Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Британские газеты (3-ий год обучения)

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Newspapers as the mass media.

Открытый урок для учащихся 3го года обучения англ. языку

Учителя английского языка

Лёгенькой Елены Алексеевны


  • Развивающая: развивать лексические навыки говорения по теме "Newspapers".

  • Учебная: учить использовать вербальные опоры, практиковать выполнение упражнений с функциональными опорами.

  • Воспитательная: воспитывать страноведческую компетенцию, любознательность.


  • Овладеть новыми словами в сочетании с ранее изученными.

  • Развивать умение извлекать информацию из предложенного материала.

  • Развивать навык чтения с общим охватом содержания

  • Учить строить аргументированное высказывание.

  • Развивать языковую догадку.

Ход урока:

І. Оргмомент:

- Good morning, boys and girls.

- Good morning, Елена Алексеевна.

- Take your sits, please. I'm very glad to see you. We are so pleased to see our guests today and we'll try to make our lesson useful and interesting.

Установка: Today we are going to speak about newspapers. It is no wonder that the 21st century is known as information age. The mass media actually rule the world and play a very important part in our lives. Newspapers are one of the oldest sources of information. We hear the word "newspaper" almost every day. There are dozens of them on every news-stand. But are they important nowadays? Do people read them very often? And do newspapers have more advantages or disadvantages?

Таким образом, в конце урока мы узнаем в наши дни чего больше в газетах преимуществ или недостатков. И являются ли газеты на сегодняшний день важным источником информации.

ІІ. Речевая разминка:

- Well, and who can tell me what do people read newspapers for? What kind of information would they like to find?

- They want to learn some news (TV programs, horoscopes, advertising etc.).

- And do you or your friends, relatives read newspapers?

- No, my mother doesn't like reading newspapers.

- My father (grandfather, uncle) likes reading newspapers. Etc.

- Children, do you know that the British is one of the biggest newspapers - reading nations in the world? They know all about their newspapers. And let's check up what you know about the British press.

We'll do exercise (№1) in your sheets of papers. You should read the statements and then answer: true or false.

  • The first British newspaper appeared about 200 years ago.

  • It was The Times.

  • There are about 120 daily and Sunday newspapers and about 1000 weekly newspapers.

  • There is a big range of newspapers for every kind of people's interest.

  • The British newspapers write about politics and economy only.

  • English businessmen like to read newspapers in the mornings very much.

ІІІ. Аудирование:

- Ребята, а чтобы мы с вами могли проверить насколько верно выполнено данное задание, я пригласила к нам в гости представителя одной очень крупной Британской информационной компании мистера Дэвида Робинсона. Давайте поприветствуем его. Мистер Робинсон расскажет нам об истории английских газет и о том, какие виды газет в Великобритании. А после его выступления мы проверим верно ли мы выполнили упражнение или нет.

(Выходит один ученик и делает доклад.)

Britain's first newspaper appeared over 300 years ago. It was The Weekly News founded in 1622.

Nowadays the British public has a large range of newspapers. There are about 120 daily and Sunday newspapers and about 1000 weekly newspapers. There are newspapers for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men and women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening, fishing, hunting, for those who keep pets and so on. Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance, some aim to entertain their readers.

Generally, there are 4 types of all newspapers in England. They are:

  • International newspapers ( The European, The Guardian International)

  • National newspapers (The Times, The Independent, The Daily Mirror, The Sun)

  • Regional newspapers (The Manchester Evening News, The Yorkshire Post)

  • Local newspapers (Newsletter - a newspaper of the university of Bristol)

- And now let's check up your exercise. (проверяем с помощью компьютера)

ІV. Поисковое чтение:

1) - Итак, ребята, из доклада мистера Робинсона мы узнали, что в Великобритании 4 типа газет. Давайте ещё раз вспомним какие. (слайд на компьютере - схема типов газет)

- There are 4 types of English newspapers. They are international, national, regional and local.

- Yes, that's right. But national newspapers are divided into two main kinds. What are they you can find in the text in your books. Please, open your books to page107 exercise 3. Scan the text and find the names of the two main kinds of newspapers in the UK.

- The main kinds of newspapers in the UK are broadsheets and tabloids. (слайд на компьютере)

2) - Now let's find the best Russian equivalents for the words "tabloid" and "broadsheet". More than one translation is possible.

3) - Excellent. And now we should answer the question: What is the difference between broadsheets and tabloids? To do this task you will read this text again and then we'll work in groups. (Учащиеся в слух по очереди читают текст без перевода.)

V. Работа в группах:

1) - Boys and girls, now you will work in groups to answer the question: What is the difference between broadsheets and tabloids? You can see the envelopes on your tables. There are some facts there. You should fill in the table with right facts. It is exercise №2 in your sheets. (учащиеся выбирают из конверта какие факты какому виду газет подходят и наклеивают их в нужный столбик в таблице.)

- Give your tables to your neighbors on the left and check them with the help of computer. (проверяем с помощью компьютера)

2) - Tell me, please, to your mind which of these facts are advantages and which of them are disadvantages for every kind of newspaper. Put plus or minus.

- How many advantages have broadsheets / tabloids in your opinion? What about you?

VІ. Выводы:

-Ребята, вы видите, что у широкоформатных газет и жёлтой прессы примерно одинаковое количество достоинств и недостатков. Всё зависит единственно от вашего вкуса. Но в начале урока мы поставили перед собой задачу: ответить на вопрос, чего же больше вообще в газетах преимуществ или недостатков. В этом нам поможет следующее упражнение. You should do exercise №3 in your sheets. Read these sentences and fill in the gaps with the words advantage and disadvantage according to your opinion. (Учащиеся читают предложения, которые являются выводом к уроку, и вставляют в пробелы слова " advantage and disadvantage" в зависимости от их мнения. Проверяем с помощью компьютера.)

There are many newspapers in the world. Some of them publish serious article on politics, economy, and finance, some aim to entertain their readers. I think it is ……………… that there are newspapers for businessmen, for children and teenagers for men and women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening, fishing, hunting and so on. The ………………… of all the newspapers is that they provide us with extra detail, comment and background information. But it is …………………. that very often newspapers are full of dramatic events about natural disasters, plane crashes and murders. One more ………………….. is that newspapers are full of gossip about different celebrities and private lives.

-итак, ребята посмотрите, какой хороший вывод получился у нас. Да, в наши дни газеты утрачивают свою значимость, ведь наряду с ними появилось телевидение и интернет, и газеты зачастую пишут о маловажных вещах. Но они всё равно остаются востребованными, т. к. имеют большое разнообразие тем и предоставляют много дополнительной информации. Но хотите ли читать газеты вы? На этот вопрос я попрошу вас ответить дома.

VІІ. Подведение итогов:

- You'll work in groups as you are sitting. I give some newspaper articles from the original English newspapers. You should read them, understand and then write a short summary what would you prefer to read broadsheets or tabloids. Write about 10 sentances.

-And our lesson is going to the end. Thank you for your work, pupils. You were rather active. And the most active were….. They get 5. I must note other children….. They get 4. But the other children must be more attentive and active. Now our lesson is over. See you tomorrow.

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