Контрольная работа для 8го класса

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
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Контрольная работа (8 класс)

  1. Образуй новые слова с помощью суффиксов











  1. Составь предложения, выразив обстоятельство цели с помощью инфинитива.

  1. They went to Moscow. a) I have to help my mum.

  2. She went to Egypt. b) We want to go camping.

  3. I go to the shop. c) They wanted to see Red Square.

  4. He has just called Lena. d) She wanted to swim in the Red Sea.

  5. We are buying a tent. e) He wants to invite her to his birthday party.

  1. Переведи слова в скобках. Запиши получившееся предложение.

  1. She (заставила) him follow her advice.

  2. When are you going to (делать доклад)?

  3. (Не шумите!) The baby is sleeping.

  4. She has to (заставить) him believe you.

  5. You will (сделаешь ошибку) if you go to the party.

  1. Определи в каком времени употребляется глагол в предложении. В столбце 2 есть одно лишнее утверждение.

  1. A few centuries ago, people didn't travel in space.

  2. It's raining heavily now.

  3. Tomorrow at this time, they'll be broadcasting this programme again.

  4. He had finished his essay by 7 p. m. yesterday.

  5. Nobody will read this book.

  6. She was cleaning the park with other volunteers all day long.

  7. Tornadoes usually occur in the spring.

1. Past Perfect

2. Present Simple

3. Past Simple

4. Future Continuous

5. Future Simple

6. Present Continuous

7. Past Continuous

8. Present Perfect

  1. Заполните пропуски, поставив предлоги since/for:

  1. I haven't seen him ______ Monday.

  2. _______centuries people have been living here.

  3. Are you planning to stay here______ a week?

  4. Wait ______10 minutes, I'll be back.

  5. People have been throwing away so much litter ______ the last 20-30 years.

  6. She's been mocked ______she came to this school.

6. Подберите в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова из второй колонки.

  1. _____ he says, don't believe him.

  2. _____ hard I try, I can't forget about it.

  3. "You'll always remember this place _____ you go", she said.

  4. ______ the bully is, he should be punished.

  5. _______ she is asked for help, she's always busy.

  6. _______ late you come, do phone me!

  7. ______ you do, a true friend will support you.

a. whatever

b. wherever

c. whenever

d. whoever

e. however

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