Разработка урока для 8 класса по теме The Mass Media

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Муниципальное образовательное учреждение

Средняя общеобразовательная школа №9

им.М.И. Кершенгольца г. Якутска



Составитель: Иванова И.В.,

учитель английского языка

МОБУ СОШ №9 г.Якутска

г. Якутск - 2016

Тип урока: комбинированный (комплексный)

Тема урока: Mass media and

Цель урока - формирование системы знаний и умений по теме "The Mass Media"

Задачи урока:


- формирование практических умений и навыков иноязычной речевой деятельности учащихся (в чтении, письме, аудировании и говорении);

- научить правильно употреблять языковые средства, строить фразы, повышать общую культуру выражения мысли.


- развивать мышление, память, логику, воображение;

- развитие знаний, умений и навыков изучаемого языка;

- развитие творческих способностей учащихся;

- развивать самостоятельность;

- развивать кругозор в области изучаемого языка.


- формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;

- воспитание чувства коллективизма, взаимовыручки, умений работать в паре и группе;

- воспитание культуры общения.

Учебно-методическое обеспечение: УМК Биболетовой М.З., Трубаневой Н.Н. «Английский с удовольствием» -8 класс.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, CD c заданиями для аудирования, раздаточный материал


  1. Приветствие, сообщение темы урока, фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you. Look at the screen and guess the theme of our lesson (слайд 1, где показаны средства массовой информации). Yes. You are right. We are going to speak about mass media. Last lesson we started it. As you know, the mass media plays a very important part in our lives. Аnd now tell me please what means of communicating, which are traditionally called the media, do you know?

Student 1: I know such means of communicating as newspapers, television, radio, the Internet, tabloids.

Teacher: Yes, you are right. And which of the mass media is your favourite? Give your reasons.

Student 2: My favourite media is radio. I'm fond of listening to music on the radio.

Student3: I read a lot of newspapers and magazines. I like reading newspapers as I can always find some interesting and useful information. That's why it is my favourite media.

Student 4: I can't live without the Internet and I spend much time on different sites where I can find useful information.

Student5: And my favourite media is television . I can watch television for many hours a day.

Teacher: Which media is the most popular in your family?

Student 6: Television is the most popular in my family.

Teacher: Who in your family watches TV more than others? And why?

Student 6: I think my mother watches TV more than others. She is a housewife and has a lot of free time.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Несколько человек отвечают домашнее задание (опрос 7-10минут) и после ответа прикрепляет лист с информацией на доску.

Teacher: Thanks for your opinion, it's rather interesting for me. And now what was your homework for today?

Student1: Our homework was to find interesting information (news) and retell it

Teacher: Right you are.

Teacher: It was brilliant . It's enough for today and next time we'll listen to the rest.

  1. Активация лексики.

(Учитель раздает распечатки со словами, текстом).

Аnd now let's read some active words and word combinations:

To deny - отрицать

To download -загрузить

To send mails - отправлять письма по электронной почте

From one side - С другой стороны

Shame - позор

like-minded people - одинаково мыслящие люди

competitions - соревнования

to participate - участвовать

violence - жестокость

In spite of all the good sides - несмотря на все хорошие стороны

blackmail or spam - вымогательство (шантаж) и спам


  1. Работа с текстом

Teacher: And now let's read the text about the Internet and then we are going to do some exercises.

The Internet

Nowadays, no one can deny the importance of the Internet. Sitting in front of a computer, clicking a mouse, you can shop, download many interesting films, books, read news about subject which is interesting for you, play computer games with other players, chat and send mails to your friends. Internet has drastically changed everything. Since the time of Internet appearance, many other media sources became unnecessary. You can find the information you're looking for in 5 seconds. It is very convenient for students, professionals, experts and all other people. From one side, it's great to have everything right here online, from the other side, it's a shame that people have stopped reading paper books and newspapers. Nowadays the most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. They can do it either they are at home or in the internet clubs or at work. With the help of the internet people from different parts of the planet can communicate with each other and share information without leaving their home. It has become easier to meet like-minded people from all over the world and become friends with them.

There are many different Internet competitions for different subjects which give students the opportunity to participate even in international competitions. Thanks to the Internet, people can quickly sell, advertise and share knowledge, idea, and personal feelings. People enter the world of virtual reality to avoid everyday problems. In spite of all the good sides that Internet has, there are some drawbacks. First of all, they are viruses, which can be very dangerous for any computer. That's why it's good to have reliable anti-virus software installed. Other minus is the violent content. There is a lot of violence and cruelty online. People are suffering from inappropriate information on the Internet, because it is very hard to control information from the Internet. Although the Internet offers us large amount of information, its reliability is dubious because many untrue news stories can be posted and cause confusions to many people. It is very difficult for us to find out what websites are reliable and what are not. Also you can get blackmail or spam. I think that the Internet becomes a way of a person life and it is very harmful for our health. Many teenagers spend a long of time sitting at the computers and spoiling their eyes. I don't mean that I am against the Internet, but it should have reasonable limits.

Проведя работу с текстом, учитель проводит контроль прочитанного текста посредством следующего упражнения (ученики выполняют индивидуально, вписывая "T" или "F"). Проверка.

Exercise N1.( «TRUE or FALSE»?)

1) Sitting in front of a computer, clicking a mouse, you can shop, download many interesting films, books, read news, play computer games with other players, chat and send mails to your friends. (T)

2) Since the time of Internet appearance, many other media sources became unnecessary. (T)

3) You can find the information you're looking for in 7 seconds. (F)

4) Most of the people use computer only for sending and receiving e-mail messages (F)

5) With the help of the mobile phones people from different parts of the planet can communicate with each other (F)

6) People enter the world of virtual reality to avoid everyday problems (T)

7) People are suffering from inappropriate information on the Internet, because it is very hard to control information from the Internet (T)

Exercise N2.(Упражнение на аудирование)

Teacher: Listen to the information about broadcasting companies in different countries. Fill in the table with the names of broadcasting companies. Which of them is your favourite? Why?(слайд 2:таблица)

Nowadays broadcasting companies have become symbols of their countries.

  • Over 99 per cent of British homes have a TV and the average British watches the «box» 26 hours a week. BBC (or the British Broadcasting Corporation) is a state company. Its two channels BBC1 and BBC2 do not show adverts. BBCI broadcasts popular programmes (the news, sports programmes, shows, children's programmes and soaps). BBC2 shows TV plays, classical concerts, foreign fIlms.

  • Americans also love watching TV. American CNN (or Cable News Network) broadcasts only news but is popular all over the world.

  • CBC (or Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) can be seen or heard almost anywhere in the country. Thе company broadcasts in English and in French. It broadcasts the news, shows, films and other popular programmes.

  • At the moment there are two state channels on Russian TV: ОRT and RTR. They broadcast different programmes ( the news and shows, soap and children's programmes, recent and foreign films, sports programmes). They can be seen anywhere in the country. There are several other channels on Russian TV. One of them is KULTURA. It shows special programmes: cultural news, Russian and foreign classical films, the best performances, classical concerts, talk shows on culture and education. This channel is getting more and more popular.

Учащиеся заполняют таблицу на основании услышанной с аудиокассеты информации. Задание проверяется учителем, после чего вызывается один человек к доске заполнить таблицу на подготовленном плакате.

Exercise N3.(Письменная индивидуальная работа).

Teacher: Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

disadvantage, imagination, (to) dull, (to) provide, violence, celebrity, disabled, hooked, (to) educate, (to) communicate

1. We need to………… people so that they understand the importance of a good, healthy diet.

2. You don't have to use your ………….when you're watching television.

3. Oh, I know him: he is a national…………..

4. My fears ……………my mind.

5. There is too much …………..on TV these days.

6. Her son is …………….and she has to take care of him all the time.

7. Your main ……………is your lack of job experience.

8. Some parents who are concerned about computer games believe their children are……….…..

9. The money will be used to ………….the school with new computers.

10. Now that we live in different cities, we ………………..by e-mail.

Exercise N4. «Interview with a star»

Ученики разделены на 2 группы. Придумывают название газеты для себя. Получив задание составить вопросы «звезде», составляют их в группе сообща. Один ученик является «звездой» и отвечает на вопросы групп.

Teacher: Now let's play. Try to imagine that you are journalists from two local newspapers. You have an interesting meeting with a star today. He is a famous actor. You have only several minutes to make up about 5-7 questions for him in your group.

Group1: When did you decide to become an actor?

Group2: Is it interesting to be famous and why?

Group 1: Why did you choose the profession of actor?

Group 2: Can you give some advice to the future actors?

Group 1: What are your plans for the future?

После окончания «пресс - конференции» выбранная звезда ответит на вопрос "What question was the most interesting ?"


Teacher: So we have to stop now. Thanks for your participating . You are very active today. Your marks are…(называет оценки за урок). Your homework will be to make up a dialogue «Interview with a famous singer». Choose a partner and then decide who will be a correspondent, and who will be a singer . And now our lesson is over. I hope that the theme of our lesson was interesting for you. Good - bye.

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