Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Праздники и традиции (4 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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по английскому языку

в 4 классе

ТЕМА: Праздники и традиции.(Holidays and Traditions)


Учебная - развитие интереса к изучению английского языка и культуры стран исследуемого языки; актуализация страноведческого материала по теме «Holidays».

Развивающая - развитие навыков речевой деятельности, памяти учеников, мышления, внимание, умение сравнивать, активизировать изученную лексику.

Воспитательная - воспитание умения работать в группе, почтительного отношения к другой культуре; более глубокое осознание своей культуры через культуру англоязычных стран.

Оборудование и оснащение - учебник, тетрадь, карта мира (на английском языке), раздаточный материал, магнитофон. (Стенд с работами детей: открытками и приглашениями на праздник).

Ход урока

І Введение в иностранную атмосферу.

  1. Приветствие

- Good morning, children! (Good morning, teacher).

  • I'm glad to see you. How are you today? (We are fine, thank you. And how are you?)

  • I'm fine, too, thanks. What's the date today? What date of the week is it today? Who's absent? (Pupils' answers)

  1. Сообщение темы та задач урока.

(Teacher): Today we are going on to speak about British holidays and traditions. You will also compare Russian and British celebrations.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания

Let me see what you have done at home. It's time to check up your homework.

Did you make celebration postcards? Please, show them to me and your classmates and describe it.

Ученики показывают открытки, какие они подготовили дома и описывают их.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

And I'd like to begin our lesson with the song «We wish you a Merry Christmas». Let's listen to the song and sing it all together.

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy New Year.

ІІ Основная часть урока.

  1. « Мозговой штурм». Коллективная работа.

What holidays do you know?

Talk about these holidays. What countries do people celebrate them in?

  1. Развитие навыков аудирования (ученики должны запомнить даты английских праздников во время прослушивания материала)

Listen to the text "Holidays in Great Britain" and get ready to answer the questions:

There are a number of holidays, which are celebrated in Great Britain every year. One of them is, of course, New Year's Day on 1 January. It is not so popular in England as in our country, but it is rather popular in Scotland. On that day people usually visit their friends and there is a lot of dancing and eating. In Scotland people bring a piece of coal for good luck in the New Year.

In March there is Mother's Day. It is always the fourth Sunday of Lent. Mothering Sunday is a time when children pay respect to their Mothers. All the children, little or adult ones, come to their mothers on that day to express their love and gratitude.

In April there is Easter. At Easter children eat chocolate Easter eggs. Sometimes parents hide them in the house or in the garden and children have to look for them.

On 31 October there is a Halloween. They say ghosts and witches come out on Halloween. People make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people have Halloween parties and dress as witches and ghosts.

The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It is one of the people's favourite holidays. People put Christmas trees in their houses and decorate them. There are beautiful Christmas decorations in the streets. On Christmas Eve everybody puts the presents under the Christmas tree. People say that at night Father Christmas puts presents into the stockings which children usually hang on their beds. The traditional Christmas meal is roast turkey and Christmas pudding.

3. Актуализация грамматики (повторение количественных и порядковых числительных).

1)Учитель записывает количественные числительные на доске, а ученики образуют из них порядковые.

2)Вчитель спрашивает учеников, когда и какие праздники отмечаются в Британии. Ученики называют свято и его дату при услышанном материале.


Its fun to this
Its fun to be that
To leap like lamp
To climb like a cat
To swim like a fish
To hop like a frog
To trot like a horse
To jump like a frog

  1. Развитие монологической речи.

(T): By the way, what holidays do you like, what kind of holidays do you prefer? As for me, I prefer the New Year. And what about you? (Pupils' answers)

(T): Do you like celebrations?

(Pupil 1):

(T): What's your favourite holiday?


(T): What other special events do you celebrate?


(T): Do you like to give or receive gifts on Christmas Eve?


(T): What gifts would you like to get? What gifts do you usually get?


(T): Have you ever got a present you didn't like? What was your reaction?


(T): What present would you never give to your friend and why?


(T): What do you say when you get presents?


(T): I see. Thank you. I like your answers.

(T): Children, there are some ways of expressing admiration when you receive presents.

Учитель пишет на доске:

Gift-receiving (тот, кто получает):

  1. Thank you very much.

  2. Thanks a lot.

  3. I'm happy to have it.

  4. I'm so grateful to you…

Gift-giving (тот, кто дарит):

  1. You are welcome.

  2. Don't mention it.

  3. I was happy to do it.

  4. It was my pleasure.

(T): Do the rules of gift - receiving and gift - giving differ in our country?

  1. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Работа в парах. Составление диалогов.

Please, make your own dialogues about the Christmas holidays. Play outside situations when you give and receive gifts.

Ученики в парах разыгрывают диалоги. Учитель обращает внимание учеников на интонацию, произношение, грамматику...

ІІІ Заключительная часть урока.

  1. Домашнее задание

1я гр. - подготовить рассказ о праздниках в Британии

2я гр. - подготовить рассказ о праздниках в нашей стране

  1. Подведение итогов

How are you feeling?

  • What interesting things you have learned?

  • What would you like to tell your friends?

Well, at the lesson we spoke about holidays, giving or receiving presents. We'll continue similar work at the next lesson.

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