План урока Обобщение по теме Human rights 9 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Тема: Обобщение грамматики и лексики по теме «Human rights»

Дата - 17/18.03.2014


Класс - 9

Цель: обобщение и систематизация знаний


- повторение правил словообразования, расширение словарного запаса;

- сравнение и обобщение грамматических правил образования и употребления условных предложений;

- развитие навыков монологической речи, умения вступать в/поддерживать дискуссию;

- совершенствование произносительных навыков.


- развитие зрительной и слуховой памяти, логического, аналитического, критического мышления, внимательности.


- воспитание умения слушать и слышать друг друга, взаимоуважения;

- формирование положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.

- развитие умений само- и взаимоконтроля.

Ход урока:

  1. Мобилизующее начало.

- Good morning, dear students. Nice to see you. Sit down, please.

- How are you? Are you fine?

  1. Актуализация лексического материала.

(на доске список слов разных частей речи)

Race, democratic, nationality, declare, tolerant, relate, separatist, discriminate, diverse, equality, protect, violent.

  • Choose the words according to the part of speech (по вариантам - сущ., прил., глаг.) and make up all possible parts of speech.










nation, nationality















  1. Постановка целей и задач.

  • What will we do today? - Speak about human rights and discrimination

  • How can these words help you? - To use different parts of speech while speaking.

  • You are right. So today we'll remember and practice how to build words and practice using them in speech.

  1. Активизация лексики в монологическом высказывании.

  • Complete the sentences (на карточках - 3 варианта) using one of your words and other students - listen and translate them/ say your opinion about it.

Noun group:

  1. … (Racists) are people who discriminate the people of different color of their skin or people of other … (nationality). It is called … (racial) discrimination.

  2. The Declaration of Human rights guarantees everybody … (equal) rights with other people.

  3. If politicians can't agree with common ideas they become … (separatists) and can cause conflicts in the government.

  4. If Napoleon and Hitler had accepted … (equality) of different …(nations), the Wars wouldn't have taken place.

Verb group:

  1. The … (Declaration) of Human rights is an international document that guarantees … (protection) of people's freedoms and interests.

  2. People all over the world want to be … (protected) against any … (discrimination) - age or sexual, religious or racial.

  3. If people have bad … (relationships), they may often quarrel or if people often quarrel, they may … (relate) each other badly.

  4. If people don't … (discriminate) other nations, we will live peacefully.

Adjective group:

  1. People who have … (diverse) opinions may not understand each other.

  2. The Declaration of Human rights can stop … (violence) against people.

  3. If you do not respect other people's culture and do not accept other opinions you have no … (tolerance). You can be called an … (intolerant) person.

  4. If they had … (democracy) in Arabic countries, they would give equal rights to women and men.

  • Agree or disagree with each statement. Explain why you think so.

  • I completely agree/ disagree with it.

  • I don't think so.

  • I'm not sure that …

  • I'm afraid I can't agree with it.

  • I feel strongly against/ for it.

  • On the one hand it's true/ false but on the other hand …

  1. Активизация грамматики.

- Compare the sentences 3 and 4 in your cards. Are they similar or different? Why do you think so?

  • How do we call such sentences? (conditional)

  • What conditional types do you know? How many of them are there in English? Let's draw the table and compare them.

- Make up conditional sentences using the phrases from ex. 141 p.145.

1) If I saw some schoolboys beating a smaller boy, I would try to stop violence. (Etc.)

- And what would you really do?

- Change these sentences according to 1and 3 conditional types.

  1. Диалог-расспрос.

- Answer my questions, please.

- What would you do if you …(saw a crocodile in the street/ visited London/ lived in the Ukraine/ were a president, etc.)

- If I … I would …

- Make up your own dialogues. Ask as many questions as you can (but not less than 5).

  1. Подведение итогов. Оценивание.

  • Thank you, dear students. You are very good/ right/ active today. What was the most difficult for you? Do you have any questions?

  • The most active and correct students today were … I'll give you "5".

  • … worked quite well today. I'll give you "4".

  1. Домашнее задание:

- Learn your dialogues at home (in roles). Thank you for the lesson. See you next time.

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