Контрольная работа для 5 класса

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку за I полугодие.

Ф.И. ___________________________________________________________

1. Correct the mistakes.

1) I would like to buy milks. _____________________________________

2) She are going to film about Gulliver. ____________________________

3) Would you like drink some juice? ______________________________

4) How many book do you need? _________________________________

5) You must do it yesterday. _____________________________________

6) Kate going to wear a black wig. ________________________________

2. Put the verb into the right form, The Present Continuous or the Present Simple.

1) I usually (have) breakfast at 8.00. ___________________________________

2) Now he (read) a book about poetry. _________________________________

3) It (not, rain) very mush n summer. __________________________________

4) My parents (live) in London. ______________________________________

5) "You (work) hard today." "Yes, I have a lot of work." _________________

6) I'm sorry, but I can't. I (do) my homework now. ______________________

7) I (ride a bike) every summer. _____________________________________

8) How often (play) tennis? _________________________________________

9) I can't go outside, it (rain) now. ___________________________________

10) Mary (read) a newspaper every day. _______________________________

3. Complete the sentences. There is one extra word in the box.







1) When the director says "Action!", they ___________ filming.

2) Jenny _________ riding a horse every summer.

3) Jenny _________ dancing. She wants to be a dancer.

4) But Max ____________ dancing. He never daces.

5) When the director says "Cut", they _________ filming.

4. Translate into English.

1) О чем ты собираешься писать? ______________________________

2) Я собираюсь писать о Марсе. _______________________________

3) Она поможет мне с фотографиями. __________________________

4) Где ты был вчера? _________________________

5) я бы хотел снять фильм о животных. _________________________

5. Build the words from the letters.

1) t, n, p, a, e, l - __________ 6) o, c, p, t, i , o, t, m, e, i - ______________

2) i, g, w - _____________ 7) s, e, s, a, y - ____________

3) u, t ,c - ____________ 8) e, t, h, a, r - ___________

4) c, t, o, i, a, n - __________ 9) n, s, u - ___________

5) u, s, t, m - ___________ 10) u, c, a, p, s, , l ,e - ______________

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