Тесты, задания по теме Inventions 11 класс

                                                      INVENTIONS  (11 form) 1.                     1.   Вставить подходящее по смыслу слово:    A)information, b)computer, c)available, d)problems, e)advantageThe most popular gadget is a personal (1)___. Computers allow us to access the latest (2)____ really quickly. Interaction with the world is a great (3)____ of a computer. Large amounts of information become (4)____.But sometimes we can have (5)_____with computes.2. Соотнесите названия изобрет...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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INVENTIONS (11 form)

  1. Вставить подходящее по смыслу слово:

  1. A)information, b)computer, c)available, d)problems, e)advantage

The most popular gadget is a personal (1)___. Computers allow us to access the latest (2)____ really quickly. Interaction with the world is a great (3)____ of a computer. Large amounts of information become (4)____.But sometimes we can have (5)_____with computes.

  1. Прочитайте диалог и перефразируйте его в текст:

Andrian: My computer keeps crashing. The cursor sticks in the same place and I can not do anything((

Paul: Do a full scan with your anti-virus software. It could be a virus that's causing your problem.

1.Adrian has got a problem with…………2.His computer keeps …………………….3.It seems that the cursor…………………4.Paul suggests scanning………………... 5.He thinks that the cause of the problem could be………

  1. Что нужно сделать чтобы:…

What do you do if you want to…

1 use a program? A You open it.
2 finish using a program? B You save it.
3 see the information in a file? C You load it and then run it.
4 to destroy a file? D You exit or quit.
5 keep the information in a file? E You delete it.

  1. Перевести:

1."I would be helpless and lonely without the Internet."

2."It would be the end of the world if I lost my mobile phone."

3."I can't live without my computer."

4."No doubt, TV is the most necessary thing at our home."

5."I'm sure, iPod is a necessity rather than a luxury."

5. Соотнесите названия изобретений с текстами о них.

1) the steam engine, 2) gunpowder, 3) the Internet, 4) the Gregorian calendar, 5) the eraser 6) the compass

a) Whenever we think about ____ we start feeling the joy of our everyday life, how we stay in touch, share information, complete tasks, and even make money.

b) is the most remarkable invention of man. Without it, the world simply wouldn't exist as we know it. This invention was at the root of the Industrial Revolution. It helped in the progress of the world's economy, industry, and technology.

c) ______ was invented in 1582.The system adopted a leap year. Four years make up a cycle, with an extra or "leap" day added to the fourth year to keep the dates and months synchronized with the solar cycle.

d) The earliest version of the ____ was made in China in the year 1044. Mariners use it to navigate in the sea. It is used to calculate the latitude and the longitude as well. Basically, it is used to find the magnetic North Pole of the Earth.

e)The discovery of ______has been credited to Chinese alchemists around 9th century. This was the result of many scientific experiments. There were various formulas that were used and these contained different proportions of nitrate. It was used not only for fireworks but its mentions were found in the Chinese military treatise as well.

f) Invented in 1770 ___ was intended to delete lead pencil marks. Before its invention, bread was used. English engineer Edward Naine gave us a much better alternative, using natural rubber.

7. Answer the questions:

a) What gadgets are useful in the kitchen?
b) What gadgets help to learn foreign languages?
c) What gadgets help in getting information?
d) What gadgets help do a lot of things faster and better?
e) What gadgets help connect people who lives so far away from each other?

8. Read the dialogue and answer the questions:

Assistant Good morning, Sir. Can I help you?
Customer Ah, yes. I need to buy something for my son. It's his birthday at the weekend. He will be 14, you know…

Assistant OK. So what exactly are you looking for?
Customer Well, I'm not sure, really. But I know he likes computers, and gadgets, and things like that.
Assistant Has he already got a computer?
Customer Yes, he has. But he's always complaining about it! He says 'it's like you, dad - too old, and too slow'.
Assistant Well, maybe he'd like a new laptop.
Customer Yes, maybe.
Assistant What does he use his computer for?
Customer Mostly for computer games, I think.
Assistant Well, this is a good one - and less than $500. It's got 512 megabytes of RAM .

Customer What's RAM?
Assistant It's a type of memory - you need it for playing computer games. And this week only, you get the free scanner with it.
Customer And how much is it, exactly?
Assistant $495.
Customer That's quite a lot. Have you got anything that's just for playing games?
Assistant A gaming console, you mean?
Customer Er, yes.
Assistant Has he got Xbox?
Customer Eggbox?
Assistant No, Xbox - Xbox 360. Or is he a fan of Wii?
Customer I'm sorry, I've no idea what you're talking about.
Assistant This new console is very popular. It's got a 20 gigabyte hard drive. And it comes with a free game.
Customer But I wouldn't really know what he wants. Maybe I'd better buy him something for his computer - you know, an extra.
Assistant This new keyboard and mouse are very popular. They work with any computer. The keyboard is wireless. There are eight multimedia keys. The mouse is wireless too. It has two buttons, so you can left-click or right-click. And we've got a special offer this week.
Customer Really? What is it?
Assistant I can let you have the keyboard, the mouse and a pair of speakers for just $20.

Customer OK. I'll buy them.

  1. Why did the customer want to buy anything in the shop?

  2. Does his son have a good computer?

  3. What does his son use a computer for?

  4. Was the laptop offered by the assistant expensive for the customer?

  5. Did the customer use a special offer?

10. Put 5 inventions in order of importance for: elderly people; young people; a family couple; children;

11. Закончите предложения:

What would people do if they didn`t have these inventions?

(electricity, the refrigerator, the calculator, the plane, satellites, the air conditioner, the ballpoint pen, the elevator).

Eg. If people didn't have …, they would…...

12. Поставьте слово в скобках в нужную форму:

a) Michael Faraday is the 1)……. (invent) of the electric motor. Without this, we would not have the 2)……. (technology) appliances we take for granted today. Faraday's face used to be on the British 20 pound note from 1991 to 2001.

b) George Stephenson 3) ……. (design) a steam train locomotive called the "Rocket". It was a great success and encouraged the 4) ……. (grow) of railways, which played a very important part in the 5) ………(industry) Revolution in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Many of the items we use today were invented during that time.

c) Charles Babbage is considered by most to be the "Father of Computing". By 1834, he had invented the "analytical engine" which established the 6) ….. (base) principles of computing. Although he never completed any of his 7) …. (computer) machines, his detailed 8) ….. (draw) were used to build a model of his Difference Engine № 2 at the London Science Museum. It was completed in 1991, and it performed mathematical 9) …… (calculate) very accurately.

d) John Logie Baird worked hard to transmit the first real television images, a dream of many 10) …. (science) for decades before. His first "TV set" could be made from everyday objects such as a biscuit tin, cardboard and string! Later, others 11) ….. (take) Baird's ideas and 12) ….. (slow) developed TV as we know it today.

13. Распределите в таблице достоинства и недостатки данных изобретений :



The car

The mobile phone


  1. to travel quickly wherever you want in comfort;

  2. might be dangerous for our health

  3. to take pictures.

  4. to save time, not to depend on public transport;

  5. to watch a film.

  6. after accidents people spend a lot of money on repairing and restoring it

  7. can be used by terrorists to blow a bomb.

  8. makes people lazy

  9. to take part in race competitions

  10. shows a lot of violent scenes

  11. to communicate with people in any situation;

  12. to get news from all over the world

  13. spend a lot of time in traffic jams

  14. students can't listen to the teacher or work if they send text messages or play games;

  15. in accidents people might be injured and even killed

  16. to learn new facts about other countries, people

  17. to call an ambulance or the police in case of emergency;

  18. pollute the atmosphere with car exhausts

  19. to get and send some information;

  20. damages health, bad for eyes;

  21. makes people addictive, they depend on a soap opera or a programme

  22. a ring might be a serious distraction in a classroom;

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