MaySpring Festival

Внеклассное мероприятие обеспечивает развитие межкультурной компетенции через изучение традиций Англии и Америки. Происходит развитие языковых ЗУН через внеурочную деятельность, активизируются творческие способности ребенка.Учащиеся, кроме того, формируют и систему универсальных ЗУН (умение систематизировать материал, анализировать   и выделять информацию, формируются коммуникативные умения, умения работать с информацией разного вида. Внеурочное мероприятие создаёт положительный эмоциональный фо...
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MaySpring FestivalMaySpring Festival

MaySpring Festival May Spring Festival (1st May)

Цель: Обеспечить развитие межкультурной компетенций через изучение традиций Англии и Америки;


1. Познакомить учащихся с традициями празднования 1 мая в Англии и Америке;

2. Развивать языковые ЗУН учащихся через внеурочную деятельность по предмету;

3. Активизировать у учащихся творческие способности.

Оборудование: проектор, плакаты, фотографии, майский шест, цветные шары, костюмы.

Ход мероприятия


.Good morning dear boys and girls, teachers and parents! We are glad to see you! We wish to congratulate you on the May day!

1P: Во многих языках, включая английский и русский, названия месяцев имеют латинское происхождение. По древнейшему римскому календарю год состоял из десяти месяцев, а первым месяцем считался март. Позже, на рубеже VII и VI веков до н. э., из Этрурии был заимствован календарь, в котором год делился на 12 месяцев: после декабря следовали январь и февраль.
Месяцы на английском языке и их эквиваленты из римского календаря:
May/Maius - назван в честь римской богини Майя;
2P: Очень интересно прослеживается «май» в английских идиомах, вот некоторые из них:

May - (в Кембриджском университете) а) = Mays майские экзамены; б) (Mays) гребные гонки (в конце мая или в начале июня)
May and December/January - брак между молоденькой девушкой и стариком
May Day - Первое мая
May Flower - цветок, распускающийся в мае: майник, ландыш, боярышник
May Queen - девушка, избранная за красоту королевой мая (в майских играх)

3 P: The First of May
The fair maid who, the first of May,
Goes to the fields at break of day,
And washes in dew from the hawthorn-tree,
Will ever after handsome be.

We tell about history!

4P: The roots of the May Day celebration go back to very ancient times and are evident in many civilizations, where basically the idea was to express gratitude to the gods for the renewal of spring.

May Day was not widely celebrated in the United States of America, because the Puritans disapproved of frivolous festivities. However , in certain regions of the country, particularly where later English immigrants settled. May Day still looks much the same as in rural England with may baskets full of flowers, a Maypole and a May Queen.

5P: The May baskets and Maypole come from the Roman festival of flowers, Florolia, dedicated to the flower goddess, Flora. In medieval times it was a favourite holiday for English villagers who gathered in memory for the anniversary of Robin Hood's death. Quite the contrary, the vitality of that heroic figure seems to live on in the archery, riding, jousting, various other forms of organized competition at which he once so excelled.

6P: The most beautiful maiden was elected the May Queen. She became the guest of honor presiding over all May Day festivities. Some country churches, in keeping with a beautiful English tradition still practiced at Oxford, hold out door song services offering hymns of thanksgiving to welcome May.

7P: Some American and English parents and teachers use this holiday as a chance to encourage their children and students to bring some surprise and joi into the live of the lonely or aged. They make may baskets filled with flowers and candy and hang them on doorknobs throughout their neighborhoods, sometimes ringing the bell, hiding and watching smiles replace frowns and unexpected joi light up the wrinkled faces of their neighbors.

Teacher: Let's begin the May's concert!


In the Merry Month of May

In the merry month of May

All the violets are gay.

They all dance and sing and say.

Winter days are far away,

Winter days are far away,

Welcome, welcome merry May

In the merry month of May

All the Little birds are gay.

They all dance and sing and say.

Winter days are far away,

Winter days are far away,

Welcome, welcome merry May

In the merry month of May

All the children are so gay.

They all dance and sing and play.

Winter days are far away,

Winter days are far away,

Welcome, welcome merry May



Sweet and fresh are violets,

On every hill and dell;

And, oh! How beautiful they are!

How lovely do they smell.


Deep in the woods a song I hear.

A robin is singing, «May is here!»

Then, at my feet, a violet blue

Is singing, «I'm blooming for you».


Звучит песня :

Mr. Sun

Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,

Please shine down on me!

(Movements : arms circled over head; wiggle fingers, still holding arms over head)

Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,

Hiding behind a tree!

(Movements: hide face behind one arm, still holding arms )

There little children are asking you

To please come out so we can

PLay with you!

(Movements: inviting movements)

Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,

Please shine down on me!

3P: А песенка « "A tisket, a tasket" -шуточная песенка о майской корзинке. Майская корзинка с цветами - основной символ праздника.

Причем у англичан каждому месяцу соответствует свой цветок,

Цветы мая - боярышник и тюльпан. Ежегодно в начале мая городе Сполдин в графстве Линкольнимр проводится праздник тюльпанов. Хотя всем известно, что этот цветок - символ Голландии.

Песенка о майской корзинке:

A tisket, a tasket,

A green and yellow basket,

I wrote e letter to me love.

And on the way I dropped it!

I dropped it, I dropped it,

I dropped it, I dropped it,

And on the way I dropped it!

A little boy he came along

And put it in his pocket!

A tisket, a tasket,

A green and yellow basket,

I wrote e letter to me love.

And on the way I dropped it!

I dropped it, I dropped it,

I dropped it, I dropped it,

And on the way I dropped it!

A little girl she came along

And put it in his pocket!

Teacher: Наши девочки приготовили инсценировку о цветах, ведь майская сказка всегда сопровождается балом цветов и выбором Майской королевы.


(A Fairy-tale)

Characters: Queen of flowers, Snowdrop, Violet, Daf­fodil, Lily of the Valley, Buttercup, Corn-flower, Blue-bell, Poppy and Rose.

Setting: The flowers meet in the forest. One day the flowers have a meeting to decide when to come to the gardens and Reids.

Queen of Flowers: My dear flowers! Spring is here. When are you coming to the gardens and fields?

Flowers: We are coming, we are coming.

Queen of Flowers: Who is coming first?

Snowdrop: I am first to come. I come when the snow is on the ground. I have a white dress. My name is Snow­drop. Don't you think I am pretty?

Violet: And I come next. I don't like snow. It is cold when the snow is on the ground. I like warm days. My dress is violet. And now you surely know that I am Violet.

Lily of the Valley: My name is Lily of the Valley. 1 think you all like my small white bells.

Daffodil: I come next. I am yellow like the sun. I like to dance in the wind. My name is Daffodil.

Buttercup: I am the last to come in spring. I have a pretty yellow dress too. My name is Buttercup.

Spring is dancing without rest
In a beautiful green dress.
Flowers grow under her feet,
Singing birds her coining greet.
Pleasant, sunny month of May,
Hurry quickly, don't delay,
Grow red flowers and green glass
And make us happy, all of us!
It is springtime it is springtime
Cold winter is past.
Warm breezes are blowing,
And May's here at last.
The birds are returning,
Their songs fill air,
And meadows are smiling
With blossoms so fair.

Queen of Flowers: Here comes Summer. Who are Summer's flowers?

Blue-bell: I am blue like the sky and my dress looks like a bell.

Corn-flower: Blue is my colour too. I grow in the corn and make the fields beautiful. My name is Corn-flower.

Sunflower: And I am like the golden sun. You can find me in the fields as well. My name is Sunflower.

Poppy: [ come in summer too. My name is Poppy. I have two dresses - red and yellow.

Rose: All of you know me very well and like my sweet smell. Can't you guess who I am? Yes, of course, you can. I am Rose. I have many pretty dresses - yellow, pink and white. I come when the sun is hot. Then I smell lovely and you know that I am here.

Queen of Flowers: Thank you, dear flowers. Now you know when to come. So go to the fields and gardens and make them beautiful. Good-bye!

Flowers: Good-bye!

Teacher: Приступаем к выбору Майской королевы(выбирается девочка, которая лучше всех исполнит стихотворение о мае. Лучше если собственного сочинения)

Продолжаем ребята! А сопровождать нашу Майскую Королеву должен настоящий герой. В этот день вспоминают и чтят Робина Гуда.(на сцене мальчики одетые в костюмы Робин Гуда)

1B: Robin Hood was a legendary English outlaw and hero made popular thought several medieval ballads. He was born in 1160 at Locksley, Nottinghamshire. According to the legend, he was really the fugitive Earl of Huntington< Robert Fitzooth, in disguise. He lived in Sherwood Forest with his "merry men", chief among whom were Little John and Friar Tuck. He and his band robbed from the rich and gave to the poor Anglo- Saxon villagers, who were suffering from heavy taxation, discrimination and humiliation at the hands of the Normans. Robin Hood had a lot of friends. But the best friend was Friar tuck. He was fat, merry and optimistic. He was fond of singing. Listen to his song, please!

In the blossoming hedge the robin cock sings,

For the sun it is merry and bright

And he joyfully hops and he flutters his wings,

For his heart is all full of delight.

For the May bloometh fair,

And there's little of care,

And plenty to eat

In the May time rare.

When the flowers all die

Than off he will fly

To keep himself warm.

In some jolly old barm.

Where the snow and the wind

Neither chill him nor harm!

And such is the live of the strolling friar,

With a plenty to eat and to drink

For the good wife will keep him a seat by the fire.

And the pretty girls smile at his wink

Then he lastily trolls,

As he onwards strolls,

A rollicking song far

The saving of souls.

When the wind doth blow,

Whith the coming of snow

There's a place by the fire

For the fatherly friar

And a crab in the bowl for

His heart's desire!

Исполнение песенки : «Малиновка под дождем»

Robin in the rain

Robin in the rain, what a Saucy fellow,

Robin in the rain, mind your socks of yello,

Running in the garden on your nimble feet,

Digging for your dinner with

Your long beak.

Robin in the rain, you don't mind the weather,

Showers always make you gay,

But the worms are wishing you

Would stay at home.

Robin on a rainy day!

Teacher: Кто же будет сегодня выбран как Робин Гуд? А тот, кто лучше всего ответит на вопросы викторины:

  1. Was Robin Hood a real English hero?

  2. What do you know about him?

  3. When was he born?

  4. What was his real name?

  5. Where did he live with his "merry men"?

  6. Who was his best friend?

  7. What did Robin and his "merry men" do?

Заключение: Подводятся итоги, выбранные Майская Королева и Робин Гуд вручают небольшие подарки всем участникам.


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