The black cat. English reading. ІІІ ч

The black  cat. English reading. Книга для читання. 7 - 9 частиниПосібник  призначений сприяти розвитку навичок читання англійською мовою.  Даний посібник складається з двох частин: з текстової частини та лексико-граматичних  післятекстових завдань, які розроблені на основі художнього тексту " Чорний кіт".  Видання  рекомендується  для учнів  шкіл, гімназій, ліцеїв в ході підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови та державної підсумкової атестації за курс повної загальної середньої освіти, а також дл...
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Chapter 7

The Road to Ba'albek

At six o' clock Salahadin and Fuad arrived at the docks in Beirut. They sat in the car and waited for the arrival of "The Sudan".

There was another car on the docks.

"Do you see that black car over there?" asked Fuad.

"The one with two men in the front?"

"Yes," said Fuad, "and there's a fat man sitting in the back seat. I know him. He's interested in antiquities. He often comes to the museum."

"The Sudan" soon appeared at the entrance to the docks. It reached the dockside just after half past six and the passengers came down the gangway.

"There he is," said Salahadin, "the man on the gangway! He's tall. He has fair hair and broad shoulders. That's the man."

"But I know him," said Fuad, "He's a Swede and his name is Borkman. He's interested in antiquities, too. I've often seen him in the museum."

"Where's the box?" asked Salahadin. "He's not carrying a box."

"Let's wait and see," said Fuad. "Perhaps he's given the box to a porter."

"Look," said Salahadin. "The black car is moving."

The black car moved a few metres and stopped again behind a shed. Fuad and Salahadin sat and waited. Borkman got off the boat and got into a taxi. But he was not carrying a heavy box. The taxi started to move away.

"Let's follow him," said Fuad.

"Wait a moment," said Salahadin. "Watch the black car."

Salahadin was right. The black car pulled out slowly and followed Borkman's taxi.

"We can go now," said Salahadin. "We'll follow the black car. There's something strange here."

The three cars drove out of the docks, one after the other.

The taxi went quickly through the streets of Beirut. Then it started to climb the steep road towards the mountains. The black car followed the taxi. Fuad followed the black car.

"Isn't this the road to your village?" asked Salahadin.

"Yes," replied Fuad. "This road goes higher up the mountains. It goes to a

small town called Ba'albek."

"I've heard of Ba'albek," said Salahadin. "There are some famous ruins


"And there's a gang of smugglers, too," said Fuad. "They smuggle

antiquities out of Beirut."

The tree cars drove up the steep road. They went past Fuad's village. Fuad drove on in silence. The road became narrower and steeper and Fuad did not drive too close to the black car.

"The road is more dangerous here," said Fuad. "There was an accident a few weeks ago. Four people were killed."

For a few moments nothing happened. Then the black car began to go faster. It had moved into the middle of the road and was trying to pass Borkman's taxi. The two cars were now side by side. They were almost touching each other.

There was a sharp bend in the road in front of them.

"They'll never get round that bend," shouted Fuad.

But it was already too late. There was a loud crashing noise. Fuad slowed down and drove carefully round the bend. The black car and the taxi had disappeared. In front of them, the road was empty. Everything was silent.

Chapter 8

Borkman's Story

Fuad and Salahadin got out of the car and walked to the edge of the road. It was now getting dark and cold. The two cars lay below them. The black car had fallen about two hundred metres to the bottom. It was on fire. The taxi had not fallen so far. It was lying against a tree.

"Come on," said Salahadin. "Let's climb down quickly. Perhaps Borkman's still alive."

Fuad climbed down the steep path and Salahadin followed him. They found the taxi. The driver was inside, but he was dead. One of the doors was open and Borkman had fallen out into some bushes. He was not dead, but he was badly injured.

Fuad bent down and lifted the dying man. He laid him on a flat piece of ground. After a few moments, Borkman opened his eyes and looked up. He tried to speak, but he did not speak very clearly.

"The man in the black car …" he said. "Where are they? What happened to them?"

"They're dead," replied Salahadin quietly.

"But who are you?" asked Borkman.

"We were passing on the road," replied Fuad. "We saw the accident."

There was silence for a few moments. Borkman closed his eyes and lay still on the ground. Then he slowly opened his eyes again.

"Will you help me?" he asked.

"Yes," replied Fuad. "What do you want?"

"Go to Ba'albek," said Borkman. "Go to Jusef's café. Ask for Jusef. Tell Jusef …"

Borkman was silent again.

"What do I tell Jusef?" asked Fuad.

"Tell him that Pearson's dead," said Borkman. "And the Black Cat's safe."

"Where is the Black Cat?" asked Salahadin.

"Tell Jusef that the Black Cat's safe," said Borkman again.

"But where is it?" asked Salahadin again.

"Peterson has the Black Cat," said Borkman after a few moments. "I gave it to him at Alexandria. He took it with him on the boat."

"Which boat?" asked Salahadin.

"The boat to Athens," replied Borkman. "Peterson took the Black Cat on the boat to Athens."

"Who was following you then?" asked Fuad.

"The Red Hand Gang," replied Borkman. "They wanted the Black Cat. But the Black Cat is safe. Tell Jusef… Tell Jusef …"

Borkman closed his eyes for the last time. Blood was running out of his mouth and his body shook strongly for a moment. Then he lay still. He was dead.

"Let's get away quickly," said Salahadin. "I don't want to wait for the police. They'll take us with them to Ba'albek. I must leave Beirut immediately. I'm going to Athens. You can tell the police about this in the morning."

Fuad and Salahadin climbed back up to the road. Some cars had stopped and people were looking down at the burning car. Fuad and Salahadin drove off quickly.

Chapter 9

Beirut to Athens

Salahadin and Fuad got back home before ten o'clock. Leila was pleased to see them. She started to make some food, but Salahadin was in a hurry.

"Can you phone Beirut airport?" he asked Fuad. "Find out the time of the first plane to Athens. I want to get there as soon as possible."

Fuad phoned the airport. Leila brought in some coffee and they sat down. Salahadin told her about Borkman's death. He spoke about the Black Cat.

"But what is the Black Cat?" asked Leila.

Salahadin told her about the pharaon Ankuten and about the tomb in the Valley of Zar.

"I know now that Pearson found the tomb," said Salahadin. "He found the cat in the tomb and brought it to Cairo. Pearson told Borkman about the cat.

But Borkman was a member of the Ba'albek Gang. Pearson didn't know that. Borkman murdered Pearson and took the cat."

"And where is the cat now?" asked Leila.

"Borkman had a plan," replied Salahadin. "He was not taking the cat to Beirut. He gave the cat to another man on the docks at Alexandria. This other man is called Peterson. Peterson has taken the Black Cat with him to Athens."

While Salahadin was talking, he was making some notes in his book. This is what he wrote.

1. Pearson

- found Black Cat

- took it to Cairo

- told Borkman

- Pearson murdered by Borkman

2. Borkman

- took Black Cat to Alexandria

- gave it to Peterson

- came to Beirut

- killed on road to Ba'albek

3. The Red Hand Gang

- heard about Cat

- tried to stop Borkman

- killed on road to Ba'albek

4. Jusef

- in café at Ba'albek

- ? leader of Gang

5. Peterson

- has Black Cat

- is on boat to Athens

- boat is called "The Syria"

Fuad came back from the telephone.

"There's a plane in four hours' time," he said. "It leaves Beirut at one o'clock in the morning and arrives in Athens at five."

"How long does the boat take from Alexandria to Athens?" asked Salahadin.

"Almost two days," replied Leila. "I once went by boat on a holiday to Athens."

"The Syria" left Alexandria on Monday evening," said Salahadin. "It's Tuesday today. It won't arrive in Athens until tomorrow. I'll be in Athens before the boat."

"We must leave soon," said Fuad. "It's a long way to the airport."

Salahadin said goodbye to Leila and drove off with Fuad. They arrived at the airport just after midnight. It was already Wednesday. But Salahadin was only a few hours away from Athens by air.

Salahadin thanked Fuad.

"Take care," said Fuad. "Six people have already died because of this Black Cat. Send us a telegramme from Athens."

"I'll send you a telegramme from Athens tomorrow," said Salahadin. Then he smiled. "I mean today. It's Wednesday already. You go to the police in the morning. Tell them about Jusef's café."

Salahadin said goodbye to Fuad and went to catch the plane for Athens.


1. Find translation to the combinations

  1. to appear

  2. to reach

  3. a gangway

  4. behind a shed

  5. to follow

  6. to climb

  7. the steep road

  8. a gang of smugglers

  9. to touch each other

  10. a sharp bend

  11. to shout

  12. a loud crashing noise

  13. to disappear

  1. за ангаром

  2. підійматися

  3. кричати

  4. приходити до

  5. банда контрабандистів

  6. різкий поворот

  7. крута дорога

  8. з'являтися

  9. зникати

  10. гучний нищівний шум

  11. іти слідом

  12. трап

  13. торкатися один одного

2. Tick the best answer.

1. Salahadin and Fuad noticed … at the docks.

a) the gang of smugglers

b) two men

c) a suspicious woman

d) the car

2. A fat man was interested in …

a) rarities

b) antiquities

c) tombs

d) jewelleries

3. The man with fair hair was …

a) on the gangway

b) in the car

c) at the docks

d) at the boat

4. Borkman was carrying …

a) a box

b) maps

c) antiquities

d) nothing

5. Salahadin and Fuad saw Borkman …

a) run away

b) get into a taxi

c) get into the black car

d) move to the bus - stop

6. The black car followed …

a) Salahadin's and Fuad's car

b) Borkman's taxi

c) a black lorry

d) a red double - decker

7. The road went to …

a) Beirut

b) Cairo

c) Ba'albek

d) Fuad's house

8. The small town was famous of …

a) ruins

b) tombs

c) old buildings

d) pyramids

9. Fuad didn't drive too close to the cars because …

a) the people in the black car noticed him

b) he was afraid to damage his car

c) the road became wider

d) the road became steeper

10. There was … on the road to Ba'albek.

a) an exchange of fire

b) an accident

c) many lorries

d) traffic jam

11. For a few moments twp cars …

a) began to move faster

b) stopped

c) disappeared

d) blew up

3. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the model.

Model : This is my car. - This car is mine.

1. That was his antiquities.


2. This is Borkman's taxi.


3. This is my village.


4. That was Leila's husband.


5. This is your boat.


4. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice.

1. Fuad saw Borkman come to the museum.


2. He was not carrying a box.


3. The friends are watching the black car.


4. Fuad followed the black car.


5. Salahadin has heard of Ba'albek.


5. Write down as many special questions to the sentences as you can.

1. "The Sudan" soon appeared at the entrance to the docks.


2. The black car moved a few metres and stopped again behind a shed.


3. The road became narrower and steeper and Fuad did not drive too close to the car.


4. There was a sharp bend in the road in front of them.


5. The black car and the taxi had disappeared.


6. Unjumble the letters to find the words from the story and complete the sentences.

1. DWESE Borkman was …

2. DESH The black car stopped behind a …

3. TRUBEI The taxi went through the streets of …

4. WONT Ba'albek was a …

5. SINOE For a few moments there was a loud …

7. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1. Кажуть, що Боркман цікавиться антикваріатом


2. Було чути, як Саладін розмовляв з Фуадом.


3. Напевно, чорний автомобіль переслідував таксі.


4. Здавалося, що автомобілі торкалися одне одного.


5. Ба'албек знають як історичне місце.


8. Guess the meaning.

1. Support the weight of and move from place to place.

2. Place smaller than a town.

3. Something that happens without a cause that can be seen at once; something unfortunate and undesirable.

4. Group of persons going about a working together for criminal purposes.

5. Speak or cry out in a loud voice.


1.Find translation to the combinations

1. the edge of the road

2. the bottom

3. on fire

4. alive

5. to fall out

6. to be injured

7. to run out of

  1. живий

  2. низ

  3. витікати з

  4. поранений

  5. кінець дороги

  6. у вогні

  7. випадати

2. Tick the best answer.

1. The black car was …

a) on fire

b) in the water

c) on the road

d) on the hill

2. Salahadin hoped …

a) Borkman was alive

b) Borkman was dead

c) Borkman ran away

d) Borkman had the Black Cat

3. Jusef was …

a) one of the men in the black car

b) a taxi driver

c) a Borkman's friend

d) a Borkman's acquaintance

4. Borkman said the Black Cat …

a) was stolen

b) was lost

c) was safe

d) was destroyed

5. … had the Black Cat

a) Pearson

b) Peterson

c) Borkman

d) the Red Hand Gang

6. The man took the antiquity to …

a) Ba'albek

b) Jusef's café

c) Alexandria

d) Athens

7. The Red Hand Gang wanted …

a) to kill Borkman

b) to find Jusef

c) to steal the Black Cat

d) to buy the Black Cat

8. In a few minutes after conversation Borkman …

a) was dead

b) went to Jusef

c) killed Fuad

d) was killed by the Red Hand Gang

9. Salahadin decided …

a) to wait for the police

b) to go to the Fuad's house

c) to leave Beirut

d) to find Jusef

10. Salahadin advised Fuad …

a) to tell the police about the accident

b) to find the chief of the Red Hand gang

c) to go to Athens

d) to stay near Borkman

3. Fill in: in, on, out, for, to, up, off.

1. I was made to lay … the sofa.

2. She called him back … a few moments.

3. Go … my flat and help me pack the clothes.

4. I saw her sit … the new car.

5. The children were playing soccer … the road.

6. Look! Linda's house is … fire!

7. What have you done! My spectacles have fallen … into bushes.

8. Water is running … of the bottle.

9. It's raining. Let's back … to the road.

10. I was walking along the street when my friend drove … quickly.

4. Write down antonyms to the words.

Ground ________________________________________________________________________________________________

to open _________________________________________________________________________________________

dead ___________________________________________________________________________________________

to look up ______________________________________________________________________________________

to climb ________________________________________________________________________________________

to lay __________________________________________________________________________________________

silence _________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Underline the correct item.

1. Borkman has been interested in antiquities since/for two years.

2. They saw the black car three minutes ago/after.

3. Salahadin has known Fuad since/for they were students.

4. Borkman is already/still laying on the ground.

5. Fuad hasn't lifted the dying man still/yet.

6. Make nouns from the following words.

to drive -

dead -

clearly -

quietly -

to stop -

7. Underline the correct item.

1. Either/neither of them have promised to help Borkman.

2. There's none/no black car on the road.

3. He visited every/each museum.

4. All/both of them are detectives.

5. All/both of them were dead.

8. Guess the meaning.

1. Organ of sight.

2. Low - growing plant with several or many woody stems coming up from the root.

3. Condition of burning.

4. Unit of length.

5. That which closes the entrance to a building, room, safe.


1. Find translation to the combinations

1. to be in a hurry

2. to find out

3. to drive off

4. by air

5. to take care

6. to catch the plane

a) у повітрі

b) берегти

c) поїхати

d) ловити

e) знаходити

f) поспішати

2. Tick the best answer.

1. Salahadin was in a hurry because …

a) he wanted to tell everything to police

b) he decided to leave Beirut

c) he was afraid of the Red Hand gang

d) somebody followed him

2. Borkman was a member of …

a) Egyptian government

b) history - lovers club

c) Culture commitee

d)Ba'albek Gang

3. Pearson didn't know that …

a) Borkman wanted to steal the Black Cat

b) Peterson was Borkman's accomplice

c) The Red Hand Gang was searching for the antiquity

d) The Black Cat wasn't made of gold

4. Jusef could be …

a) Borkman's relative

b) Pearson's murderer

c) a man who heard about the Black Cat

d) one of the bandits

5. Salahadin advised Fuad …

a) to go to the police

b) to take care of Leila

c) to send him a telegram

d) to wait for his call

3. Choose the correct word.

1. Which of these is not related to Egypt?

a) Cairo b) Beirut c) Alexandria

2. Which of these is not related to the boat?

a) mast b) deck c) pier

3. Which of these is not related to the day?

a) morning b) afternoon c) midnight

4. Which of these is not related to cats?

a) badger b) lynx c) puma

5. Which of these is not related to criminal case?

a) fireworks b) gang c) rifle

4. For each word or phrase write a word or phrase with a similar meaning. Some letters have been given to help you.

1. Egyptian king _h_ _ _o_

2. Message t_ l_ _ _ _ _

3. The drink _o f_ _ _

4. Ship _ _ _ t

5. To ring to _a_ _

5. Answer the questions.

1. Why was Salahadin making his notes in his book?


2. Why did Fuad phone the airport?


3. Who killed Pearson? With what aim?


4. What plan had Borkman?


5. What do you know about The Red Hand Gang?


6. What did Salahadin decide to do?


7. Where was Peterson?


8. What did Salahadin say to Leila?


9. How long does the boat take from Alexandria to Athens?


10. When will Salahadin be in Athens?


6. Open the brackets using the correct form of nouns.

1. We saw two (man) at the docks.


2. There were many (ox) near Ba'albek.


3. Leila will bring me (sugar) and (milk).


4. People are selling (fruit) beside the road.


5. Give me the album with your (photo).


7. Underline the correct item.

1. What/Which Salahadin and Fuad need is a rest.

2. The road what/which goes to Ba'albek is beautiful.

3. That was the reason why/that Borkman killed Pearson.

4. This is Pearson whose/which antiquity was stolen.

5. The man which/who has the Black Cat is in Athens now.

8. Transform the following sentences into

1. He was not taking the Black Cat to Beirut.

a) Present Continuous

b) Present Perfect Continuous

c) Future Continuous



2. And where is the Black Cat?

a) Past Simple

b) Past Perfect

c) Future Simple



3. Borkman had a plan.

a) Present Simple

b) Past Perfect

c) Future Simple



9. Guess the meaning.

1. Place where the public may buy and drink coffee, beer, wine etc.

2. Person belonging to a group or society.

3. Happy, pleased or other expression on the face.

4. Fourth day of the week.

5. Make an attempt to get or win.

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