Разработка внеклассного мероприятия Рождество

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Внеклассное мероприятие «Рождество в Англии»

(разработка подготовлена учителем английского языка Мазетовой Т.М.)

Цели: Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Праздники», актуализация лексических и фонетических навыков; поддержание интереса к изучению культурных традиций страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: фильм «Иисус», новогодняя елка, свечи, рождественские блюда.

Музыка: Abba, композиции из балета «Щелкунчик»; Ave Maria

Предлагаемый материал можно использовать в средних и старших классах для проведения вечера, посвященного празднику рождества. Праздник проводится в зале, ученики сидят группами за столиками, украшенными и сервированными блюдами, которые принято готовить в Англии в этот день. На сцене рождественская елка, камин и другие атрибуты этого праздника.

Ход мероприятия:

Звучит музыка «Ave Maria»,девушки в белых платьях со свечами в руках исполняют танец. На этом фоне звучат стихи:

  • Light a Christmas Candle

Enjoy its warmth and flame.

Today is born the Prince of Lights;

To darken world He came.

  • Light a Christmas Candle

Sharing its warmth and flame

With those possessing les of love

As the supreme gift He came

  • Shine Christmas Candle

Glimmer and glow,

Sending Your light

Through the soft-falling snow

  • Shine Christmas Candle

Reminding the earth

Of a long ago star

And a long ago birth

Shine in remembrance

Of the night that He came

Wringing a faith

Warm and bright as your flame

По окончании танца участники рассказывают краткую историю рождения Иисуса Христа.

  • Christmas is a great Christian festival that celebrates the birth of Jesus. The story of the birth of Jesus Christ is found in the New Testament of the Bible. Our Lord was born in Bethlehem, where his mother Mary and Joseph her husband had come to be entered on the lists for paying taxes to the Romans who ruled the country then.

  • Many people had come to the city for that occasion and Bethlehem was crowded, there were no rooms in any of the inns there. So, Mary and Joseph had to lodge for the night in a stable. Here Mary gave birth to her Heavenly Child.

  • Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He was the son of God who came into the world to save people. There was great joy in the Heavens when Jesus was born, and angels were singing praise to him.

  • The first Noel the angel did say

Was to certain poor shepherds in the fields as they lay.

In fields where they lay keeping their ships.

On a colder winter's night that was so deep.

  • They looked up and saw a star

Shining in the East beyond them far.

And to the Earth it gave great light,

and so it continued both day and night.

Демонстрируется отрывок фильма «Иисус» (его рождение и явление к людям).

На сцене младшие школьники, у них в руках колокольчики: они звонят ими и читают стихи.

  • On Christmas day the bells ring

Their ringing sends messages of peace and love

They ring so merrily wishing everybody "Merry Christmas"!

"Merry Christmas"! May our hearts overflow with joy on the birthplace of our Lord.

  • Ring our bells at Christmastime

Proclaim how He has come

For love and brotherhood for all

The goal of Christendom.

  • Ring out all bells across each land

Across each sea of blue,

Until your message reaches the Earth

And echoes back to you.

Ring out, oh bells, and make each heart

Turn from the world's caprice

And bow before the feet of Christ

The master prince of peace.

Участники исполняют песню «Jingle Bells» зал помогает.

  • Britain is now a multi-cultural, multi-faith society and the religious side of Christmas is less significant for many people than the secular traditions of present giving, parties, Christmas trees and Christmas cards.

  • If you try to catch a train on the 24-th December you may have difficulty in finding a seat. This is the day when many people are traveling home to be with their families on Christmas Day. The 25-th of the December for the most British families is the most important festival of the year, it combines the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ with the traditional festivities of winter.

Most families decorate their houses with brightly-colored paper or holly, and they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room, glittering with colored lights and decorations.

  • I think we are a big family too and we celebrate Christmas together. Our girls have cooked Christmas dishes. You can see Gingerbread Men, the Christmas pudding and the Christmas turkey.

The boys have decorated the Christmas tree. I think it's warm here because our fire-place is burning and Santa Claus has promised to visit us. We invite you to our festival table.

(звучит музыка, чаепитие, желающие танцуют)

  • Well, I think that everybody likes our Christmas dishes but one of the Christmas traditions is signing Christmas songs.

(соревнование между столиками на лучшую рождественскую новогоднюю песню)

  • On this day people make presents to each other. They wish their friends "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year". I want you to watch a scene from one Christmas story by O'Henry "The gift of the Magi" about one young couple which had no money to make each other presents for Christmas but still they found the way out.

(ученики показывают сцену из спектакля О'Генри "Two presents")

Сцена 1: Делла стоит у окна и пересчитывает деньги

Della: One dollar and eighty-seven cents and tomorrow will be Christmas. What do I have to do? What shall I do? (плачет, уткнувшись в диванную подушку. Потом успокаивается, подходит к окну, рассуждает вслух)

Tomorrow will be Christmas Day and I have only one dollar and eighty-seven cents with which to buy Jim a present. I have been saving every penny for month with this result.

(вдруг она подходит от окна к зеркалу, распускает волосы, роняет 2-3 слезинки, слова собирают волосы и убегает за кулисы).

Сцена 2:

Вывеска "Hair Goods of all kinds". За столом сидит мадам. К ней подходить Делла.

Della: Will You buy my hair?

Lady: I buy hair. Take off your hat and let me see it…Twenty dollars."

(взвесив волосы на руке)

Della: Give it to me quickly.

Сцена 3:

Снова квартира. Входит Делла с платиновой цепочкой.

Della: (разговаривает сама с собой) I have been running about the shops for 2 hours looking for Jim's present, and I have founded what I wanted. This platinum chain is for Jim's watch. It costs 21 dollars. I'm sure Jim will like it. But I must do something with my hair. I hope Jim won't kill me before he takes a second look at me.

(напевая, приводит себя в порядок. Входит Джим, останавливается, смотрит на Деллу со странным выражением лица.)

Della: Jim, darling, don't look at me that way. I have my haircut and I sold it, because I could not live through Christmas without giving you a present. It will grow again. My hair grows awfully fast. You don't know what a beautiful nice gift I've got for you.

(Джим молча достает сверток из кармана пальто и кладет его на стол)

Jim: Dell, I'm not particular about what hair - do you wear. I like you all the same. But if you unwrap that package, you will see why I behaved that way at first.

(Делла разворачивает упаковку. Следуют восклицания, ахи, слезы.)

Della: Oh, alas. The Combs from a Broadway window. Beautiful combs just the shade to wear in my brown hair.

(Смотрит на Джима с печальной улыбкой) My hair grows so fast, Jim.

(вдруг, вспомнив о чем-то вскакивает).

Oh, oh. You haven't seen your present yet. (Протягивает на ладони Джиму цепочку) Isn't it charming, Jim? I hunted all over town to find it. Give me your watch. I want to see hour it looks on it.

(Но Джим ложится на диван, закинув руки за голову, и улыбается)

Jim: Dell, let's put our Christmas presents away. They are too nice to use them just now. I have sold my watch to get the money to buy your combs.

  • Игра: There is "The fortune tree" on your tables. Take the papers from it and read wishes for you.

Игра: "Pass the Parcel" (см. Учебник Клементьева «Happy English»)

  • There is one old tradition in Great Britain and in America too. They hang up stockings near the fire-place to receive gifts from Santa Claus.

(звучит музыка «Щелкунчик», на ее фоне дети вешают носочки на камин и ложатся спать, появляется Дед Мороз, раскладывает подарки и прячется за камин. Дети просыпаются, находят подарки, радуются.)

  • Do you know who put the presents into your stockings?

Right You are: Santa Claus, Father Frost, Father Christmas!

Do you want to meet a real Santa Claus? Let's call him then: "Father Christmas you are welcome!" (2 раза).

Входит Дед Мороз, звучит музыка Abba "Happy New year".

Дед Мороз: Happy Christmas, my friends! Happy Christmas today!

Let us sing and dance and make each other happy and gay! Happy Christmas today!

(музыка звучит громко. Все танцуют, праздник продолжается)

Father Christmas comes into houses at night and leaves gifts for children. He is a kind man with a read cloak and a long white beard. He visits houses and leaves gifts, carrying people happiness in the coldest months of the year.

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