Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Роль английского языка в будущей профессии Цели: развитие навыков письменной речи (написание эссе); развитие навыков устной речи; активизация материала по теме «Изучение английского языка»,совершенствование навыков монологической речи Оборудование: карточки с таблицей (имена одноклассников) для вопросно-ответной работы по количеству учащихся.Каждый ученик получает таблицу с именами одноклассников для заполнения.Во время воросно-ответной работы дети могут свобрдно передвигаться по классу. При акт...
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Чехова Марина Михайловна учитель английского языка МКОУ сош с.Коста Хетагурова

Роль английского языка в будущей профессии

Цели: развитие навыков письменной речи (написание эссе); развитие навыков устной речи; активизация материала по теме «Изучение английского языка».

Оборудование: карточки с таблицей (имена одноклассников) для вопросно-ответной работы по количеству учащихся.

Ход урока

I.Организационный момент

- Good afternoon, my dear boys! Good afternoon, my dear girls!

How are you? I am glad to hear that you are fine. Today we shall have a talk about English as a language of the world and find out why learning English is useful for you.

II.Речевая разминка

- First I want you to answer my questions. Be active and give the full answers.

Примерные вопросы учителя:

  1. What languages do you speak? (I speak English and Russian.)

  2. Are you proud to be Russian? (Yes, I am. I am proud to be Russian.)

  3. Australians speak English, don't they? (Yea, they do. They speak English.)

  4. Can you name English-speaking countries? (They are Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the USA and others.)

  5. What the most frequently spoken languages do you know? (The most frequently spoken languages in the world are Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, Russian and others.)

  6. What are the six working languages of the United Nations? (They are English, Chinese, Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish.)

  7. Why is it important to learn English nowadays? (It is important to learn English nowadays because every educated person must know it.) Etc.

III.Активизация материала по теме «Английский язык» в устной речи

- It's time to open your textbook, page 164, exercise 27(a). Divide into pairs, please. In our country English is very popular: it is studied at schools (sometimes even at nursery schools), colleges and universities. Most pupils and their parents learn English nowadays. You will discuss the advantages of learning English. Use the statements from the box and add your own ideas.

IV.Развитие навыков устной речи по теме «Изучение английского языка»

- There are different reasons why people all over the world learn English. Let's find out why you and your friends learn English. The word combinations on the blackboard will help you to ask the questions to your friends. Fill in the table and ask the questions to all of your classmates.

Примерная карточка:


Reasons to learn Engkish





Примерные вопросы учителя:

  1. Who learns English to study at a university in the future?

  2. How many pupils think that English is useful when you travel?

  3. Who wants to understand films and songs in English?

  4. Are there any pupils who think that it's easier than other subjects?

  5. Who likes the language? Etc.

1 - useful when you travel.

2 - to get a better job.

3 - to communicate with people in the world.

4 - to understand films and songs in English.

5 - to have to study it at school.

6 - to study at a university.

7 - to do business.

8 - to want to live in an English-speaking country.

9 - to like the language.

10 - to like the teacher.

V. Физкультминутка

- Stand up, please. Let's do exercises.

VI. Активизация навыков монологической речи по теме

«Изучение английского языка»

Примерные карточки ученика и учителя:


Give a short talk on the importance of learning the English language.

Remember to discuss the following:

• why many people all over the world learn English;

• what a good language learner can do well;

• what ways of learning the English language you know;

• how you are planning to use English in future.

You will have to talk for 1.5 minutes. The teacher will only listen. When

you have finished talking she will ask you some questions.


Let the student talk for 1.5 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. Why do many people all over the world learn English?

  2. What can a good language learner do well?

  3. What ways of learning the English language do you know?

  4. How are you planning to use English in future?

All the ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following questions:

What do you find most interesting about learning English?

Skills to be tested:

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

• speak at length elaborating on the topic;

• produce coherent utterances;

• give reasons;

• use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary

appropriate to the context and function.

VII. Развитие навыков письменной речи (написание эссе)

- Once billion people speak English today. That's about 20% of the world's population. 400 million people speak English as their first language. For the other 600 million people it's either a second language or a foreign language. Let's write an essay about the reasons to learn English. You will use the structure of the essay from exercise 27(b), page 164 in your textbooks.

VIII. Поведение итогов урока

- Now you know that learning English is very important. That's all we have time for.

Don't run in school,

Always walk.

Listen to the teacher,

Please, don't talk.

- The lesson is over. Good-buy, my dear friends!

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