Урок по теме Здоровая и вредная еда

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Урок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная едаУрок по теме Здоровая и вредная еда7 клас

Тема:Шкідлива та здорова їжа

Тип уроку-комбінований

Цілі:1.Практичні-активізувати лексику з теми,навчити учнів складати монологи та діалоги з вивченими словами та граматичними структурами,організувати роботу з відео фрагментами , аудіювання та читання нового тексту ,переглянути та проаналізувати учнівські проекти з теми. 2.Розвивати комунікативні навички та творчі здібності,уміння сприймати мову на слух.аналізувати отриману інформацію та виділяти головне. 3.Виховувати дбайливе ставлення до свого здоров*я .прищеплювати поняття про здорове харчування та бажання його дотримуватися.

Обладнання:ноутбук,телевізор,роздаткові картки.презентація.(на сайті вчителя)

Хід уроку

І.Початок уроку.

1.Організаційний момент.

2.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

(Slides 1-2)

(учні розгадують кроссенс і самі озвучують тему уроку)

T.Today we continue our talk about food. Our work on this topic is coming to an end.And our main task today is to brush up everything we've learnt already.But what in particular we are going to deal with you'll tell me by yourselves and this crossense will help you.So look at the screen…

(Slide 3)

ІІ.Основна частина.

1.Актуалізація опорних знань.бесіда з учнями.

So,the topic of our lesson is junk food. And what is junk food?

P1:that's unhealthy food

P2:Food with lots of sugar


P4;….lots of fat

P5…lots of empty calories…

P6 food that contains chemicals

P7:Processed food

2Складання речень до фото у крос сенсі.

Well,use the pictures on the screen and make up the sentences of your own .For example Hamburgers are junk food.We can't eat them very often….

3.Робота з піснею(діалогом-зразком)складання власних міні-діалогів.

We all like healthy food,so let's sing a healthy foof song.Do you feel like singing a song?

(Slide 4)

And now look at the next slide and on the basis of the scheme and the pictures make up your own micro-dialogues.

(По ланцюжку запитують у сусіда чи полюбляє він щось із нездорової їжі,той відповідає,що ні,що він віддає перевагу чомусь із другого малюнка.)

4.Аудіювання та робота з текстом.

a)T:And now we'll deal with the text.Several people will tell you about their attitude to junk food and how often they eat it.You are to listen carefully,follow and then you will have a test.(текст+тест у додатку)

(slide 5-6)

b)Listen paragraph by paragraph and read aloud and translate.

c)Say a few words about yourselves and your attitude to junk food.

I don'teat/eat junk food very often.I eat it when ….I like…(slide 8)

5.Поговорити про переваги та недоліки фаст фуда

(слайд 9)

I know that you like to visit McDonald's,but fast food is also junk food,and it has its advantages and disadvantages.What are they?Look at the next slide..

A lot of fast food restaurants serve pizza.Do you like pizza?So do I.And at the previous lesson we worked with the song "Let's make pizza"let's sing it all together…(slide 10)(посилання на відеоролик youtube.com/watch?v=wkvfztlC2ho)

And your task was to make your own video on the basis of this cartoon.let's watch the result (youtube.com/watch?v=O1JqtkN5xL8&feature=youtu.be)

ІІІ.Закінчення уроку

1.Рефлексія та підсумки(слайд 11)

2.Д.З.Написати твір-роздум про здорове та шкідливе харчування.


Anita, Taiwan
What junk foods do I eat? I like potato chips, chocolates, candy bars but these days because of diets though I don't usually eat a lot, but of course during the party with my friends we always buy lots and lots of junk food and we'll finish in an hour. Actually I like it, but I'm controlling myself right now.

Mitchell, United States
The junk food I tend to eat is gummy bears because I like, like the gummy kind of candy, gummy bears, sour patch kids, but I don't think I eat too much junk food because I don't eat too much cake, chocolate, cookies, and the dairy product section, so but if I had to pick a junk food that I eat the most, it's sweets like gummy bears, starbursts, skittles.

Ruth, England
How much junk food? Well, actually I try really hard not to eat junk food. I try to go for a long time without eating crips and chocolate and cakes, but often I tend to ignore that and eat them anyway. I think it goes in phases. For a long time I'll not have any and then for a week or two weeks I will eat cake, cake, cake, chocolate, crisps, all of the time, so maybe, certainly at those time I eat too much. The rest of the time, no, I think it's OK.

Lucinda, New Zealand
I don't eat junk food, sweet junk food, so I'm actually lying, I don't eat sweet junk food. I like McDonalds breakfast, but any other things to do with junk food I'm not reallypartial to. I like cholate occasionally, but very bitter chocolate. I quite like eating cooking chocolate bars.

Alan, Canada
What junk food do I eat? Well, I enjoy pototo chips and chocolate and cookies. I'm actually what you call a junk food fanatic. I enjoy eating junk food. I try not to eat too much of it. I used to eat more of it when I was younger, but I've kind of trimmed it down a little bit, and I got older, how ever, I still enjoy a good bag of potato chips while I watch TV, or a chocolate bar occasionally, after lunch or dinner, so I would say. I enjoy junk food but I try now to eat too much of it.

Mark, America
Actually, I don't eat a lot of junk food, but I try to keep pretty healthy with what I eat, but if I slip and I do eat any food that's not healthy it's usually fast food. Like I almost never eat at McDonald's, but if I'm really hungry, or I'm really broken and don't have a lot of money, or I just want something fast, I might sneak into a McDonalds, once every two weeks or something like that.

Comprehension quiz

1) When does Anita eat junk food? Урок по теме Здоровая и вредная еда

a) All the time
b) With her friends

2) Mitchell eats a lot of _________. Урок по теме Здоровая и вредная еда

a) cake
b) gummies

3) Ruth thinks her diet ________. Урок по теме Здоровая и вредная еда

a) is good all the time
b) goes through phases

4) What junk food does Lucinda like? Урок по теме Здоровая и вредная еда

a) Fast food breakfast
b) Chips and cookies

5) Alan tries to ____________. Урок по теме Здоровая и вредная еда

a) eat junk food every day
b) limit the junk food he eats

6) When does Mark slip and eat fast food? Урок по теме Здоровая и вредная еда

a) When he doesn't have a lot of money
b) When he really wants a hamburger

7) Most people _________. Урок по теме Здоровая и вредная еда

a) don't worry about eating junk food
b) try to limit the junk food they eat
c) eat fast food very frequently
d) like junk food sometimes

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