Методическая разработка урока английского языка на тему Внешность

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 3 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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  1. Lesson Plan

Course-book "Brilliant 3" by Yuliya Komarova, Irina Larionova, Jeanne Perrett,

Unit 3 "He's got two legs", Lesson 1

Aim: By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to describe the people's appearance.

Skills: to develop listening and speaking skills

New Language: leg, tail, arm,

Revision: vocabulary - parts of the body, colours

Grammar structures - He/She/It has got… He/She/It hasn't got…



Teacher Does/Says

Pupils Do/Say


5 min


To revise parts of the body

To revise colours

Says the parts of the body: hands, hair, eyes, mouth, nose, foot (feet)

Says a colour : brown, grey, blue, green, black, red, white

Match words to the corresponding parts of the body

Wave a hand if you have got eyes or hair of this colour

There is a picture of the boy. Words are jumbled up on the board

10 min


To introduce the topic

To revise the grammar structures

To introduce the new words

Refers to the verbs on the board.

Asks: What will you do today?

"Today you will play a game, listen to the descriptions, draw pictures and speak."

Refers to the boy and the goat on the board.

"Let's play the game "YES/NO"!


"He has got red hair!"

"He has got blue eyes!"

"The boy has got two legs!" (shows)

"The goat has got two legs!'

"The goat has got a tail!" (shows)

"The boy has got a tail!"

"The boy has got two arms!" (shows)

"The goat has got two arms!"

Choose the verbs: play, draw, listen, speak

Play the game

"No! He hasn't got red hair! He has got brown hair!"



"No! It hasn't got two legs! It has

got four legs!"


"No! He hasn't got a tail."


"No! The goat hasn't got two arms. It has got four legs!"

There are some verbs written on the board (dance, play, draw, fly, listen, jump, speak).

Use the picture of the boy on the board.

And add the picture of the goat on the board.

PT pause


To rest

To predict the task

To give the instruction

Says the words and shows the actions:

Hands on hips, hands on knees

Put them behind you, if you please.

Touch your shoulders,

Touch your nose

Touch your ears and touch your toes.


"You are going to listen to the

descriptions of two pirates. What will be in the descriptions?"

Explains the activity: Open your books, listen to the CD

and point two pirates whose appearance matches to the description

Perform the actions

Say the words according with the descriptions of the pirates

Open their books and get ready to listen to the descriptions

Teacher may write what pupils say on

the board.

Use the course-book

10 min


To develop listening skills for detail.

Plays CD

Listen to the CD and point out the two pirates

15 min


To check understanding

To develop speaking

To personalise


"Compare your answers in pairs."

Says to describe all the pirates. Provides models: His eyes are …

His nose is …

Asks pupils which pirate they like best

Asks pupils to draw the pirate they like

Compare their answers

One group of pupils describes one of the pirates.

Give their opinions.

Draw a pirate from memory and tell the class about him.

Go around and see if answers are the same.

Divide pupils into four groups.

Hand out the paper sheets.

Show the display to the pupils in other classes

  1. Post-lesson reflection note:

  1. My lesson is based on developing speaking and listening skills.

I used the course-book "Brilliant 3", CD and pictures.

The types of intelligences used at the lesson: linguistic,

visual, auditory, bodily, interpersonal, intrapersonal.

The students are at the age of nine or ten and

they enjoy learning English.

  1. I tried to develop accuracy (grammar and vocabulary),

connected speech and fluency.

  1. The main task was to tell the classmates

about the pirate (to describe his appearance).

  1. The children didn't have any difficulties.

  2. I think that they liked the lesson because

they were in the good mood, smiled,

laughed and described their pirates with great pleasure.

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