Пример устной разговорной темы Известные личности

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Статьи
Формат docx
Изображения Есть
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Famous people


software - программное обеспечение
to create - создавать
collaborator - сотрудник
to found - основать
due to - благодаря чему-либо
to apply - применять, прилагать
to accomplish - достигать
to carry out - выполнять, осуществлять
belief - убеждение
competitiveness - конкурентоспособность
remarkable - замечательный
spotlight - центр внимания
welfare - благосостояние
to be worth - стоить

William Henry Gates, also known as «Bill», has established himself as the richest man in the world.

He is the youngest self made billionaire, and perhaps the best businessman in the world. Bill Gates is important because he did not only change the computer technology in America, but also created the biggest, strongest, richest and the most powerful company in the world.

Bill was born on October 28, 1955, his parents, Mary and Bill, had one other daughter Kristi.

Gates began his career in PC software, programming computers at age 13.

As to his education, he attended a well-known private school in Seattle, Washington called Lakeside. At Lakeside, he met his future business partner Paul Allen. Bill Gates entered Harvard in 1973.

He created the programming language BASIC. Gates attended Harvard University and after a few years Gates and his business collaborator, Paul Allen, dropped ou t of Harvard to begin the Microsoft Corporation in 1975.

Throughout his life, Gates had many experiences with business. Allen and Gates started a small company called Traf-O-Data. They sold a small computer outfitted with their program that could count traffic for the city.

Gates also worked at a programming company called 'TRW. After all his minor jobs, Gates and Allen founded Microsoft in 1975, the largest computer based company in the world. Gates is the Chief Executive officer and Paul Allen is VP. They are both very wealthy due to this business.

Gates believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence you can accomplish anything.

Bill works very hard to carry out his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work is what put him where he is today, as well as being in the right place at the right time. He doesn't believe in luck or any sort of god, just hard work and competitiveness.

«Trey» as he is called at home is a remarkable man who has been able to go into the world spotlight as a genius at what he does. His welfare until today is worth about 92,000,000,000 dollars.


1. Why is Bill Gates important?
2. How did Gates begin his career?
3. Where did Bill Gates study?
4. When was the Microsoft Corporation begun?
5. What are Gates' beliefs?
6. How much is Gates' welfare worth?

Билл Гейтс

Уильям Генри Гейтс, известный также как Билл, сделал себя богатейшим человеком в мире.

Он самый молодой миллионер, который заработал деньги сам и, возможно, самый лучший бизнесмен в мире. Билл Гейтс важен не только тем, что совершил переворот в мире компьютеров в Соединенных Штатах, но и тем, что создал самую большую, самую мощную, самую богатую и самую влиятельную компанию в мире.

Билл родился 28 октября 1955 года. У его родителей Мэри и Билла есть еще и дочь Кристи.

Гейтс начал свою карьеру в сфере программного обеспечения для персональных компьютеров в возрасте 13 лет.

Что касается образования., он посещал широко известную частную школу в Сиэтле, штат Вашингтон, которая называлась Лейксайд. В Лейксайде он встретил своего будущего партнера по бизнесу Поля Аллена. Билл Гейтс поступил в Гарвард в 1973 году.

Он создал язык программирования Бейсик. Гейтс посещал Гарвардский университет и через несколько лет вместе с Алленом ушел из Гарварда, чтобы в 1975 году создать корпорацию «Майкрософт».

За свою жизнь Гейтс накопил большой опыт. Аллен и Гейтс организовали компанию, которая называлась «Треф-О-Дейта». Они продали маленький компьютер, снабженный написанной ими программой для подсчета городского транспорта.

Гейтс также работал в компании, которая называлась TRW. После всего этого, Гейтс и Аллен основали в 1975 году «Майкрософт», самую большую компьютерную компанию в мире. Гейтс - главный управляющий, Пол Аллен вице-президент. Они оба очень богаты благодаря своему бизнесу.

Гейтс верит, что если ты интеллектуально развит и знаешь, как применять свой ум, ты можешь достигнуть всего, чего захочешь.

Билл очень много работает, чтобы доказать свою точку зрения. Его вера в сильный интеллект и тяжкий труд - это то, что сделало из него того, кем он сейчас является, наравне с тем, что он оказался в нужном месте в нужное время. Он не верит в удачу и ни в какого Бога, только в тяжелый труд и конкурентоспособность.

Трей, как его называют дома, замечательный человек, который смог попасть в центр внимания всего мира, считаясь гением того, что он делает. Он на данный момент владеет состоянием в 92 миллиарда долларов.

Charlotte Bronte

Charlotte Bronte was born in 1816 in a small English town. Charlotte and her sisters, Emily and Ann, had a very hard life, from early childhood they knew poverty and very hard work.

Charlotte received her education at an orphanage(детский дом) (which she described in her novel Jane Eyre). After that she worked as a governess and a teacher. The works of Charlotte Bronte, together with Charles Dickens, William Thackery and Elisabeth Gaskell are considered to belong to the fine school of English realism (тонкая школа английского реализма) of the first half of the 19th century.

In her works she wrote about the society she lived in and criticized it. Her first novel The Professor was published only after Charlottte's death. The best novel Jane Eyre, published in 1847, is partly biographical. In 1849 the novel Shirley was published. The story is about the Luddits, workers who did not understand that the real enemy of the working class were the capitalists and aristocrats. They thought that machinery, which they destroyed, was their enemy.

The last novel Vilette came out in 1853.

Charlotte Bronte died from tuberculosis in 1855.

The three Bronte sisters are well known writers and their books are published in many countries.

Famous people of Great Britain

Ch. Darvin, a great English naturalist, developed the idea of evolution of all living things from simpler creatures. He wrote two most famous books «The Origin of Species» and «The Descent of Man». Ch.Darvin is buried in westminster Abbey, among the greatest English scientists. Isaac Newton, one of the greatest men in the history of science was born in England in 1642. He may be considered the founder of modern mathematics, physics and spectrography. He discovered the low of motion and the universal Law of gravitation. Sir Isaac Newton lies buried in Westminster Abbey. Humphry Davy is one of the greatest English chemists. One of his inventions is the miners safety lamp, known as the Davy Lamp. Michael Faraday is an English chemist and physicist. He was the discoverer of electromagnetic induction, of the law of relations between light and magnetism. He was the greatest experimental genious.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Mike Lomonosov is the father of the Russian sciences and outstanding poet the founder of Russian literature. Mikhail Lomonosov was born in 1711 in Arhangelsk province. He liked to spend his time fishing with his father. He began to read him self then he was a little boy.

He wanted to study and then he was 19 he went on foot to Moscow. He decided to enter the Slavic-Greek-Lateen academy. He entered it and six ears later in 1736 he was sent abroad to complete his studies in chemistry and mining.

Lomonosov worked hard and he became a great scientist. He was a physicist a painter and astronomer, a geographer a historian and a states man. Mikhail Lomonosov made a telescope; he observed a lot of stars and planets with his telescope.

Lomonosov wrote a first scientific grammar of Russian language. He wrote many poems. Lomonosov build a factory near Petersburg. It was a factory there glass was produced. He made a portrait of Peter the first of pieces of glass.

Lomonosov was a founder of the first Russian University. This University is named after Lomonosov and it is situated in Moscow. Mikhail Lomonosov was died in 1765 but people know and remember him.

Jane Austin. Born:1775. Died: 1817
Пример устной разговорной темы Известные личностиДжейн Остин (1775-1817) Best-known books include: Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride andPrej-udice (1813), Emma (1815), Northanger Abbey (1818), Persuasion (1818)
Самыми известными произведениями являются: «Разум и чувствительность» (1811 г.), «Гордость и предубеждение» (1813 г.), «Эмма» (1815), «Нор-тенгерский монастырь» (1818 г.), «Убежденность» (1818 г.)
Jane Austen's novels are social comedies. They take place in late eighteenth-century England and the characters in them are generally middle class. The private lives of these characters - their romances, adventures and misuderstandings - are the main subject of Jane Austen's witty, elegant work. As for the author herself, she led a quiet life with her family in Hampshire. She never married, died at the age of 42, and is buried in Winchester Cathedral.

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