Разработка урока My school Life

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Тема: "My school Life"

Цели и задачи:

1. Прививать любовь к своей школе.
2. Формировать умение творчески использовать знакомый речевой материал в новых ситуациях
4. Активизировать употребление в речи учащихся новых слов и фраз.
5. Учить читать с опорой на догадку.
6. Совершенствовать технику чтения.

Оснащение: учебник «Happy English.ru» (авторы К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман), тематические картинки, кроссворд, аудиозаписи по теме, картинки с новыми словами, перфокарты.


1. Орг. момент. Фонзарядка.

-Let's do our phonetic exercise

The more we learn, the more we know.
The more we know, the more we forget.
The more we forget, the less we know.
The less we forget, the more we know
So why study?

2. Answer my questions.

-Do you go to school?

-What subjects do you learn?

-Do you know the proverb "Knowledge is power"?

-Do you like our school?

-Who is your class teacher?

-What is your favourite school subject?

-Where do you get knowledge from?

-Many of your classmates demonstrate good knowledge of school subjects. Why? How can you explain this?

-How many girls and boys are in your class?

3. Do you know words about school?

1. pen
2. pencil
3. book
4. ruler
5. bag
7. desk
8. teacher
9. blackboard
10. pupil
11. classmates
12. Tell him or her about your lesson

4. Let's talk about our school.

a. Describe your typical day at school to your new American friend.
b. Tell him or her about your school.
c. Tell him or her about your school subjects.
d. Tell your friend about your school, class(classrooms, your class teacher)
e. Tell your friend about your sport lessons.
f. Describe your classroom to your friend.
g. Tell your friend where your get knowledge. How do you increase it?
h. Tell him or her about English lessons.
i. Describe your typical lessons.
j. Describe your extracurricular activities.

Примeрные ответы учащихся

1) I get up at 7o'clock, make my bed, have breakfast and go to school. Our lessons begin at 9o'clock. Every day we have six lessons, except Saturday. On Saturday we have only five lessons. Every lesson lasts 45 minutes. After third lesson we have lunch. Our lessons finish at 2o'clock.

2) We have many subjects. They are: Russian, Baskir, English, Mathematics, History, Music, Sport, Culture of Bashkortostan, Physical training, Literature and others. My favorite subject is English. It is interesting and exciting at the history lessons. Our History teacher Marat Robertovich is a good teacher. He explains a new material simply and interestingly.

3) I live in Kuzhanak. I attend Kuzhanak secondary school. It is not very big but it is very nice. A new building of our school was build in 1999. Our deputies M. M. Usmanov and Sarbaev helped to build this new building.

In front of our school there is a garden for flowers. Not far from our school there is a garden for cabbage, onion, carrot, cucumber, tomato, garlic, beetroot, garden radish and others.

4) I like my school. Here we have a computer room where we can or work with computer. Our school library is not very big there we can find every book we need. Our classrooms are well equipped and nicely decorated.

5) My school is great. Especially I like my sport lessons. My favorite spots are basketball, volleyball, ping- pong and football. But at the same time we don't have enough sport facilities at school. I like swimming but there is no swimming- pool in our school. Our schoolchildren can attend their favorite clubs. I attend basketball and volleyball clubs.

6) It is interesting and pleasant at our English lessons. Our English teacher is Faniya Gayazovna. She is 45 years old. Her hobby is music and dancing That's why she teacher us to sing English songs and dance. We translate texts from English into Russian and from Russian into English. We read, write, play different games at the lessons. My favourite lesson is English.

6) Extracurricular activities are different in our school. There are some clubs: cooking, drama and sport games. I attend basketball club. We have different parties after classes, print our school newspaper. In the newspaper we write about our school life.

6.Which of the following school subjects do you like or hate?(для слабых учащихся)

  • Russian

  • Literature

  • Mathematics

  • History

  • Natural history

  • English

  • Art

  • Music

  • Labor training

7. Which of the following activities do you like or hate? (для сильных учащихся)

  • To take part in the concerts

  • To draw pictures and posters

  • To learn and sing the song

  • To dance

  • To solve sum

  • To translate texts from English into Russian

  • To play basketball

  • To play volleyball

  • To read books

  • To write a composition

8. What do you think about your school subjects?








9. Ex. 6 p.192

Fill in the gaps.

10. Ex.4 p.191

Listen to the Misha's timetable and make up your own timetable.

11. Ex.9 p.193 (Homework, learn the song by heart)

-Thank you for the lesson.


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