Schools in Great Britain

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
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Алматы облысы Ақсу ауданы

«Қ. Терібаев атындағы орта мектебі,

мектепке дейінгі шағын орталығымен»

коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінің

ағылшын тілі пәнінің мүғалімі

Мұсағалиева Күлпан Жұмаханқызы


Сабақтың тақырыбы: Schools in Great Britain

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушыларға Ұлыбританиядағы білім жүйесі жайлы мағлұмат беру, өз

елінің білім жүйесімен салыстыру;

"Must" модальді етістігінің қолданылуын қайталай отырып, оқушылардың

сөйлеу қабілетін дамыту, "must" модальді етістігінің қолданылуы жайлы

білімдерін қорытындылау

Сабақ түрі: Аралас сабақ

Сабақ әдісі: АКТ технологиялары, cын тұрғысынан ойлау, сұрақ-жауап, топтық жұмыс, ойын

Көрнекілігі: Иинтерактивті тақта, плакаттар, слайд,

Сабақ барысы:

Organizational moment:

1. Greeting with pupils:

Good morning!!! How are you today? Sit down! Who is absent today? What date is it today?

Today we have the open door lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Schools in Great Britain"

We'll begin our lesson! But let's begin our lesson with the song "If you happy" in order to convey our happiness. Today we are very happy, aren't we? Ok !( Pupils sing the song "If you happy')

2. Checking the home task:

Your home task was to learn these words by heart (compulsory, private school, primary education, secondary education, to attend school , to graduate school)

Choose the correct answer!

1.To wear a school uniform

A.Мектеп формасын кию

B. Мектеп формасын сақтау

2. To attend a school

A.Мектепке бару

B.Мектептен қайту

3.To graduate school

A.Мектепті бітіру

B.Мектептен қайту

4.Primary education

A. Бастауыш білім

B.Орта білім

5.Secondary education

A. Бастауыш білім

B.Орта білім


Teacher tells about the educational system of Great Britain with the recourse to slide - show.


In Great Britain education is compulsory from 5-16.British schools are divided in to state and private schools. Private schools are very expensive. In Britain pupils wear special uniforms, it was introduced by HenryVIII. Also all children go to school on a special bus . and it has its own system of assessment. Of course you know that all pupils have their own lockers. After each end of the year pupils take a test.

Comprehension check: True or false?

1. School education is compulsory from 5 to 16

2. In Great Britain pupils wear a school uniform

3. In Great Britain pupils go to school on a special car

4.Secondary education begins at the age of 11

5. Private schools are not expensive

Teacher:Very nice work! Are you tired? Do you want to play a game? Let's play the game " Who is the fastest?" ( There is a pictures of the school things in the poster, teacher names one of the things casually , and pupils should quickly slap it with the fly catcher)


We have got some information about the schools of Great Britain. Now let's talk about the school rules in Great Britain. In order to talk about the school rules we need the modal verb "Must"


Modal verb "Must". Must - for rules and obligation translated as "міндетті"

Practice :

1.Must/ must not be late for your lessons

2. Must/ must not do your homework on time

3. Must/ must not do your best

4. Must/ must not keep the class clean

5. Must/ must not listen to the teacher

6. Must/ must not respect the teacher

7. Must/ must not run in the corridors

8. Must/ must not use your phone

9. Must/ must not chew gums

Ok!!! Let's compare the system of education in Great Britain and Kazakhstan

Schools in Great Britain Both schools Schools in Kazakhstan

Go to school on a special bus wear a school uniform

Starts school at the age of "5" Most pupils attend state schools

All pupils have their own lockers

Teacher: Now , we have learned about the schools of Great Britain, but in what kind of schools do our pupils really want to study? Now our pupils tell about their dreams

Altyn: I would be happy if we could choose subjects

Arai: I would be happy if we could choose subjects

Aibek:I like to go to school five days a week

Sezym: I would be happy if there were many computers in each class


Pupils play the "Champion game' they should make up as many sentences about their school or about British school as they can.

Evaluating the pupils:

Todays marks are:

Giving the hometask:

Exercise 5, Page 116

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