Конспект урока Наша планета Земля

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Технологическая карта урока № 1

Дата: 10.09.2015г

Студент: Аловягина Ольга

Учитель: Ковалева Светлана Александровна

Класс: 8

Тема урока:

Наша планета Земля

№ урока по календарно-тематическому плану:


Цель урока:

тренировка в употреблении новой лексики по теме «Планета Земля».

Задачи урока**:

  1. Познакомить и закрепить новые ЛЕ по теме, формирование навыков поискового чтения и навыков монологической речи;

  2. Развивать память, внимание, наблюдательность, интеллектуальную сферу личности учащихся

  3. Воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка, чувство взаимопомощи.

Тип урока:



Учебник, аудиоматериал, записи на доске; карточки с поговорками.

Основные понятия:

Английские поговорки, речевые образцы, название планет,

Организация пространства

Межпредметные связи

Формы работы


География, астрономия


  • Групповая

  • Индивидуальная

  • Парная

  • УМК «Enjoy English»

  • Интерактивная доска

  • СD

Ход урока

Этап (название)

Задача этапа

(конкретизировать для подэтапов)

Содержание (речь учителя)


Методы, приемы работы.


  1. Начальный этап

Постановка цели и задач урока

Закрепление фонетических навыков, закрепление лексического материала

Hello, young ladies and gentlemen! I'm glad to see you and to have today's lesson in your class. Let's start our lesson with positive emotions!

Each of you has a smile. Please, give it to one of your classmates and say something pleasant

Look at the blackboard and try to guess the theme of our lesson. You are absolutely right! And how do you think, what shall we do during the lesson to study the theme?

-Let's start with the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. Read the tongue twister after me. Translate it. Read it to each other in pairs. Read the tongue twister as quickly as you can.

-Last time we learnt some proverbs connected with weather. Take the cards with the English proverbs and their Russian equivalents.

Find your pair and stand together, ther pupils must say if you are right. Use the expressions I mm the blackboard.


Метод коммуникативных заданий;


  1. Основной этап

Отработка навыков неподготов- ленного чтения


Зож, снятие усталости.

Актуализация знаний лексических единиц

- A new topic we start to discuss is "We're a Part of the Universe". As you may understand we are going to discuss space and our planet the Earth. What do you know about it? (The Earth is round. It is big: It moves around the Sun. It's a blue planet. There are a lot of oceans, seas, rivers, mountains and lakes on the Earth.)

- Learn some more information about the planet. Study the Passport of the Earth. See ex. 31, p. 12. Can you add any more information to the passport?

Do you want to know more about the Earth? Then read the Earth page from the encyclopedia. Open ex. 32 on p. 12. Find the answers to the questions. Do you understand them? I give you two minutes to look through the text.

Now answer the questions in pairs. Prove your answer with the help of the text. Say: "It is said in the text that..."

  • I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest. Stand up, please. Can you imagine how big the Earth is? Let's have an experiment. Hold the hands of your partners as you see in ex. 33, p. 12. Stretch your arms as wide as you'can. Now imagine that you are trying to reach from pole to pole. Close your eyes. Can you imagine? Open your eyes. Take your seats.

-Do you know how many people must stand in the same way to measure the Earth? Read the information in ex. 33. Are you impressed?

You have read a lot of words connected with space. Learn to pronounce them correctly. See ex. 34, p. 13. Listen to the tape. Repeat the words. Pronounce the words correctly.

Pl-Ps, P2 Ps и т. д.

Now read the words one by one.

in pairs find the same words in Russian. Say: "The Solar System" means «Солнечная система».



проблемные творческие задания

игровые приемы;


  1. Заключительный этап

Подведение итог урока

Well, that's all for today. But before you go, I want you to analyze the lesson and tell me, what was interesting, useful or useless for you.

What new information have you learnt from the text? Name the new words. Thank you for your work. Your rmarks are...

Your hometask are

Уч.: ex. 8, р. 34; ex. 36, р. 13;

РТ: ex. 4, р. 5.


метод индивидуализации и развития социокультурной компетенции у учащихся


Конспект урока Наша планета Земля

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