Сценарий постановки на английском языке Winnie The Pooh

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Donkey's Birthday



Pooh bear




На сцену выходит автор.

Author: Have you ever heard about Winnie-the-Pooh? Allan Milne has written a story about him and his friends. Winnie-the-Pooh was a small bear who liked honey. He had got a lot of friends: Piglet, Donkey and Owl.

Автор отходит в сторону. На сцену выходит ослик и стоит с грустным видом.

Author. Well, it`s Donkey`s birthday today, but he is very sad.

На сцену выбегает веселый, беззаботный Винни-Пух.

Pooh Bear. Good morning, Donkey!

Donkey. Is it really a good morning?

Pooh Bear. No, it isn`t. You look very sad.

Donkey. I`m not sad. It`s my birthday today.

Pooh Bear. Your birthday?

Donkey. Yes, my birthday. Look at all these presents and the birthday cake.

Pooh Bear. Where are your presents? And where is the birthday cake?

Donkey. Can`t you see them?

Pooh Bear. No, I can`t. But is it really your birthday?

Donkey. It is.

Pooh Bear. Happy birthday, Donkey!

Donkey. Thank you. But it`s not a happy day for me. There are no presents and no birthday cake.

Author. Pooh Bear and Piglet are sad now, too. They haven`t got birthday presents for Donkey. At home Pooh and Piglet find a jar of honey. Pooh thinks it`s a nice present for Donkey, but Pooh and Piglet can`t give Donkey only one present.

На сцену выбегает пятачок.

Piglet. Ah! I`ll give Donkey a balloon! I`ve got a big red balloon at home.

Пятачок убегает.

Author. Pooh is going to give Donkey the present. But on his way he is eating and eating the honey (you know, bears love honey).

Pooh Bear. Oops! There is no honey in the jar. What will I do? I have a great idea! I will ask my clever friend Owl!

Подходит к сове.

Pooh Bear. Hello, Owl! I had the jar with honey for Donkey's birthday, but the jar is empty now. What can I do?

Owl. Well, a jar is a really nice present. Donkey can keep things in it.

Pooh Bear. Great! We can write "Happy Birthday" on it. Have you got a pencil?

Owl. Yes, I have. I've got a nice red pencil. Give me your jar.

Pooh Bear. Here you are.

Author. Owl writes "Happy Birthday, dear Donkey!" on the jar. Pooh Bear is very happy.

Сова и Винни уходят.

Author. But Piglet is very sad.

С разных сторон сцены к центру выходят Ослик и Пятачок.

Piglet. Hi, Donkey! Happy birthday!

Donkey. Thank you. But is it really my birthday?

Piglet. Yes, it is. And I've got a present for you.

Donkey. Really? A present for me, for my birthday?

Piglet. Yes, I've got a balloon for you.

Donkey. A balloon? A real big balloon?

Piglet. Yes and no. It's not a real balloon and it's very small.

Пятачок протягивает шарик ослику.

Piglet. Sorry, Donkey, I burst it.

Donkey. (Рассматривая шарик, с печалью в голосе) My balloon! My present! You burst it?

Piglet. Yes, I'm very sorry.

Вбегает радостный Винни.

Pooh Bear. Happy birthday, Donkey! I have a present for you.

Donkey. Thank you.

Pooh Bear. Look, what I've got here. (Протягивает ослику подарок) It's a useful pot.

Donkey. Really? Here is my red balloon. And here is my useful pot. Wow! I`m so happy right now. Thank you for the presents, my dear friends.

The end.

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