Контрольная работа по теме Неличные формы глагола

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Есть
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Контрольная работа «Неличные формы глагола»


1 Закончите предложения, используя инфи­нитив или герундий.

1)1 started (write) my letter this afternoon.

  1. She promised (go) to the doctor.

  2. (Travel) ______ by air is interesting.

  3. SКонтрольная работа по теме Неличные формы глаголаhe enjoys (cook) __ Indian meals.

  4. Would you mind (open) the window?

  5. Let me (explain) the exercise to you.

  6. IКонтрольная работа по теме Неличные формы глагола'm looking forward to (see) my parents again.

  7. Peter gave up (learn) Chinese.

9)Is (eat) ice-cream allowed on this bus?

2 Выберите правильную форму причастия

1) Be careful while (переходя) the bridge. It's dangerous.

a) crossing; b) having crossed.

2) (Прождав) outside the office for some time we decided to
visit the cafe.

a) Having waited; b) Waiting.

3) (Схватив) the knife he began to threaten.

a) Catching; b) Having caught.

4) They saw some men (едущих на велосипедах) towards the

a) riding bikes; b) having ridden bikes.

5) (Прожив) abroad for a long time she forgot her native language.

a) Having lived; b) Living.



Закончите предложения, используя инфи­нитив или герундий.

1)Last night, we tried (call) ______ our parents.

2)Are you interested in (visit) museums?

3)My mother had forgotten (buy) sugar. So she made

me (go) back to the supermarket.

4)Have you finished (paint) the room yet? No, I haven't.

5)I hope (see) you again soon.

6)May I (help) you? Yes, you can start (clean)

the kitchen.

7) We agreed (cook) a typical English meal for our


8)He dislikes (dance) .

9)Don't let him (drive) the car.

2 Выберите правильную форму причастия

1) The woman was found (читающей) in her bed.

a) having read; b) reading.

2) (Подготовившись) well for the speech she had a success.

a) Preparing; b) Having prepared.

3) (Прожив) abroad for a long time she forgot her native language.

a) Having lived; b) Living.

4) (Прождав) outside the office for some time we decided to
visit the cafe.

a) Having waited; b) Waiting.

5) Be careful while (переходя) the bridge. It's dangerous.

a) crossing; b) having crossed.

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