Тесты к разделам УМК Millennium 8 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Unit 4

1) Fill in the second column in the table.















2) Write down six things about what you have to/don't have to do on Sunday.

3) Choose the right form of the verb.

  1. Look, Tom! You have broken/broke my bicycle.

  2. Have you seen/did you see my trainers anywhere? I can't find them.

  3. What have you done/did you do with my CD player? It doesn't work.

  4. I have started/started taking my English lessons seriously lately.

  5. He has joined/joined a sport club recently.

  6. She hasn't changed/changed her style yet.

4) Group the words in the box: romantic, optimistic, minimalism, professionalism, heroic, nationalism, heroism, problematic, economic, egoism, eccentric, diplomatic.

nouns meaning a quality

adjectives meaning a quality

Unit 5.

1) Fill in the gaps with the words could, was able/were able (to), managed (to).

  1. It was dark outdoors. I didn't ... to see a robber.

  2. She ... write at the age of four.

  3. She ... write letters to her granny.

  4. The police ... to find the criminal though they had very little evidence.

  5. At a very early age he ... solve very difficult logical problems.

  6. The tourist followed the route and at last they ... find the shelter.

2) Translate from Russian into English.

  1. сочинять стихотворение

  2. представь, что ты другой человек

  3. описывать себя

  4. обсуждать варианты

  5. выбирать самый легкий путь

  6. решать, что делать

3) Fill in the gaps in the second sentence with one of the phrases in the box.

both of


neither of






  1. Tom likes detective stories and Jane enjoys novels. ... like reading.

  2. Emma wants to become a singer. John is fond of pop music. ... want) to become doctors.

  3. Are you passing the test this week? I am passing it on Monday and Ben is passing it on Tuesday. ... are passing the test this week.

  4. Who has broken the window this morning? Mike and I weren't in the yard. So, ... has broken the window.

4) Choose the right tense of the verbs in brackets.

  1. She thought she ... (to lose) her scientific report.

  2. The doctor said he ... (to examine) his patient.

  3. He understood he ... (to solve) this problem.

  4. They explained that they ... (not, to discuss).

  5. Bill was happy he ... (to invent) a new machine to cleaning his garden.

  6. We imagined that we ... (not, to become) scientists.

5) Write what a person wish.

  1. I live far from the lyceum. I wish ...

  2. He hates classical music. I wish ...

  3. It's a pity. I can't go to the south by rocket. I wish

  4. I share my room with my sister. I wish ...

  5. I didn't have a new suite. I wish ...

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