Презентация по английскому языку English speaking countries

 «Ойын элементтері арқылы оқушылардың қызығушылығын арттыру»                                                   Ойын дегеніміз – жас ерекшелікке қарамайтын, адамның көңіл-күйін көтеретін, ойландыратын үрдіс. Ойын – төзімділікті, алғырттықты, тапқырлықты, ұқыптылықты, ізденіпаздықты, іскерлікті, дүниетаным өрісінің көлемділігінің, көп білуді, сондай-ақ, басқа да толып жатқан сапалылық қасиеттердің қалыптастыруға үлкен мүмкіндігі бар педагогикалық, тиімді әдістерінің бipi. Ол ойындар баланың тапқы...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Презентации
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Subject: English

The grade: 5 "a"


- revise of Gerund and use it in statements.

- to enrich their vocabulary activities by speaking.

- to develop pupils' skills in oral speech though conversation practice.

The type: combined

Methods: Jigsaw, Reflextion, Group work

Expected results: they will be able to use Gerund, work creativity, develop their oral speech through conversation practice, and compare their own work and share ideas.

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.


- Good morning pupils!

- Good morning teacher.

- How are you?

- We are very well. Thank you and you?

- I'm very well, thank you.

a) Dividing the class into 2 groups with cards

Each pupils take cards on the board and divide into 2 groups.

b) Warming up. Read the poem "At the Airport"

Pupils listen and read.

Buy a ticket, go by plane

To the Netherlands or Spain

Planes are taking of the ground

With a very loud sound.

They arrive and fly away

Airplanes with landing lights

Finish their endless flights

There is a runway long and wide

And the flights which are so bright.

II. Checking up the homework

a) Answer the questions.

Let's check up your home task by asking questions, to revise past materials.

1. Do you like to travel?

2. Why do you think people travel?

3. Why do you like to travel?

4. Do you like to travel by air?

5. Do you like to fly by air?

6. Do you know someone who is afraid of flying in an airplane?

b) Pupils retell the texts.

1 st group will retell the text "Orient Express"

2 nd group will retell the text "High-speed trains"

III. Grammar revision: "Gerund"

Pupils' presentation: making posters

To revise the use of Gerund ( -ing form)and giving the examples of pupils orally and writing form. Each group will have task. I'll give you 5 minutes to be ready.

Tasks: a) The Use (with examples)

b) The Form(with examples)

VI. Reading: (Jigsaw) Open your books at page 74.

We'll read the text

" A tragedy in the air".

Then translate into Kazakh all together. I have four tasks for each group. I'll give you five minutes to be ready.

  1. Work with the text (translate)

  2. Read and pull the paragraphs in order.

  3. Word dictation. To compare pupils' writing and remembering skills.

  4. Answer the question about their texts.

  1. What happened at the beginning of the flight?

  2. Why were the passengers nervous and upset then?

  3. What were all the passenger afraid of?

VII. Comprehension check. Make a dialogue.

Pupils make a dialogue between flight attendant and passenger.

VIII. Conclusion (Reflextion)

Consolidate the theme by sticking the stickers on the board.

Pupils take pictures and decide which of the following activities are allowed or not allowed on the plane. Pupils put on the board (one part for allowed things and another is for not allowed part) and read.

Example: reading, drinking, smoking, opening a door and window, eating, standing up, undoing your seats, running, sleeping, walking around.

IX. Ending the lesson.

a) Giving marks

b) Giving home tasks.

The lesson is over, thank you!

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