Олимпиада по английскому языку. doc

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ГОУ НПО "Дубоссарский многопрофильный профессиональный лицей"


по английскому языку

для II курса.


Гриценко Ю.В., преподаватель

английского языка

Дубоссары 2015 г.

I. Complete the sentences using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple or Future Simple tense.

1. Tomorrow Nick (not go) to school.

2. Look! My friend (play) football.

3. Kate (not write) letters every month.

4. We (see) a very good film last Sunday.

5. You … just (clean) your room . Let's have a rest.

6. … your classmates (walk) yesterday in the park?

7. What … your mum (do) now?

II. Choose the right form of the verb.

1. Let's stop … something.

a) eat b) to eat c) eating

2. I can only … everything is well.

a) hope b) to hope c) hoping

3. My sister would like … a taxi home.

a) take b) to take c) taking

4. Do you want … me any present?

a) give b) to give c) giving

5. I hate …, but would you do the cleaning?

a) ask b) to ask c) asking

III. Вставьте do или does.

1….you sleep well? Yes, I…

2….your sister wash the plates? Yes, she….

3.What your teacher read to you?

4….. Mr. Snowdon speak Russian? No, he….not.

5.Where…. you take books from?

IV. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям.

1.Michael works on a farm. Where….?

2.Brenda lives in London. Does…?

3.Kevin goes out with friends in the evening. When…?

4.Luc likes tea with lemon. What…?

V. Вставьте вместо точек предлоги времени.

…..Monday ….weekend ….six o'clock

…..midnight …..September …..first of March

…..half past two …..winter …..afternoon

VI. Напишите время словами.

14.30 12.00 07 р.м. 3.15 а.m.

17.45 4.10 р.м. 6.20 а.m. 8.05 р.m.

VII. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единственно правильный.

1. Could you close … window, please.

a) a

b) the

c) an

d) -

2. We are going for a walk. You can go with … .

a) we

b) us

c) our

d) ours

3. It was a through train so we … change trains.

a) mustn't

b) hadn't

c) didn't have to

d) had not to

4. If I want to buy a jacket I always … .

a) try it on

b) try on it

c) try it

d) it try on

5. We have been warned … the danger of smoking here.

a) about

b) against

c) at

d) from

VIII. Complete the sentences.

Example: If Mike … (do) his best at school, his parents would be happy with his marks. -

If Mike did his best at school, his parents would be happy with his mark

1. If my friend … (be) at home, he would tell us what to do.

2. If you did your morning exercises every day, your health … (be) much better.

3. If they … (not go) to Moscow next year, they would hear that famous musician.

4. You … (not feel) so bad if you … (not smoke) too much.

5. If you … (speak) English every day, you …(improve) your language skills.

IX. Choose the correct pronoun.

1.The teacher doesn't want … to speak Russian in class.

a) we b) us c) they

2. I'd like … to help Peter.

a) you b) your c) yours

3. He expects … to come on Sunday.

a) I b) my c) me

4. Our mum would like … to take care of our cat.

a) them b) us c) we

5. Do you want … to meet him at the airport?

a) they b) their c) them

X. Напишите указанные существительные во множественном числе.

Class, ox, baby, leaf, sheep, advice, shoe, hero, roof, factory

XI. Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.

Tall, big, grey, angry, carefull, narrow, expensive, cold, clever, difficult, bad

XII. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Beautiful, we, sailing, boat, on, a, are.

2. Cinema, you go, to, will, the, when?

3. Many, in, I, my, library, have, books.

XIII. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1.Donald is the happyest boy in our school.

2.My friends is coming to us on Sunday.

3.I like playing in volleyball.

XIV. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Она встает в 7 часов утра.

2.Мы любим гулять в парке.

3.Они смотрят телевизор сейчас.

4.Что делает Том?

5.Вчера я написал письмо своему другу.

6.Ты никогда не были в Лондоне.

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