План-конспект урока. Тема: «The era of mobile phones»

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Тема: «The era of mobile phones»

Основные цели урока:

1. Практические: Продолжать знакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме «Мобильные телефоны» и организовать ее тренировку; совершенствовать умение говорения в пределах изучаемой темы.

2. Развивающая: Развивать умение чтения с извлечением детальной информации;

3. Воспитательная: Воспитывать культуру монологической речи.

Оборудование: учебник 9 класса Л.М. Лапицкая, схема, наглядности, доска.

Тип урока: комбинированый урок.

Этапы урока

Цель урока



1.Начальный этап

А.Организационный момент

Разогреть органы речи

Good morning children! Glad to see you. So it's time to start our lesson.

How are you?

What date is it today?

Is it sunny today?

Do you like the weather today?

I'm fine.

Today is the 27th of April

Yes, it is.

Yes, I do.

Б. Фонетическая разминка

Развитие навыка говорения

Now look at the blackboard. Listen and repeat the words after me. Mind your pronunciation!



to eavesdrop




to avoid

could not help hearing





to eavesdrop




to avoid

could not help hearing



В. Речевая зарядка

Nice work. So now tell me, please

-Do you have a mobile phone?

-What can your mobile do?

- Do you use your mobile during school?

- What do you mostly use your mobile for?( talking, texting, playing video games, surfing the internet)

- Do you think you have an addiction to mobile phones?

Yes, I have/ No, I have not.

My mobile can call, play the music and video, surf the internet, and send a text message.

- Yes, I do /No I don't.

- Mostly I use my mobile for talking and playing the music.

Yes, I think so/No, I don't think so.

Г. Целеполагание

Познакомить детей с темой урока

As you can see, the topic of our lesson is "The Mobile Phone" . Today we will work with the text there will be some exercises and we will do our best to learn topic.

Д. Проверка домашнего задания

But first we will check up your home task.

What was your homework?

You was given sentences to translate:

Today's teenagers are a generation for whom the line between online and real world is practically non-existent. Myspace.com, which began as a social networking site, but now it is opened 24 hours a day, seven days a week'. Myspace receives more daily visits than Google and Amazon. The site has 40 million members worldwide. For millions of teenagers, the Internet is like a drug.

Kids are using these sites to act out fantasy. On the Internet, you are allowed the chance to be the best. Besides, lonely, unpopular or troubled teenagers get online and play the roles they want to be.

Let's read one by one and translate.

Современные подростки - поколение, для которых линия между реальным и виртуальным миром практически не существует.

Майспейс.ком, который начинал как социльная сеть, но сейчас он открыт 24 часа в день, 7 дней в неделю. Майспейс получает больше ежедневных посещений, чем Гугл или Амазон. Сайт имеет 40 млн членов по всему миру. Для миллионов подростков, интернет подобен наркотику. Дети пользуются этими сайтами для выражения фантазии. В интернете тебе дается шанс быть лучшим. Кроме того, одинокие, непопулярные или беспокойные подростки входят в сеть и играют роли, которые они хотят.

2. Основной этап

А. Работа с текстом

Б. Вопросно-ответная работа

В. Послетекстовые задания

Good work. Now open your books at page 227 ex.2a. The task is to read and translate the text.

But first let's read the words that may cause you difficulties.

Now let's read and translate one by one.

Cry out- требовать, нуждаться

Extension - удлинение, добавочный провод.

Passing fad- минутная прихоть.

Approach - приблизиться

Elbow - толкнуть локтем

Bells and whistles- ненужные свойства, украшения

Recover yourself- приходить в себя

Throw in- добавить

Pick up receiver- поднять трубку.

Go through -принятым

I hope you understood the text.

In your opinion, what is this text about?

This text is about buying a new mobile phone by Emily and her Mom. She has cried out for olden times.

1) Who's got a new mobile phone?

2) What can Emily's new phone do?

3) What kind of phone did author want to buy?

4) Did she want a simple phone?

5)What did people think when mobile phones appeared?

6)Did Emily want an LG chocolate or an LG White?

7) What does this article tell us about: the advantages of the mobile phone or its disadvantages?

Now I'll give you cards with the exercises. You will have a minute to view them, then we will do exercises together.

1. Are the following statements True or False?

1) Emily wanted to buy a Nokia phone.

2) Thanks to mobile phones, parents can't eavesdrop their children.

3) A shop-assistant interrupted her conversation on landline phone.

4) Author's voice had got loud because she wanted to buy simple phone.

5) Schoolwork is more important than mobile phones for young people.

1) The author's daughter got a new mobile.

2) Emily's new phone plays music and video. It has games and a navigation system. It connects to the Internet.

3) She simply wanted a basic phone with no bells and whistles.

4) Yes, she did.

5) People thought they were just a passing fad.

6) Emily wanted an LG Chocolate.

7) This article tell us about the advantages: it has games, video, navigation system, Internet. But mobile phones may cause the mobile phone addiction.

1) False. Emily wanted to buy an LG Chocolate.

2) True

3) False. A shop-assistant interrupted her conversation on mobile phone.

4) True

5) False. Schoolwork is less important than mobile phones for young people.

Г. Обсуждение темы на основе высказываний

Now you'll read the advice how to avoid this problem and I want you express your opinion about it. There are phrases to help you. Read them.

3. Заключительный этап

А. Домашнее задание

Open you record- book and write down the home task. At home you need to learn by heart these advices.

Б. Рефлексия

You have read the advices so try to give your personal advice for people who addicted to the internet. Open your books at page 224 ex. 4a it will help you. And start your answer with : I'd like to advice… and choose what you want.

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