Проверочная работа по английскому языку на темуЖивотные

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5-х классов

тема: животные

Задание 1: Переведи название животных на английский язык .

Лев- носорог морская свинка-

Жираф- овечка- крокодил-

Медведь- черепаха- обезьяна-

Задание 2: Скажи, какого цвета животные.

E.g. The frog is green.

A cat is- A fox is-

A tiger is-

A pig is-

A hippo is-

A kangaroo is-

Задание 3: Помоги мамам найти детей.

1. cat

a. duckling

2. horse

b. puppy

3. pig

c. chick

4. frog

d. cub

5. bear

e. kitten


f. tadpole

7. duck

g. piglet

8. hen

h. foal

9. sheep

i. calf

10. cow

j. lamb

.Задание 4: Поставь перед словом артикль " a" или "an" и напиши слово во множественном числе.






7. sheep

8. fox

9. butterfly

10. .mouse

11. .monkey

12. ox

13. kangaroo

14. deer

15. donkey

Задание 5: Напиши, что умеют и не умеют делать эти животные.

1. Dolphins (fly/swim)

2. Monkeys (walk/swim)

3. Crocodiles (climb/swim)

4. Cats (jump/swim)

5. Fish (run/swim)

6. Penguins (fly/swim)

Задание 6: Переведи на русский язык.

. as hungry as a wolf

. as quiet as a mouse

. as fat as a pig

. as free as a bird

. as brave as a lion

. as wise as an owl

. as slow as a snail

. as playful as a kitten

.as strong as an ox

Задание 7: Поставь прилагательное в нужную форму.

1. A snail is (slow) than a lizard._____________________________-

2. An elephant is (big) in the world._____________________________

3. A monkey is (funny) of all animals.____________________________

4. Dogs are (clever) than hamsters._________________________________

5. A shark is (little) than a whale.__________________________________

6. A parrot is (beautiful) than a hen.________________________________

7. Monkeys are (interesting) of all the animals to watch.)_____________________

8. Dogs are (good) friends for men.______________________________________

Задание 8: Напиши, что есть и чего нет у этих животных, используя данные слова: fins;

feathers, beak, tail, claws, whiskers, wings, paws.

1. fish

2. bird,

3. tiger

Задание 9:Отгадай загадки.

Who carries his house with him? …..

The animal that has a red bushy tail is a …

The animal that sleeps all winter in a den is a …

The animal that has a beautiful yellow fur with black stripes is a …

The animal that has a pouch in which she carries her baby is a …

The animal who can go without food and water for a long time is a …

The animal that has a horn on his nose is a …

The animal that has a beautiful white skin with black stripes is a …

The animal that can hang by its long tail is a …

The animal that has a long trunk is an …

The animal that has long hair around its neck is a …

Задание10 : Вставь пропущенное слово в тексте: pets, farm animals, wild animals.

1…are animals which live on a farm give people milk, meat, wool.

2….are animals which live in forests, seas, fields.

3….are animals which we keep at home. We feed them and play with them.

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