Сценарий урока по теме Кино с применением Интернет-технологий

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Разработка урока гуманитарной образовательной области с применением Интернет - технологий для 9-11 классов.


английского языка.

Тема: Кинематограф. Кино.

11 класс

Автор: Белякова Людмила Семеновна,

учитель английского языка


г. Новотроицка,

Оренбургской области



Дидактическая модель урока с применением Интернет - технологий.

Автор: Белякова Людмила Семеновна учитель английского языка высшей категории, МОУ СОШ № 16 г. Новотроицка.

В 2002 - 2003 года прошла обучение в МОУ ДПОС «Центр медиаобразования» по программе профессиональной подготовки «Информационные технологии в образовании». В 2003г. повышала квалификацию по проблеме «Информационные технологии в образовании» (программа Intel) «Обучение для будущего». В 2004 году повышала квалификацию по проблеме «Информационные технологии в образовании (подготовка тьютеров школьной площадки в рамках программы Intel «Обучение для будущего». Повышала квалификацию по именным образовательным чекам, инвариантный учебный блок «Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в образовании», 2006г.

Актуальность использования Интернет - технологий.

В пояснительной записке преподавания иностранного языка в условиях введения федерального компонента государственного стандарта общего образования уделяется внимание процессу информатизации образования. «Процесс информатизации образования предполагает также широкое использование информационно - коммуникационных технологий при изучении иностранных языков в основной и старшей школе для коммуникативно - речевого и когнитивного развития учащихся, развития их творческих возможностей и способностей создания условий для их самообразования в интересующих областях знаний. Виды учебных работ с иноязычными Интернет - ресурсами должны быть направлены на:

- приобретение школьниками реального опыта межкультурного общения на иностранном языке;

- обогащения их гуманитарных знаний ( в частности, об истории и культуре изучаемых стран);

- развитие умений ориентироваться в современной иноязычной информационной среде, используя мультимедийные ресурсы и компьютерные технологии для обработки, передачи, систематизации информации и создания баз данных, презентации результатов познавательной и практической деятельности;

- осуществление поиска, систематизации и обобщения информации;

- развитие иноязычных умений общаться в виртуальном пространстве.»

В своей работе использую информационно - коммуникационные технологии по разным темам. Представляю один из таких уроков.

Аннотация урока по теме «Кинематограф. Кино» 11 класс

В начале изучения темы «Кино» учащиеся обозначали круг проблемных вопросов:

  1. Каким должно быть детское кино?

  2. Как лучше получить информацию о фильмах?

  3. В какой стране более совершенна система классификации фильмов?

  4. Почему дети смотрят взрослое кино?

  5. В каких странах к кино относятся как к искусству, а в каких как к развлечению?

  6. Какой кинотеатр нужен городу Новотроицку?

  7. Почему мало российских мультфильмов?

Класс делится на группы: 1.Историки, 2.Архитекторы, 3. Психологи, 4.Информационная Служба, 5.Кинокритики, 6 Мультипликаторы

Самостоятельные исследования и самостоятельная работа учащихся:

. Поиск информации в Интернете, средствах массовой информации.

. Перевод статей из Интернет-ресурсов о проблемах детского кино.

. Пути решения вопроса кинотеатра в нашем городе.

. Создание компьютерных презентаций.

Помощь учителя:

. Помощь создания Flash-мультфильма.

. Консультации по группам в конце каждого урока (5мин.).

. Учитель проверяет грамматические и орфографические ошибки компьютерных презентаций.

Урок является одним из обобщающих по теме. Изучая лексический и грамматический материал, учащиеся собирали материал в соответствии с проблемами своей группы. Историки в своей презентации представили и сравнили историю развития кино разных стран. Психологи уделили внимание на то какая взаимосвязь между тем, что смотрели дети и их здоровьем. (см. Приложение №1)

Кинокритики представили десятку лучших фильмов на сегодняшний день и дали им оценку.

Архитекторы нашли в Интернет - ресурсах, как строили первые кинотеатры и представили план - проект кинотеатра нашего города.

Информационная служба дала названия сайтов, по которым можно найти полную информацию о кино. Так же, прорекламировали наиболее интересные фильмы в кинотеатрах области, по телевидению.

Мультипликаторы представили результаты опроса детей, какие мультфильмы они смотрят и о чем бы хотели посмотреть. Показали покадровую анимацию в программе Macromedia Flash.

В ходе подготовки к уроку и во время урока ученики значительно расширили лексический запас, развили навыки устной и письменной речи, нашли и грамотно отобрали информационный материал на английском и русском языках. Ученики использовали Интернет, компьютер дома для подготовки к уроку, общались друг с другом по теме урока.

План-конспект урока

Тема: Кинематограф. Кино.


Развивающий аспект - развитие самостоятельности, критичности, творческих способностей, воображения, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, готовность к самообразованию;

Познавательный аспект - знакомство с Интернет - ресурсами по теме «Кинематограф»;

Воспитательный аспект - воспитание потребности к творчеству, умение работать в группе, воспитании чувства сопричастности к проблемам родного края;

Учебный аспект - формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения.

Сопутствующие задачи - развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

Речевой материал - лексика и грамматика предыдущих уроков.

Оборудование: 1)Карточки для аудирования с пропущенной информацией для каждого ученика.

2) Аудиозаписи.

3) Компьютер.

4) Проектор.

5) Экран для компьютерных презентаций.

6) Карточки для группового и индивидуального контроля.

7) Портреты известных актеров.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. (3 мин.)

2. Актуализация опорных знаний. Аудирование с целью извлечения конкретной информации. Самопроверка. Выставление оценок. (7 мин.)

1 Listening

Exercise 1

-Give students time to look through the cinema information brochure.

- Play the cassette so students can complete the information.


This is a recorded message for the Picture House Cinema, Telford. Programme for July the 27th to July the 30th. The films showing at the moment are the following:

Screen 1 :Notting Hill, at 12.30, 15.30, 18.30 and 21.20

Screen 2: The Mummy, at 16,00, 19.00 and 22.00

Screen 3: Mulan, at 11.30, 13,40, 16.00 and 18.30

The price for all films is $3.75, expect late shows: $4.50 students and old age pensioners, $2

Here some information about the films showing at the moment.

Notting Hill is a romantic comedy, directed by Roger Michel and starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. Anna Scott(Julia Roberts) is a world-famous actress. She meets and falls in love with William Thacker (Hugh Grant), the shy owner of a bookshop in London.


1) July 27 2) 18.30 3) 22.00 4) 13.30 5) $3.75 6) $4.50 7) $2 8) directed 9) starring 10) actress

Exercise 2


Malcom: So, Christine, what did you think of the film?

Chrictine: I really liked it. I thought it was absolutely brilliant.

M: Mm, it was quite funny, I suppose, but it was nothing special. My favourite character was the flatmate -he was great.

C: Yes, but the whole film was really good. I mean the dialogue was very clever.

M: That's true. But the plot was a bit silly.

C: That's not the point. The situation was very funny. For me, Julia Roberts was absolutely fantastic in the film. She's an amazing actress, isn't she?

M: Yeah… but Hugh Grant always plays the same part. You know the shy Englishman.

C: Oh come on! He was really good!

M: Well, I thought he was quite good in the interview scene.

C: Yeah. That was great.

M: So, what scene did you like best?

C: I really loved the dinner scene. It was so funny! You know, when she comes into the house with….


1 brilliant 2 quite 3 special 4favourite 5 clever 6 true 7 silly 8 the point 9 funny 10 fantastic 11 amazing 12 part 13 though 14 scene 15 loved 16 so

(Ученики получают карточки с пропущенными словами, при аудировании они должны вставить их, в конспекте эти слова подчеркнуты).

3. Представление презентаций и творческих заданий группами. (18 мин.)

Сценарий урока по теме Кино с применением Интернет-технологий

А) Историки.

Б) Психологи.

В) Кинокритики.

Г) Информационная служба.

Д) Архитекторы.

Е) Мультипликаторы.

4Сценарий урока по теме Кино с применением Интернет-технологий. Заполнение карточек индивидуального и группового продвижения.(4 мин.)

Сценарий урока по теме Кино с применением Интернет-технологий

5. Итоги урока. Рефлексия. ( 4 мин.)

Учащиеся подходят к доске и прикладывают кружок на ступеньку «Лестницы успеха»

The Ladder of Success

Лестница успеха.

3. I can teach others.

2. I can use.

1. I can understand

6. Домашнее задание. (3 мин.)

Учащимся на выбор дается несколько заданий разного уровня.

1) Подготовить тему и вопросы для занятия в системе «Chat».

План занятия

А) Регистрация, ввод данных.

Б) Представление тем и обсуждение.

В) Обсуждение этой темы на английском в группах в классе.

Г) Вывод результатов обсуждения каждой группы в окно сообщений Чата.

Д) Продолжение обсуждений, но уже в режиме Чат между группами.

Е) Подведение итогов по теме SUMMARY

2) Cartoon Sketches. (приложение №2)

3) Сообщение «My Visit to the Cinema» , «About Actors»

(приложение №3)

4) How to make a film review. (приложение №4)

7) Выставление оценок. Вопросы учителю. (1 мин.)

Методические рекомендации.

Тема: « Кино» изучается как на базовом уровне, так и на профильном уровне. Материалы данного урока могут быть использованы и при изучении других тем: « Досуг», «Культура твоей страны», «Страноведение» и другие.

Формы работы, модель урока можно использовать при планировании уроков по другим темам, при подготовке к ЕГЭ.

Урок с применением Интернет - технологий позволяет использовать различные мотивации.

Целевая мотивация. Учащиеся четко осознают, для чего они изучают новую лексику, грамматику, повторяют пройденный материал.

Мотивация успеха. Каждый ученик может показать, как он работает с Интернет - ресурсами.

Страноведческая мотивация. В процессе работы происходит сравнительный анализ и сопоставление культурных особенностей родной страны и стран изучаемого языка.

Эстетическая мотивация. Ученики должны изучать иностранный язык не потому что им надо знать язык, а потому что изучение языка - удовольствие. У учеников есть возможность использовать работу с Интернет-ресурсами, компьютером, то, что им доставляет интерес.

Инструментальная мотивация. Исходя из особенностей работы мозга, темперамента, видов памяти и других аспектов индивидуальных различий, каждый ученик имеет свои любимые формы и виды работ. Один с легкостью находит информацию, другой предпочитает переводить и т.д., у каждого ученика есть возможность максимально выразить себя в любимом и наиболее удающемся виде работ.

При подготовке к уроку были задействованы практически самые разнообразные возможности и ресурсы Интернет. Учащиеся в поиске новой информации использовали виртуальные библиотеки, базы данных, виртуальные кафе и музеи.

К уроку учащиеся отобрали разнообразный материал. То, что они не использовали при презентации работы, поместили в папке с Интернет ресурсами.

В приложении представлены некоторые из них.


Приложение №1

There is now more crime and violence in our society then ever before. Everyone is worried. Everyone is scared to go out at night. These are dangerous times we live in. This is also the time when more and more people are watching violet films on television. Certainly there is a direct connection between the films that people watch on TV and the violence that is in the streets. For example, a child may see a bank robbery in a film. The child learns from the film how to rob a bank. There have been many cases reported in the newspapers where such things have actually happened. Professor Ivor Mills (Cambridge University) has proved that many young people become too excited by violent films and when the film is over they go out and commit criminal acts.

Приложение №2

Cartoon Sketches.

Prepare a conversation with a partner. Use expressions and idioms above. Then put on a sketch about the situation.

Izabella and her husband often fight about TV programs. Her English is not very good, and she doesn't understand most programs very well. Her husband< who is American, likes to watch the news and interview shows. Unfortunately, they only have one TV set.

Приложение 3.

  1. My Visit to the cinema

  1. Usually/sometimes/as a rule_____ we go to ….cinema because _____/we go to the_____ o'clock show.

  2. As for me, I like to go_____ .

  3. My seat is/was___ in the dress-circle/balcony/stalls/in the ___ row.

  4. There was ______ a newsreal/a documentary film/a cartoon _____ before the film.

  5. It is/was____a comedy/a filmed concert/a war film/a political film/an educational film/a film which had a lot of good music/a film about foreign countries/a documentary film/a film version of a story or book/ a film about present-day problems/ a film about great…/ a film which gets you thinking _____.

  6. The film is/was based on ____(a novel/story/play).

  7. The film is/was produced by ____ studio.

  8. The script was written by ___.

  9. The director of the film is___.

10) Starring in ___ are/were ___.

11) The film shows(ed) ___ struggle of ___ against ___/love and friendship between ___/complex relations between ___/the fate of ___during___.

12) The direction is (skillful/professional).

13) The acting is (real/true to life/excellent/first-class).

14) I enjoyed this film, because ___.

II. About Actors

  1. ___ is/was the most popular/a talented/ a well-known/…/actor.

  2. ___ has already played ___ roles in ___/has appeared in several films/starred in different roles.

  3. It's interesting to know that ___.

  4. As for me, I like him/her best in the part of ___.

  5. ___ is/was one of his/her best roles.

  6. ___ has been on the stage for ___ years.

  7. ___ is known all over the world as___.

  8. Perhaps you've heard his name and even seen him in___.

Приложение № 4

How to make a film review.


1 Introduction: What is the name of the film? Who is it directed by? Is it well-directed? What type is it? Is the film based on fact or is it a pure fiction?

2 Setting: Where does it take place?

3 Actors: Why play(s) the leading part(s)? Who stars in the film? Is the acting convincing?

4 Subject (plot): What is it about? What happens?

5 Opinion: How would you describe it?

(Exciting/ sad/ clever/ boring) Did you enjoy it? Give your reasons. Would you recommend it to other people to see?

Приложение № 5

History of horror films.

Horror Films are unsettling films designed to frighten and panic, cause dread and alarm, and to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic experience. Horror films effectively center on the dark side of life, the forbidden, and strange and alarming events. They deal with our most primal nature and its fears: our nightmares, our vulnerability, our alienation, our revulsions, our terror of the unknown, our fear of death and dismemberment, loss of identity, or fear of sexuality.

Whatever dark, primitive, and revolting traits that simultaneously attract and repel us are featured in the horror genre. Horror films are often combined with science fiction when the menace or monster is related to a corruption of technology, or when Earth is threatened by aliens. The fantasy and supernatural film genres are not synonymous with the horror genre, although thriller films may have some relation when they focus on the revolting and horrible acts of the killer/madman. Horror films are also known as chillers, scary movies, spookfests, and the macabre.

Introduction to Horror Films Genre:

Horror films go back as far as the onset of films themselves, over a 100 years ago. From our earliest days, we use our vivid imaginations to see ghosts in shadowy shapes, to be emotionally connected to the unknown and to fear things that are improbable. Watching a horror film gives an opening into that scary world, into an outlet for the essence of fear itself, without actually being in danger. Weird as it sounds, there's a very real thrill and fun factor in being scared or watching disturbing, horrific images.

Horror films, when done well and with less reliance on horrifying special effects, can be extremely potent film forms, tapping into our dream states and the horror of the irrational and unknown, and the horror within man himself. (The best horror films only imply or suggest the horror in subtle ways, rather than blatantly displaying it, i.e., Val Lewton's horror films.) In horror films, the irrational forces of chaos or horror invariably need to be defeated, and often these films end with a return to normalcy and victory over the monstrous.

Of necessity, the earliest horror films were Gothic in style - meaning that they were usually set in spooky old mansions, castles, or fog-shrouded, dark and shadowy locales. Their main characters have included "unknown," human, supernatural or grotesque creatures, ranging from vampires, demented madmen, devils, unfriendly ghosts, monsters, mad scientists, "Frankensteins," "Jekyll/Hyde" dualities, demons, zombies, evil spirits, arch fiends, Satanic villains, the "possessed," werewolves and freaks to even the unseen, diabolical presence of evil.

Horror films developed out of a number of sources: folktales with devil characters, witchcraft, fables, myths, ghost stories, Grand Guignol melodramas, and Gothic or Victorian novels from Europe by way of Mary Shelley or Irish writer Bram Stoker. In many ways, the expressionistic German silent cinema led the world in films of horror and the supernatural, and established its cinematic vocabulary and style.

The Earliest Horror Films: Monsters, Vamps and More

The first horror movie, only about two minutes long, was made by imaginative French filmmaker Georges Melies, titled Le Manoir Du Diable (1896) (aka The Devil's Castle) - containing some elements of later vampire films.

One of the more memorable and influential of the early films was Germany's silent expressionistic landmark classic, Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari (1919) (aka The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) from director Robert Wiene, about a ghost-like hypnotist-therapist in a carnival named Dr. Caligari (Werner Kraus) who calls pale-skinned, lanky, black leotard-wearing Cesare (Conrad Veidt, later known for his portrayal as Major Strasser in Casablanca (1942)), his performing somnambulist (and haunted murderer), from a state of sleep. The shadowy, disturbing, distorted, and dream-nightmarish quality of the macabre and stylistic 'Caligari,' with twisted alleyways, lopsided doors, cramped rooms, overhanging buildings, and skewed cityscapes, was shot in a studio. It was brought to Hollywood in the 1920s, and later influenced the classic period of horror films in the 1930s - introducing many standard horror film conventions. As with many classic films (i.e., Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)), the original story was altered (due to its insinuation that "authority" was questionable and insane), and a flashback framing device (composed of an epilogue and prologue) was added to soften its message. This made the film appear to be a delusional nightmare in a psychotic mental patient's (Francis) dream, thereby diluting the subversive nature of the original.

The earliest vampire film was director Arthur Robison's German silent film Nachte des Grauens (1916), aka Night of Terror, with strange, vampire-like people. The Hungarian film Drakula halala (1921), aka The Death of Dracula, was the first adaptation of Irish writer Bram Stoker's 1897 vampire novel Dracula. The first genuine vampire picture was also produced by a European filmmaker - director F. W. Murnau's feature-length Nosferatu, A Symphony of Terror (1922), aka Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens. Shot on location, it was an unauthorized film adaptation of Stoker's Dracula with Max Schreck in the title role as the screen's first vampire - a mysterious aristocrat living in distant Bremen named Count Graf Orlok (Max Schreck). Because of copyright problems, the vampire was named Nosferatu rather than Dracula, and the action was changed from Transylvania to Bremen.


Приложение №6

Сценарий урока по теме Кино с применением Интернет-технологий

He was born in Walworth, London, England to Charles Chaplin, Sr. and Hannah Harriette Hill, both Music Hall entertainers. His parents separated soon after his birth, leaving him in the care of his increasingly unstable mother. In 1896, she was unable to find work; Charlie and his older half-brother Sydney had to be left in the workhouse at Lambeth, moving after several weeks to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. His father died an alcoholic when Charlie was 12, and his mother suffered a mental breakdown, and was eventually admitted to the Cane Hill Asylum at Coulsdon, near Croydon. She died in 1928.

Early Life.

Charlie first took to the stage when, aged 5, he performed in Music Hall in 1894, standing in for his mother. As a child, he was confined to a bed for weeks due to a serious illness, and, at night, his mother would sit at the window and act out what was going on outside. In 1900, aged 11, his brother helped get him the role of a comic cat in the pantomime Cinderella at the London Hippodrome. In 1903 he appeared in Jim, A Romance of Cockayne, followed by his first regular job, as the newspaper boy Billy in Sherlock Holmes, a part he played into 1906. This was followed by Casey's Court Circus variety show, and, the following year, he became a clown in Fred Karno's Fun Factory slapstick comedy company.

Move to America.

According to immigration records, he arrived in the USA with the Karno troupe on October 2, 1912. In the Karno Company was Arthur Stanley Jefferson, who would later become known as Stan Laurel. Chaplin and Laurel wound up sharing a room in a boarding house. Stan Laurel returned to England but Chaplin remained in the USA. His act was seen by film producer Mack Sennett, who hired him for his studio, the Keystone Film Company.

While Chaplin initially had difficulty adjusting to the Keystone style of film acting, he soon adapted and flourished in the medium. This was made possible in part by Chaplin developing his signature Tramp persona, and by eventually earning directorship and creative control over his films, which enabled him to become Keystone's top star and talent.

His salary history suggests how rapidly he became world famous, and the skill of his brother, Sydney, at being his business manager.

1914: Keystone, worked for $150 a week.

1914-1915: Essanay Studios, of Chicago, Illinois, $1250 a week, plus $10,000 signing bonus.

1916-1917: Mutual, $10,000 a week, plus $150,000 signing bonus.

1917: First National, $1 million deal - the first actor ever to earn that sum. He also formed his own independent production company, the Charles Chaplin Film Corporation, which made him a very wealthy man.

Chaplin as Auteur.

Chaplin built his own Hollywood studio in 1918, and assumed an unparalleled degree of artistic and financial independence over his productions. Using this independence, over the next 35 years he created a remarkable, timeless body of work that remains entertaining and influential. These include comedy shorts (such as A Dog's Life (1918) and Pay Day (1922)), longer films (Shoulder Arms (1918) and The Pilgrim (1923)), and his great silent feature length films: The Kid (1921), A Woman of Paris (1923), The Gold Rush (1925), and The Circus (1928). After the arrival of sound films, he made City Lights (1931) and Modern Times (1936), essentially silent films scored with his own music and sound effects. His dialogue films made in Hollywood were The Great Dictator (1940), Monsieur Verdoux (1947), and Limelight (1952).

Modern Times (1936), a silent movie, did feature some dialogue. It is actually his first movie where his own voice is heard. However, it is still, majorly and essentially, a silent film.

In 1919 he founded the United Artists film distribution company with Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and D. W. Griffith, and served on the board of UA until the early 1950's.

Although "talkies" became the dominant mode of moviemaking soon after they were introduced in 1927, Chaplin resisted making a talkie all through the 1930s. It is a tribute to Chaplin's versatility that he also has one film credit for choreography for the 1952 film Limelight, and one credit as a singer for the title music of the 1928 film The Circus. The best-known of several songs he composed are "Smile", famously covered by Nat King Cole, among others, and the theme from Limelight, which won a belated Oscar for best film score in 1973.

His first dialogue picture, The Great Dictator (1940) was an act of defiance against Adolf Hitler and fascism, filmed and released in the United States one year before it abandoned its policy of isolationism to enter World War II. Chaplin played a fascist dictator clearly modeled on Hitler (also with a certain physical likeness), as well as a Jewish barber cruelly persecuted by the Nazis. Hitler, who was a great fan of movies, is known to have seen the film twice (records were kept of movies ordered for his personal theater). After the war and the uncovering of the Holocaust, Chaplin stated that he would not have been able to make such jokes about the Nazi regime had he known about the actual extent of the pogrom.


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