Тест Вводный модуль для 5 класса к УМК Английский в фокусе

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Test « Starter unit»

Exercise1. Match the columns.

1. The UK a) The Statue of liberty

2. The USA b) a Queen's guard

3. Australia c) kiwi

4. New Zealand d) kangaroo

Exercise2. Match the letter with its sound.

1. Bb a)ei

2. Aa b)d

3. Ee c)k

4. Oo d)ʌ

5. Cc e)ai

6. Uu f)b

7.Ii g)i:

8. Dd h)ou

Exercise3. Put the letters in the alphabetical order.

Ss, Aa, Dd, Hh, Tt, Ff, Ww, Pp, Ll, Qq,Rr, Yy

Exercise4. Fill in the gaps.

g…rlic, …nt, in… ,k…te, un…form, t…ain, j…m, …ueen, d…ll, r…b…t.

Exercise5. Do the sums.

e.g. 1+1=2 (one plus one equals two)

2-1=1 (two minus one equals one)

1)3+2=5 2)6-3=3 3) 10-2= 8 4) 9-2= 7 5)10-6=4

Exercise6. Write down the colour.

1. Bananas, the sun, lemons are ……

2. The sky, the smurfs are ……

3. A zebra is black and ….

4. The grass is …..

5. Chocolete, coffee are ….

Exercise7. Write down the verb.

1.In the bedroom I usually(обычно) …… .

2. at the gum I can ….. .

3. In the park I can ….. .

4.At school I can ….., …. ,….,…. .(4 слова)

Exercise 8.Find the odd word and translate it.

1. Glue, dress, skirt, jeans, blouse

2. Chair, bed, desk, sofa, crayon.

3. Books, notebooks, school bags, paperclip, erasers

4. Pen, Pencil case, Ruler, sharpener,Paperclips

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