Праздник День Святого Валентина

Этот материал можно использовать в 7-9-х классах, где изучают английский язык, для проведения вечера, посвященного «Дню всех влюбленных», который принято отмечать во всем мире 14 февраля. Такое внеклассное мероприятия можно провести на неделе иностранных языков. Работа направлена на развитие коммуникативной компетенции в области монологической и диалогической речи.Символ этого праздника – сердце. Аудитория, где проводится этот праздник, украшается различными картинками, рисунками в виде «сердече...
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Праздник День Святого Валентина,

для учеников 7-9 классов

на английском языке

Этот материал можно использовать в 7-9-х классах, где изучают английский язык, для проведения вечера, посвященного «Дню всех влюбленных», который принято отмечать во всем мире 14 февраля. Такое внеклассное мероприятия можно провести на неделе иностранных языков. Работа направлена на развитие коммуникативной компетенции в области монологической и диалогической речи.

Символ этого праздника - сердце. Аудитория, где проводится этот праздник, украшается различными картинками, рисунками в виде «сердечек» и воздушными шарами. Ученики заранее готовят открытки виде сердечек с пожеланиями своим друзьям, родителям, педагогам, учат стихи, песни, знакомятся с информацией о празднике, широко известном в разных странах.
Ученики кладут открытки с поздравлениями в «почтовый ящик». Дежурные в этот день по школе разносят поздравления адресатам. Оформляют стенд на конкурс лучших "Valentine cards".
Праздник включает в себе его историю возникновения, разные конкурсы познавательного и развлекательного характера 7-9 классах общеобразовательной школы. Учащимся 7-9 классов будет интересно принять участие в этом празднике.
Такое внеклассное мероприятия можно провести на неделе иностранных языков. Работа направлена на развитие коммуникативной компетенции в области монологической и диалогической речи. В ходе праздничной мероприятии активизируются ситуативное общение, стимулирующее речевую активность, развиваются навыки высказывания своих мнений.



Teacher- Good afternoon, my friend. Today we'll speak about a very beautiful holiday- St Valentine's Day. It is a day for all people who are in love. It is the day when boys and girls, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours send greetings of love to each others. They do it with a Valentine card.The first Valentine was a bishop, a Christian martyr who, before he was put to death by the Romans, sent a note of friendship to the blind daughter of his jailer. The Christian Church cononized him and chose February14 for this saint's day Earlier February14 was an old pagan festival.
On that day young Roman girls threw decorated love letters into an urn. Their boy-friends were to draw out those letter.

Let's see a little funny play about the history of St Valentine's Day

На сцену выходят 7 человек, играющие в сценке: Бог, 2 пары влюбленных, 2 ангела. Все одеты в костюмы.

God- Once upon a time there were two little Cupids. All day long they frisked in soft clouds and on green flowering lawns of Paradise. They were very happy. But once their arrow accidentally hit a man's heart. It happened so unexpectedly and at first they were frightened, but then they were amused by the man's reaction.

Couplet 1

He: You don't know how much I love you. Or else, darling, you shouldn't be crying.

She: Hush, darling! You should know - I love you!
'Cause my heart, dear, is trembling just for you!

God: They laughed so much that didn't notice that another arrow flew and hit the woman's heart. The cupids stopped laughing and watched them.

Couplet 2

He: You don't know how much I love you.
Or else, darling, you shouldn't be crying.

She: Hush, darling! You should know - I love you!
'Cause my heart, dear, is trembling just for you!

God: These two were very happy and lived a long life. His name was Valentine and her name was also Valentine, so the Cupids called this day Valentine's. I saw it. Since then shooting arrows at people's hearts has become the Cupids' profession. I told them to make all people happy, ordered them to meet every year on the 14th of February and shoot their arrows.

Angel 1: Hi, Cupy!

Angel 2: Cupe! How are you?

Angel 1: I'm fine! And you?

Angel 2: Today's our day. What can be better?

Angel 1: Let's start!

Angel 2: How impatient you are! Who shall we start with?

Angel 1: Do you see that couple over there?

Angel 2: Yes, I guess they don't look happy enough.

Angel 1: Get your arrow ready! Let's do our work!

Teacher- Well, now you know the history of this holiday. But let's see what else you know about St Valentine's Day

I want you to play the game. We need 2 teams.

You see a table. It consist of some sectorsfor quizzes and for puzzles. The numbers 10,15, 25mean the difficulty of the task. So, you can choose the sector and I will give you short riddles. The team that will have more points wins. But before we start I want you to name your teams. Your name should be connected with love and romanticism.

Ученики делятся на 2 команды, придумывают названия своим командам. Затем команды по очереди выбирают сектор, получают задание, читают вслух, переводят, если нужно, и отвечают. Если команда не знает ответа или ответила неправильно, право ответа на этот вопрос переходит ко второй команде. В конце игры подсчитываются результаты, победители получают призы.

Пример таблицы

Quize 20

Quize 15

Puzzle 20

Puzzle 15

Puzzle 10

Quize 25

Puzzle 25

Quize 10

Quize 10

Puzzle 25

Quize 25

Puzzle 10

Puzzle 15

Puzzle 20


Quize 20


Quize 10

What colour is associated with St Valentine's Day?



- red

Which are the most common flowers given on St Valentine's Day?

  • Roses

  • Sunflowers

  • Snowdrops

Quize 15

How do you spell 14th?

  • Fourteenth

  • Fourteenth

  • Fourteenth

Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St Valentine's Day?

  • Eros

  • Cupid

  • Apollo

Quize 20

According to a popular belief, why was St Valentine beheaded?

-because he secretly married young couples

- because he ran away with Emperor Claudius's daughter

-because he was always in love with someone

Where did St Valentine live?

  • In Greece

  • In Rome

  • In Great Britain

Puzzle 10

A special card sent on St Valentine's Day, usually anonym ous

A very strong feeling of liking someone

Puzzle 15

Roses, tulips, and other plants with colourful blossoms. Very pretty when arranged in a bouquet

Something that is given as a gift on St Valentine's Day, like a box of chocolates

Puzzle 20

An organ in your body that pumps blood. If you put your hand over this organ you can feel it beating

A person whom someone loves. This word is often used in Valentine poems

Puzzle 25

This verb means "to make an offer of marriage". A true man will always kneel in front of a woman before asking her to become his wife

If a boy is completely, uncontrollably in love with a girl, we say "He is head over_____in love with her"

God- And now let's recite poems about love.

Продолжая разговор о любви, участники праздника читают стихи о любви. Ученики выступают по очереди:

- You make me happy,
You make me sad.
But if you make me leave
I'm going to get mad.
-February the fourteenth day,
It's Valentine, they say.
I choose you from among the rest,
The reason is I love you best.
-The rose is red, the violet is blue,
The honey is sweet and so are you.

- It's Valentine's Day. And in the street

There's freezing rain, and slush, and sleet.

The wind is fierce. The skies are gray.

I don't think I'll go out today.

But here inside the weather's warm.

There is no trace of wind or storm.

And you just made the morning shine.

You said you'd be my Valentine.

A Valentine for my teacher

- My teacher's very special,

So I'm making her a heart.

A Valentine that's sure to be

A proper work of art.

I've worked on it all morning,

So it should be ready soon.

I'd like to slip it on her desk

Before this afternoon.

It's colored in with crayons,

And it's trimmed with paper lace

It has flowers hearts, and Cupids.

I can't wait to see her face.

Teacher-We have already mentioned that people often send each other valentines on this day. We also have a mailbox for valentines. Now we'll see how many cards are there. But first I want to read you a poem about a Valentine mailbox.

Our classroom has a mailbox,

That we painted red and gold

We stuffed it with more Valentines

Than it was made to hold.

When we opened it this morning,
I was nervous as could be.
I wondered if a single one
Had been addressed to me
But when they'd been delivered
I felt twenty stories tall.
I got so many Valentines,
I couldn't hold them all.

Have you understood the poem? let's try to translate it.

Учащиеся с помощью учителя переводят стихотворение

Teacher-Now I need 2 of you to help me with our mailbox. Who wants to be postmen?

К учителю подходят 2 ученика-помощника, и раздают валентинки

God- There are many beautiful poems about love. There are also a lot of songs. Now I want you to sing a song which is called "Love is ..." by Greg Sceisa.

Love is ... a tender feeling,
Love is ... a way of being,
Love is ... just showing someone you care.
Love is ... helping with the dishes
Love is ... feeding your pet fishes
Love is ... just giving from you heart
Love is ...
Love is ...
For you and me
Oh ! Love is the greatest thing in the world.

Angel 1- Let's play some funny games

Game 1 "Describing a person". A boy/ a girl should describe a girl/a boy he/she likes. And don't forget not to call her/his name. We'll try to guess who you are talking about

Мальчик или девочка описывает, того кто ей нравится. Не называя имени, остальные пытаются угадать о ком идет речь

Angel 2 - Today we have learne d a lot of new about St Valentine's Day . I wish you Happy Valentine's Day and now let's dance!!!

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