Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Есть
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План урока

Дата: 21.02.14

Класс: 9 «Б»

Тема: Health


Образовательная: изучить новые лексические единицы по теме, прочитать и перевести текст, выполнить разноуровневые задания по карточкам.

Развивающая: развивать произношение английских букв и звуков, навыки чтения и письма, умение работать в группе, потренировать память, мышление, внимание.

Воспитательная: воспитывать бережное отношение к своему здоровью, интерес к предмету, уважение к одноклассникам.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска.

Ход урока

Вид работы



Вид контроля



(слайд 1) Good morning dear children! We are glad to see you! Sit down, please!


Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)


Орг. момент

Now let's know about your mood today. Ask each other "How are you?" in chain … Very good. Let's continue



Сообщение темы урока

Now let's know the theme of our lesson. (слайд 2) Look at the next picture. Think, please what is more valuable or important then wealth? (What does "the wealth mean"? - богатство). Yes, you are right, it is "health" What proverb about health do you know? (three languages)

Good health is above wealth. (слайд 3) Здоровье дороже богатства. Денсаулық зор байлық. Thank you very much.

Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: The 'first 'wealth is health. 'Health is the 'best wealth. These words will be a redline of today's lesson.

Today we'll speak about health. At the lesson you will know something interesting and new for you. I hope that our co-operation will be important and useful for you and for us.


Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)

Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)


Работа в группах

Now please in groups make a spider map. What does "health" mean for you? (слайд 4) You can do it in three languages: English, Russian and Kazakh. You should write as many words as you can. We'll estimate the correctness of the words and the quantity of your answers. Begin please, we give you 3 minutes.



Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)


Защита кластеров

One pupil from each group goes to the blackboard and reads their spider map.

Teacher checks the correctness and quantity of the words




Предтекстовый этап

Работа с лексикой

Задание по разноуровневым карточкам (слайд 5, 6)

1 level

1 group

Put the missing letter, choose it from the brackets:

1. f.sh

2. mi.k

3. f.uit

2 group

1. hock.y

2. ski.ng

3. skat.ng

2 level

Translate the words into Russian and Kazakh:

1 group

1. fish

2. milk

3. fruit

2 group

1. hockey

2. skiing

3. skating

3 level

Make up the sentences from the parts and translate them:

1 group

1. There are a lot of kinds of fish in our lake.

2. Milk is very useful for our health.

3. There are a lot vitamins in fruits.

2 group

1. There is an Olympic games at Sochi now.

2. Kazakhstan's sportsmen take an active part in skating and hockey.

3. Denis Ten wins Bronze Medal in Men's Figure skating.


Pupils of 2 level check pupils of 1 level, while pupils of 3 level answer


Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)

Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)

Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)


Работа с текстом

Match the translations of the sentences with the text: (слайд 7)

1. b) 6. f)

2. g) 7. c)

3. h) 8. i)

4. j) 9. e)

5. a) 10. d)

(слайд 8, 9)


Groups check each other

Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)


Физ минутка

Видео физминутка



Чтение и перевод текста

Groups read and translate the sentences in turn. (слайд 8, 9)


Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)

Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)


Задание по карточке

(слайд 10) Divide these words into two categories:

1. Healthy food 2. Junk food

1. fruits, milk, honey, vegetables, fish.

2. pepsy, chips, hamburgers, coca-cola, sandwiches.

2 + 3

By one pupil from each group goes to the black board Разработка урока на тему Здоровье (9 класс)



Choose what you should and shouldn't do in order to be healthy:

1. Eat more fresh fruits

2. Take regular exercises

3. Go in for sport

4. Regularly visit the doctor

5. Eat more fresh vegetables

6. Eat junk food

7. Smoke

8. Drink alcohol

9. Play computer games all day long

10. Drink coca-cola

1 + 3

Pupils in chain go to the blackboard and stick the advices


Подведение итогов урока

Pupils estimate each other in group, teacher estimates all the pupils.



  1. How often do you eat chocolate or sweets?

  1. every day (0)

  2. occasionally (2)

  3. once or twice a week (1)

  4. very rarely (3)

  1. How often do you eat fruits or green vegetables?

  1. every day (3)

  2. occasionally (1)

  3. once or twice a week (2)

  4. very rarely (0)

  1. How many hours do you sleep at night?

  1. more than 12 (1)

  2. between 5 and 8 (2)

  3. between 8 and 12 (3)

  4. less than 5 (0)

  1. How often do you play sport or do exercises?

  1. every day (3)

  2. occasionally (1)

  3. once or twice a week (2)

  4. very rarely (0)

  1. How many hours a day do you spend watching TV or videos?

  1. less than 1 (3)

  2. between 3 and 5 (1)

  3. between 1 and 3 (2)

  4. more than 5 (0)

  1. Which of these things would you like to do now?

  1. eat a bar of chocolate (0)

  2. go shopping (2)

  3. watch a video (1)

  4. go swimming (3)

What your score means

1 - 5 You should change your lifestyle!

6 - 11 Think carefully about what you eat, and get a little more exercise.

12 - 15 You lead a healthy life.

16 - 18 you are very fit and healthy. Are you sure that you have given true answers?

1. All people, independently of their age want to be healthy.

2. Food is one of the most important things.

3. What does it mean - eat healthy?

4. Firstly, it means people should eat fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, cottage cheese, milk, eggs - all of them have vitamins.

5. A person should eat healthy, have standard portions and try to eat wholesome food and do it on time every day.

6. Girls shouldn't stick to strict diets, as it is not just harmful for body and health, but also can lead to such serious disease as anorexia.

7. Sport trainings are absolute must-have in our life.

8. Today everyone can find a favorite activity.

9. If you like, for example, active lifestyle, you can go in for such sport as hockey, skiing and skating.

10. Or if you prefer something calm, you can choose yoga or aerobics.

b) Все люди, независимо от возраста, хотят быть здоровыми.

h) Что же такое здоровая пища?

j) В первую очередь, это овощи и фрукты, мясо и рыба, творог, молоко, яйцо в которых содержатся витамины.

g) Питание - один из первых и важнейших аспектов.

a) Питаться нужно умеренно и полезно, стараться употреблять здоровую пищу, небольшими порциями и во время.

f) Девушкам не следует, увлекаться строгими диетами, так как это не просто вредно для организма и здоровья, но и может привести к такому тяжелому заболеванию как анорексия.

c) Спорт - неотъемлемая часть нашей жизни.

i) Сегодня практически каждый человек может найти себе приятное занятие.

e) Если вы любитель активного спорта, то можно попробовать хоккей, катание на лыжах и коньках.

d) А если вы предпочитаете более спокойный спорт, прекрасно подойдет йога или аэробика.

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