red ---

I need help

Урок по английскому языку Ты умеешь играть на гитаре?(5 класс)

Pupils stick a paper on the traffic light.

9- action. Giving marks. 3min.

10- action. Home task: 2min

  • To learn by heart the new words and

  • p.67,ex11

The lesson is over, see you soon, have a nice day! Good bye

Приложение 1

Урок по английскому языку Ты умеешь играть на гитаре?(5 класс)

Урок по английскому языку Ты умеешь играть на гитаре?(5 класс)

Приложение 2

Урок по английскому языку Ты умеешь играть на гитаре?(5 класс)

Урок по английскому языку Ты умеешь играть на гитаре?(5 класс)

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