План урока в 8-м классе по теме Экология

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
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План открытого урока в 8м классе

на тему "Save our planet"

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I квалифик. категории

СОШ №52 Валеева М.Р.

Набережные Челны


План открытого урока в 8м классе

на тему "Save our planet"

Цели: 1. Знакомить с новой песней, систематизировать лексический материал по теме "Экология", повторить образование и употребление пассивного залога.

2. Развивать творческие способности учащихся на уроке, способствовать развитию логического мышления, памяти.

3. Продолжать учить детей бережно относиться к природе.

Оборудование урока: 1. компьютеры;

2. дискета с тестовой программой;

3. магнитофон;

4. кассета;

5. проектные работы учащихся;

6. учебник и рабочая тетрадь.

Ход урока:

  1. Начало урока:

1. Оргмомент: (T → Cl)

  • Good morning boys and girls!

  • (ответ)

  • How are you?

  • (ответ и вопрос)

  • I'm fine too. Sit down please. I want you to be quite and attentive at the lesson.

2. Беседа с дежурным: (T → P)

- Let's begin our lesson and who is on duty today?

- (ответ)

- Is anybody absent today?

- (ответ)

- Thank you. Sit down please.

II. Фонетическая зарядка: (T → Cl → P1P2P3)

Let's repeat some words: destroy, disaster, mammal, petition, pollute, create, jungle, ecology, protect, reptile, placard, environment.

III. Введение в тему урока: (T → P1P2P3)

  • Now answer my questions please. Where do you live?

  • (ответ)

  • Do you like your town? Why?

  • (ответ)

  • Do you like the ecological situation of our town?

  • (ответ)

  • What can you do to improve the ecology of your town?

  • (ответ)

  • Something interesting happened not long ago. Let's listen to the pupils:

(Подготовленная сценка)

Радик - Are you coming to the demonstration on Saturday?

Ильмир - What demo?

Радик - Have you ever read anything, Ilmir? Look at this leaflet. Albina wrote it, you know. (Отдает листовку Ильмиру.)

Ильмир - (Берет листовку и читает ее.) "The Earth is in danger. The 22nd of April is Earth Day. People all over the world think about the planet. They think about air, water, plants and animals on the Earth. They say our planet is in danger. People try and help nature. And you can help nature too. A demonstration will be held on Saturday at 9 o'clock. Please come along and support us." Are you going?

Радик - We all are. I've already made a placard. Kamil and Aliya have made a banner.

On Saturday

All - Save our nature! Save our planet!

Albina - Will you sign our petition, please? (Обращаясь к Данияру.)

Daniyar - Yes, of course.

Alsu - Hi, Albina. Can I join you?

Albina - First sign this petition (подает петицию Алсу). Have you got a placard?

Alsu - Certainly.

Albina - What does your placard mean?

Alsu - I like our nature very much but many trees are cut every year. I am against it. I want to save them.

Daniyar - I invited a reporter from the town television.

Reporter - Excuse me, why have you come to this demo? (Обращаясь к митингующим.)

Firuza - I want to help our nature.

Reporter - Your placard is very interesting, isn't it? What does it mean?

Firuza - I like animals very much. Some of them are very rare and they are protected in national parks. However, every year hundreds of them are killed by poachers. I want to save them.

Albina - I have seen the head of our town. Let's give him this petition. (Обращаясь к мэру) accept our petition, please. (Отдает петицию ему.)

Reporter - I would like to interview the head of our town.

IV. Систематизация лексических и грамматических знаний:

- While our reporter interviews the head of our town, we shall repeat our lexical and grammar material. You will do some tests on the computer:

  • Test №1: match adjectives and nouns.

  • Test №2: match the words similar in meaning.

  • Test №3: take away unnecessary words.

At first listen to the instruction attentively: how to work on the computer. Write your name, sign the class and begin to do the test; read the question, then read the answers and choose only one answer, press the button and remember that you can't change your answer; at the end of the test you'll see your mark.

Test №1

Match adjectives and nouns:



















Test №2

Match the words similar in meaning:

To make dirty and dangerous


A crisis

to cut down

To destroy



a disaster


tropical forests


to pollute







Test №3

Take away unnecessary words:

  1. Street, sky, sea, forest;

  2. Dirty, clear, future, clean;

  3. Leave, plastic, carry, pick;

  4. Destroy, ruin, pollute, build;

  5. Protect, cut, help, take care.

(Ребята выполняют работу на компьютере, если компьютеров не хватает то на листочках, затем сразу проверяем правильность выполненных работ.)

  • Translate the following phrases from English into Russian: Леса вырубаются. Реки загрязняются. Озоновый слой разрушается. Почва вымывается дождем или выдувается ветром. Национальные парки создаются.

- What kind of Voice is used in these sentences?

- (ответ)

- How do we make it? Write down this on the blackboard, please.

- (ответ, идут к доске и пишут формулу образования)

- And now let's listen to the interview between the reporter and the head of our town, but first finish the sentences in this dialogue, using the Passive Voice and then read the dialogue.

The dialogue:

Reporter - What can you say about the ecological situation in our town?

Head of the town - The ecology of our town is not very clear. The air and water … (pollute), trees … (cut down).

Reporter - What do you think about the demonstration last Saturday?

Head of the town - Well, you can see that it … (organize) by a group of young people. I … (invite) to this demonstration and I … (give) a petition. I'm very proud for our youth.

Reporter - I'm very glad to hear that! What have you decided to do?

Head of the town - I think that these young people … (invite) to our meetings and some ecological problems … (solve).

Reporter - Thank you for your interview.

(Сначала ребята вставляют правильную форму глаголов, а затем читают диалог.)

V. Заключительный этап: домашнее задание и итоги урока:

- Now open your diaries and write your homework for the next lesson: page 113 from student's book - to prepare for the test. Thank you for the lesson you were rather active, try to show your knowledge. You have got the following marks…

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