Тесты по английскому языку для 8-9 класса для классов с углубленным изучением английского языка

Разработка тестов по английскому языку для учащихся 8-9 классов представляет собой набор тестов по проверке лексико-грамматического материала по программе углубленного изучения английского языка по УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой. Разработка содержит 11 тестов к 10 разделам, изучаемым в 8 и 9 классах, а также ключи по проверке тестов. В основу положен принцип избыточности материала, что позволяет учителю свободно варьировать материал в зависимости от уровня подготовки, часовой нагрузки и н...
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Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
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Test to Unit! (English VIII, O.V.Afanasyeva)

I.Write whom you would contact to if

1 your wooden desk was broken

2 you have some problems with your health

3 you wanted a consultation on some legal problems

4 you wanted to sell your house

5 you could not understand a foreigner

6 you wanted to redecorate your room

7 you saw an accident in the street

8 your bathroom taps were leaking

9 you had nobody to look after your child

10 you wanted to read the book (you haven't got it in your own library)

11 you wanted to have your hair cut

12 you wanted to book a room at a hotel

13 your house was on fire

14 your teeth ache

15 you wanted to improve your language

II Choose the right variant:

1 If you have some troubles when you choose a present for your dad, you may

address to ( a shop assistant/ a saleswoman )

2 He never goes to (a barber/ a hairdresser). He cuts his hair himself.

3 She always asks her (tailor/ dressmaker) if she wants a new dress.

4 How (foolish/ stupid) of you to let your daughter go hiking with unfamiliar


5 You behave like a (stupid/silly) little girl!

6 It's no use explaining her the rules. She is so (stupid/foolish)!

7When we met first he wondered what my parents' (occupation/job) was.

8 A (job/work) of a teacher is not only a/an (occupation/profession). It is a vocation.

9 He tried a lot of (jobs/occupations) to earn his living

10 It is not easy to make a (profession/career) without education.

III Give it a name

1 the taste of food

2 to envy

3 foolish because of little age

4 the highest part

5 not to object

6 clever, with a quick mind

7 someone who is not honest

8 to deceive

9 unusual, tremendous, having a great impression on you

10 not fresh

11 damage

12 to move slowly, secretly

13 to mend something

14 to appoint a date

15 a person who can't hear anything

IV Fill in the right preposition

1 Those who are ready with the test may hand … their papers.

2 The silver box has been handed … from generation to generation.

3 Would you like to hand … the flowers to our guests?

4 Hand … the keys when you leave the hotel.

5 A lot of people hand … some money to hospitals.

6 The thief was handed … to the police.

7 I can't reach the CD. Please, hand it … to me.

8 Mrs. Reed is advanced … years but not really very old.

9 You can find the information about it … the top of the page.

10 There was a small lake … the top of the mountain.

11 Does she really care … him?

12 Could you take care … my cat when I leave for Moscow?

13 Never mind. They just feel jealous … your success.

14 Don't get smart … me!

15 They wanted to show … their clothes.

V Translate into English

1. Он не мог избавиться от мысли, что за ним наблюдают.

2. Если ты не скажешь правду, то тебя накажут.

3. Откажись от курения раз и навсегда.

4. Я не люблю фантастику, ужасы и всякое такое.

5. Отойди в сторону, ты мне мешаешь смотреть спектакль.

6.Я знаю наверняка, что он не придет.

7. Хочешь попробовать немного мороженого?

8. Родители отчитали его за двойки.

9.Если ты будешь вести себя не разумно, ты можешь попасть в беду.

10. Тебе нужно подстричься.

11. Ты шьешь свои костюмы сама или в ателье?

12. Анна сажает и поливает цветы сама.

13. Вам могут отремонтировать квартиру.

14. Когда вы красили забор около дома в последний раз? (2 варианта).

Test to Unit II (English VIII, O.V.Afanasyeva )

I.Give it a name

1 to take away pain or worry

2 to disappear

3 to talk boringly for a long time in a low monotonous way

4 to let somebody know about danger or an unpleasant possible result

5 to think hard about or look hard at something

6 to make someone do something when he doesn't want to

7 to touch someone lightly so that he feels funny and laugh

8 to stand in a (long) line waiting for something to do

9 to make something in disorder

10 to put your name to join a course or enter a University

11 to speak in a very thin voice

12 very seldom

13 firm, reliable

14 a sleeping room with several beds

15 complex, very difficult

II. Fill in the right preposition

  1. Fighting broke … between two groups of football fans.

  2. Tom broke … laughter at the sight of the comedian.

  3. I know that your car is broken … .

  4. He tied to pull himself together but couldn't and broke … .

  5. It's time to break … from bad habits.

  6. Somebody broke … his house last night.

  7. World War II broke … in 1939.

  8. Never allow yourself to break ….

III. Translate into English

1 сердиться на кого-либо 2 продолжать что-то делать

3 иметь преимущество 4 делать записи

5 не понравиться кому-то 6 нацарапать на двери

7 сделать выговор 8 на цыпочках 9 попробовать что-либо 10 избавиться от чего-то

IV Give Russian equivalents

1 compulsory education 10 a boarding school

2 comprehensive schools 11 three options (about school)

3 Internet access 12 fee-paying education

4 a ninth-grader 13 public schools (Am.)

5 a form tutor 14 co-educational schools

6 a graduate teacher 15 primary education

7 close links 16 breaks

8 core subjects 17 to sit the entrance exam

9 a stuff-room

V Choose the right variant

1More and more wild animals are (disappearing /vanishing) every year.

2 You are always (disappearing/ vanishing) when I need you badly.

3 When she saw him a smile (disappeared/ vanished) from her face.

4 She saw that the spot began to (disappear/ vanish).

5 We (learn/ study) a lot of subjects at school.

6 How long have you been (learning/ studying) English?

7 Sam is still (learning at/ studying at/ going to) school.

8 Who (learns/ studies/ teaches) you literature?

9 Suddenly he (learnt/ found out) what had happened the day before.

10 He didn't know her address and decided to (learn/ find out) it.

VI Match the names of the animals with the sounds they produce

1) cats a)roar

2) pigs b)grunt

3) mice c)croak

4) tigers d)bark

5) sheep e)quack

6) dogs f)mew

7) ducks g)squick

8) frogs h)bleat

9) cows i)neigh

10) horses j)moo

VII Use the right form of the verb

1 If I (meet) you when I was younger, I (marry) you.

2 If she (not cheat) so often, people (believe) her.

3 If he (graduate) from University some years ago, he (have) well-paid work now.

4 If he (try) the soup, he (know) that it was much salty.

5 If Kate (not be) so lazy, she (prepare) the report on time.

6 If it (be) warm yesterday, we (go) skating.

7 If you (tell) me the truth earlier, I (be able to help) you then.

8 If you (buy) the tickets beforehand, we (be) in Moscow now.

9 If you (follow) my advice, you never (get) into trouble.

10 If you (not shout) at Ted, he (help) you to make the right decision.

VIII Make the possible endings to complete the sentences

1But for my friend's advice…. 6 If I were you … now.

2 But for the late hour …. 7 If I were you … then.

3 But for my aunt's help …. 8 I wish … now.

4 But for John's stupid joke … 9 I wish … then.

5 But for her bad marks … 10 But for … .

IX Form adverbs from adjectives

Easy, gentle, cheerful, early, late, true, typical, correct, hard, close.

X Form comparison degrees of the following adverbs

Long, fast, often, clearly, patiently, soon, softly, completely, calmly, late.

Test to Unit III (English VIII, O.V.Afanasyeva)

I Give it a name

1) an item of clothes worn over a shirt on a neck

2) a substance that potatoes contain in great amount

3) firm, not easily bent or changed in shape

4) to fasten or join one thing to another

5) to move food between teeth in order to crash it

6) cause to move up and down or from side to side

7) having a certain value

8) burial or cremation of a dead person with usual ceremonies

9) with a quality that earns or deserves respect

10) true worth

11) absurd, deserving to be laughed at

12) not plain or ordinary dress (often brightly coloured)

13) all the clothing, equipment, needed for a purpose

14) slow to act because unwilling and not wanting to

15) very large

II Fill in the right preposition

1 I have never come … this expression.

2 Sue is coming … with a fever.

3 What has come … him? He is being so polite and brought-up.

4 The button came … as I was getting out of the crowd.

5 The baby came … his rocking horse and cried.

6 Will you come … to our house for dinner next week?

7 He handed … the tickets to all the present.

8 It's too noisy in here. I can't make anything ….

9 He couldn't break … from the ropes.

10 Be quick to turn … the taps! The water is running ….

11 I haven't got a single penny with me. All the money has run ….

12 He is an experienced worker and he has got enough to hand ….

13 Suddenly the girl grew red and broke … tears.

14 Why are you rushing … me?

III Choose the right word from the brackets

1 This work is rather (hard/hardly) to do.

2 He is (hard/hardly) a person to rely on.

3 This store doesn't work (late/lately) at night.

4 Try to pronounce this sentence (right/rightly).

5 I don't think you've been (right/rightly) understood.

6 I prefer to sit (near/nearly) the stage.

7 I haven't looked through the newspapers (late/lately)

8 How old is she? - (Near/nearly) 16, I suppose.

9 This problem has been (wide/widely) discussed.

10 The film I've seen (late/lately) is called" With (wide/widely) open eyes."

11 The criminal was (right/rightly) sentenced to 10 years in prison.

12 She did it (wrong/wrongly).

13 The boy is (wrong/wrongly) brought-up.

14 This kind of monkeys eats (most/mostly) vegetations.

15 What do you like (most/mostly): Tretyakov Gallery or Hermitage?

16 Her smile looks (reluctant/reluctantly).

17 She slowly turned round and looked at us (reluctant/reluctantly).

18 I had been waiting for her for two hours and my leg grew (near/nearly) stiff.

19 I can (hard/hardly) bear starched collars.

IV Form comparative degrees of the adverbs:

Correctly, widely, far, late, badly, much, hard, well, little, simply.

V Plural or singular? Insert the verb "be" in the appropriate form

1 Your clothes … in the wardrobe.2 The funeral … fixed on Friday. 3 The wall clock …10 minutes slow.4 You may cross the street when the lights … red.5 There … no money in the safe.6 Mind the steps! The stairs … steep.7 What …the news? 8 His pajamas … clean but crimpled.

VI Choose the appropriate word from "ridiculous","hilarious","funny"

1 Don't be foolish! Give up your … ideas 2 He is so …! He always tells us stories that he makes up himself.3 I couldn't help laughing when I looked at his … outfit.

4 The film was absolutely …! The audience shrieked with laughter.5 Take off this stupid hat! You look … in it.

VII Give a name of the department where you can buy

1notepads, pens, clips, paints, brushes, paints …

2 lipstick, deodorant, powder, mascara, hair shampoo …

3 knits, handkerchiefs, scissors, combs, ribbons …

4 pullovers, scarves, cardigans, knitted things …

5 dishes, plates, soccer's, cups …

6 TV-sets, radios, DVD, computers …

7 knives, spoons, forks …

8 socks, stockings, tights …

9 mincer, vacuum-cleaner, sewing machine …

VIII Translate into English

1)закрыть счет в банке, 2)купить вещь в кредит, 3)обналичить чек, 4)получить 3% прибыль, 5)разменять деньги, 6)обменять деньги по курсу, 7)получить чек и сдачу, 8)завернуть покупку, 9)получить скидку, 10)предоставить ссуду.

IX Match the phrases in English with their Russian equivalents

1 to get dressed a) не обращать внимания

2 to take someone ages b) черный как смоль

3 to shriek with laughter c) стать последней каплей

4 to put the lid on something d) визжать от смеха

5 jet-black e) требовать много времени

6 brand-new f) одеться

7 to loose one's nerve g) струсить. оробеть

8 to take no notice of h) новый, с иголочки

Keys to Tests. (English VIII, O.V.Afanasyeva)

Test I

I 1 a carpenter IV 1 in

2 a doctor, a physician, a surgeon 2 down

3 a lawyer 3 out

. 4 an estate agent 4 in

5 an interpreter 5 over

6 an interior decorator 6 over

7 a policeman 7 over

8 a plumber 8 in

9 a babysitter, a nurse 9 at

10 a librarian 10 on

11 a hairdresser, a barber 11 for

12 a receptionist 12 of

13 a fireman 13 of

14 a dentist 14 with

15 a teacher, a coach 15 off

II 1 a shop-assistant V 1 He couldn't get rid of the idea that he

2 a barber was watched (being watched).

3 a dressmaker 2 If you don't tell the truth, you'll be

4 foolish punished.

5 silly 3 Give up smoking once and for all.

6 stupid 4 I don't like science-fiction and stuff

7 occupation like that.

8 work 5 Walk off! You prevent me from

9 profession watching the play.

10 career 6 I know for a fact that he won't come.

III 1 a flavour 7 Would you like to give ice-cream a try?

2 to be jealous of 8 His parents told him off for getting

3 silly bad marks.

4 a top 9 If you behave foolish, you can get into

5 to mind trouble.

6 smart 10 You need to have your hair cut.

7 a cheat 11 Do you make your dresses yourself or

8 to cheat have them made.

9 terrific 12 Ann plants and waters flowers herself.

10 rotten 13 You may have your flat redecorated.

11 to do harm/to harm 14 When did you have your fence painted

12 to creep last?

13 to fix 15 When did you paint your fence last?

14 to fix

15 dumb

Key to Test II (English VIII, O.V.Afanasyeva)

I 1 to relieve IV 1обязательное образование

2 to vanish 2 общеобразовательная школа

3 to drone on 3 доступ к Интернету

4 to warn about/against doing 4 девятиклассник

5 to concentrate on 5 классный руководитель

6 to force 6 учитель с высшим образованием

7 to tickle 7 тесные связи

8 to queue 8 обязательные предметы

9 to mess up 9 учительская

10 to enroll at; on 10 интернат

11 to squeak 11 три предмета по выбору

12 rarely 12 платное обучение

13 solid 13 государственные школы

14 dormitory 14школа для мальчиков и девочек

15 complicated 15 начальное образование

II 1out 16 перемены

2into 17 сдавать вступительный экзамен

3down VI 1f VII 1had met/would have married

4down 2b 2 didn't cheat/would believe (have

5away 3g believed)

6into 4a 3 had graduated/would have

7out 5h 4 hadn't tried/wouldn't have known

8down 6d 5 wasn't/would have prepared

III 1to be crossed with 7e 6 hadn't been/would have gone

2keep doing 8c 7 had told/would have helped

3have a head start 9j 8 had bought/would be

4make notes 10i 9 had followed/wouldn't have got

5get on the wrong side of smb 10 hadn't shout/would have helped

6to scribble down on IX easily, gently, cheerfully, early, late, truly,

7to give smb a talking to typically, correctly, hard, close.

8on tiptoe

X long- longer- longest

9to give a try fast- faster- fastest

10to get rid of *often- more often- most often

V 1disappearing *clear- clearer- clearest

2vanishing patiently- more patiently- most patiently

3vanished soon- sooner- soonest

4disappear *softly- more softly- most softly

5study completely- more completely- most

6learning completely

7going *calmly- more calmly- most calmly

8teaches late- later- latest


10find out

Key to Test III (English VIII, O.V. Afanasyeva)

I 1a tie III 1hard IX 1f

2starch 2hardly 2e

3stiff 3late 3d

4to attach 4right 4c

5to chew 5rightly 5b

6to flap 6near 6h

7worth 7lately 7g

8funeral 8nearly 8a

9dignified 9widely IV 1more, most

10dignity 10lately, wide 2er/more, est/most

11ridiculous 11rightly 3farther, farthest

12a fancy dress 12wrong further, furthest

13outfit 13wrongly 4later, latest

14reluctant 14mostly 5er/more, est/most

15very large 15most 6more, most

II 1across 16reluctant 7harder, hardest

2down 17reluctantly 8better, best

3over 18nearly 9less, least

4off 19hardly 10er/more, est/most

5off VII 1stationery

6round 2perfumery

7out 3haberdashery

8out 4knitted garments

9away 5crockery

10off, over 6sound equipment

11out 7cutlery

12down 8hoisery

13into 9household goods

14at VIII 1close a bank account

V 1are 2buy a thing on credit

2was 3to cash a cheque

3is 4to get 3 per cent interest

4are 5to change money

5is/was 6to exchange money at

6are a certain rate of exchange

7is 7to get the change and a receipt

8were 8to wrap (up) a purchase

VI 1ridiculous 9to get a discount

2funny 10to loan




Test to Units IV -V (O.V. Afanasyeva, English -VIII)

I Spell the words

1 6

2 7

3 8

4 9

5 10

II Give it a name

1to excite

2easily annoyed

3a frightening dream

4a drop of liquid coming from your eyes when you cry

5to go underwater

6the quality of being of different kind

7a written report of facts, events

8mixed up, not clear

9happening every year

10to make a deep sound from pain or unhappiness

III Choose the right variant from the brackets

1Penicillin was (invented/discovered) by A.Fleming.

2We often have (different/various) opinions and quarrel.

3You can put the box (beside/besides) the sofa.

4Would you like an orange or a tangerine? - (Either/neither) is fine.

5The wild world of Africa is rather (different/various).

6I've got two friends. (Neither/none) is my classmate.

7The most chemical elements were (discovered/invented) by Mendeleyev.

8All the children knew the answer (besides/except) Ted.

9The goods will be delivered (with/by) boat.

10Mary has a lot of friends. I know (a pair/couple) of them.

11How long have you been (waiting/awaiting) for me?

12I need a new (couple/pair) of sleepers.

13That was a (quite/quiet) place to live in.

14Phil says he doesn't (together/altogether) agree with me.

15I (quite/quiet) understand you.

16I usually have a (pair/couple) of sandwiches (besides/except) bacon and

eggs for breakfast.

17 (Neither/none) of our teachers works on Sundays.

18 (Either/neither) John (or/nor) Pete can play basketball.

IV Fill in the right preposition

1Who will see Mike … to school?

2Could you see … it that our guests are given tea?

3Don't bother me … your problems!

4Which of you has seen him … recently?

5He is an irritable man. He suffers … nerves.

6You can say anything you like about Jack, but I see … him.

7Who supplies the city … water?

8Though the weather was nasty, Mark insisted … setting … .

9He was ill. His hands were trembling … weakness.

10I'm very hungry. Let's drop … a snack bar.

11It was too late so Helen offered to see me … .

12Polly is ill. Let's drop … … her on Saturday.

13While shopping I dropped … my former classmate.

14Please, drop my letter … .

15He didn't know whom to blame so he dropped … everybody at once.

16He had to drop … of the University because lack of money.

17I've got a strong desire … drink something hot.

18He's very good at English that gives him an advantage … the rest.

19Stop getting … my nerves … singing!

V Insert must, have to, be to in the appropriate form

1You … (not tell) him about it. It's a secret. 2 It looks like rain. You … (take) your raincoat.3 You … (not talk) so loudly here.4 In his youth he … (work) to earn his living.5 He … (wait) at the station till it stopped raining.6 The secretary informed us when the manager … (come).7 They … (leave) on Saturday but because of the delay with their visas, they … (book) tickets for Monday.8 … I (do) it by myself?

9 Stay here till she is free. I don't think you … (wait) long.

VI Use Simple or Perfect Infinitive

1 We were to (meet) at three, but she didn't come. .2 I was to come at three and I managed not to be late. 3 She was to (phone) me in the evening but she called me only

In the following morning. 4 His English is poor. He must (study) very hard. 5 His German improved. He must (study) during the holidays. 6 James could (say) what he thought to anybody. 7 You could (warn) me about her arrival beforehand. 8 You should (put on) warm clothes. It is rather cold. 9 You should (go) to the dentist a week ago.

10 You needn't (go) shopping. Ann has bought everything. 11 You needn't (invite) Ted

to your birthday party. He is such a bore!

VII Choose an adjective or an adverb from the brackets

1 He looked (indifferent/indifferently). 2 He looked at his presents (indifferent/indifferently). 3 The flowers grow (wonderful/wonderfully) in such weather. 4 Jane grew (sad/sadly) when she heard that melody. 5 his words sounded (pleasant/pleasantly) but we didn't trust him.

VIII Fill in the right article

1 … Scottish are proud of their origin.

2 … Germans like to count and save their money.

3 Last week I was at the conference where I met … American.

4 What language do … Finnish speak?

5 … Mexican food is very spicy.

IX Express the same in English using had better or would rather

1 Пожалуй, я пойду домой, - я немного устал.

2 Лучше тебе не спорить с родителями.

3 Он говорит, что подождет меня около школы, а не на остановке автобуса.

4 Кате лучше не думать о профессии стюардессы, ее укачивает в транспорте.

5 Пожалуй, мы пойдем с вами в парк Погода сегодня чудесная.

6 Лучше я выключу телевизор. Когда он работает, я не могу сосредоточиться.

7Он предпочитает переписываться с друзьями по электронной почте.

8 Лучше вам не опаздывать завтра на занятия. Мы будем писать контрольную работу по физике.

9 Лучше вам не брать билеты в вагон для курящих.

Test to Unit IV (English - VIII, O.V Afanasyeva)

I Give it a name

1 a single person 8to go on doing smth in spite of argument

2easily annoyed 9quality of not being the same

3a written report of facts, events 10to foresee

4having no interest 11to need, to demand

5instance or example of the 12to trouble

Occurrence of something 13to loose self - control

6to give or provide 14to show by words, looks, actions

7a strong wish 15things needed for a particular purpose

II Insert the appropriate preposition

1 Could you see … my cat when I'm away?

2 He is telling lies! I can see … him.

3 Will you come to see me …? I'm leaving on Monday.

4 Do you see Dan …?

5 What came … him? He got so nervous!

6 Recently I have come … a rather curious article.

7 He tried to climb up the top of the tree but came … and badly injured.

8 Will you come … tonight?

9 He was captured but he could break ….

10 World War I broke … in 1914.

IIIChoose the right variant from the brackets

1Computers are a great (discovery/invention) of the 20th century.

2There is a great (variety/difference) of goods in the store.

3(None/neither) of his mates came to his birthday party.

4We both are interested in this case. (Either/any) of us is going to take an active part in its solving.

5You can put the arm-chair (beside/besides) the window.

6Nobody knows the truth (besides/except) two people.

7Two more pupils (besides/except) Gerald came to the club.

8I've got a lot of CDs but (neither/none) interests him.

9(What/which) colour do you like - emerald-green or navy-blue?

10(What/which) films do you like ?

IV Give English equivalents

1)прибор не работает, 2)не курить, 3)мест нет, 4)просьба не беспокоить,

5)выхода нет, 6)осторожно, злая собака, 7)вещи без присмотра не оставлять,

8)внимание, частная собственность, 9)из окон не высовываться, 10)осторожно,

Ступеньки, 11)условия невесомости, 12)отсутствие гравитации, 13)средство, приспособление, 14)средство передвижения, 15)корабль многоразового использования, 16)НЛО, 17)открытый космос, 18)спутник, 19)побочный эффект, 20)взаимодействовать.

V Match the inventors with their inventions

1 penicillin a) Charles Rolls & Henry Royce

2 dish-washer b) Clive Sinclair

3 the telegraphic dot-dash c) A. Popov


4 a famous car d) Thomas Alva Edison

5 a telephone e) A. Fleming

6 a radio f) Galileo Galilei

7 a microscope g) Josephine Cochrane

8 a CD h) Samuel Morse

9 a microphone i) James Russell

10 a computer j) A. Bell

VI Choose should, must, have to to complete these sentences

1 London … be bigger than Paris.

2 The train leaves at 6.30 in the morning so I … get up at 5.00.

3You … consult the doctor if you've got constant headaches.

4 He … go to Moscow last week.

5 The child … be hungry.

6 … you wear a uniform at school?

7 May I use your mobile phone? I … have a call.

8 You …not walk on the grass.

9 You …(not) come to classes. The teacher is out.

10 … we prepare the reports for Tuesday?

VII Open the brackets and the story complete.

Thirty years ago I was still unmarried and (1.live) with my mother.

One morning in April while I (2. read) a newspaper I (3. come) across some information about a remarkable find of Roman silver .It (4. discover) three years before by a farmer from Mildenhall, in Suffolk,but the discovery for some reason (5. keep) secret until then. The newspaper article said the treasure (6. send) to the British Museum. The name of the farmer (7. give) as Gordon Butcher. The moment I (8. read) the story I (9. spring) up from my chair and (10. rush) out to my car. Mildenhall was about a hundred miles from my home and I (11. know) I (12. get) there by lunchtime. I (13. ride) about the town for about half an hour before I (14. find) the small house belonging to Gordon Butcher and his family. He (15. have) lunch when I (16.knock) on the door. I (17. ask) him if he (18. can) (19.talk) to me about the treasure. "No, thank you ," he said. "I (20. have) enough of reporters. I (21. not, want) to see any more reporters (22. come) to my place." I told him I (23. not, be) a reporter but a short-story writer working for magazines and that if he (24. tell) me exactly how he (25. find) the treasure, then I (26. write) a truthful story about it and (27. split) the money equally with him. I (28. expect) him (29. help) me and he (30. do).

Test to Unit IV (English - VIII, O.V Afanasyeva)

I Give it a name

1 a single person 8to go on doing smth in spite of argument

2easily annoyed 9quality of not being the same

3a written report of facts, events 10to foresee

4having no interest 11to need, to demand

5instance or example of the 12to trouble

Occurrence of something 13to loose self - control

6to give or provide 14to show by words, looks, actions

7a strong wish 15things needed for a particular purpose

II Insert the appropriate preposition

1 Could you see … my cat when I'm away?

2 He is telling lies! I can see … him.

3 Will you come to see me …? I'm leaving on Monday.

4 Do you see Dan …?

5 What came … him? He got so nervous!

6 Recently I have come … a rather curious article.

7 He tried to climb up the top of the tree but came … and badly injured.

8 Will you come … tonight?

9 He was captured but he could break ….

10 World War I broke … in 1914.

IIIChoose the right variant from the brackets

1Computers are a great (discovery/invention) of the 20th century.

2There is a great (variety/difference) of goods in the store.

3(None/neither) of his mates came to his birthday party.

4We both are interested in this case. (Either/any) of us is going to take an active part in its solving.

5You can put the arm-chair (beside/besides) the window.

6Nobody knows the truth (besides/except) two people.

7Two more pupils (besides/except) Gerald came to the club.

8I've got a lot of CDs but (neither/none) interests him.

9(What/which) colour do you like - emerald-green or navy-blue?

10(What/which) films do you like ?

IV Give English equivalents

1)прибор не работает, 2)не курить, 3)мест нет, 4)просьба не беспокоить,

5)выхода нет, 6)осторожно, злая собака, 7)вещи без присмотра не оставлять,

8)внимание, частная собственность, 9)из окон не высовываться, 10)осторожно,

Ступеньки, 11)условия невесомости, 12)отсутствие гравитации, 13)средство, приспособление, 14)средство передвижения, 15)корабль многоразового использования, 16)НЛО, 17)открытый космос, 18)спутник, 19)побочный эффект, 20)взаимодействовать.

V Match the inventors with their inventions

1 penicillin a) Charles Rolls & Henry Royce

2 dish-washer b) Clive Sinclair

3 the telegraphic dot-dash c) A. Popov


4 a famous car d) Thomas Alva Edison

5 a telephone e) A. Fleming

6 a radio f) Galileo Galilei

7 a microscope g) Josephine Cochrane

8 a CD h) Samuel Morse

9 a microphone i) James Russell

10 a computer j) A. Bell

VI Choose should, must, have to to complete these sentences

1 London … be bigger than Paris.

2 The train leaves at 6.30 in the morning so I … get up at 5.00.

3You … consult the doctor if you've got constant headaches.

4 He … go to Moscow last week.

5 The child … be hungry.

6 … you wear a uniform at school?

7 May I use your mobile phone? I … have a call.

8 You …not walk on the grass.

9 You …(not) come to classes. The teacher is out.

10 … we prepare the reports for Tuesday?

VII Open the brackets and the story complete.

Thirty years ago I was still unmarried and (1.live) with my mother.

One morning in April while I (2. read) a newspaper I (3. come) across some information about a remarkable find of Roman silver .It (4. discover) three years before by a farmer from Mildenhall, in Suffolk,but the discovery for some reason (5. keep) secret until then. The newspaper article said the treasure (6. send) to the British Museum. The name of the farmer (7. give) as Gordon Butcher. The moment I (8. read) the story I (9. spring) up from my chair and (10. rush) out to my car. Mildenhall was about a hundred miles from my home and I (11. know) I (12. get) there by lunchtime. I (13. ride) about the town for about half an hour before I (14. find) the small house belonging to Gordon Butcher and his family. He (15. have) lunch when I (16.knock) on the door. I (17. ask) him if he (18. can) (19.talk) to me about the treasure. "No, thank you ," he said. "I (20. have) enough of reporters. I (21. not, want) to see any more reporters (22. come) to my place." I told him I (23. not, be) a reporter but a short-story writer working for magazines and that if he (24. tell) me exactly how he (25. find) the treasure, then I (26. write) a truthful story about it and (27. split) the money equally with him. I (28. expect) him (29. help) me and he (30. do).

Test to Unit VI (English - VIII, O.V.Afanasyeva)

I Give it a name

1 not able to read or write 11 to believe

2 far - away 12 to say no to somebody's offer

3 expressing criticism 13 to go to

4 not able 14 in spare time

5 to take in (often water) 15 it is not surprising

6 harm or damage, a wound 16 a month's holiday

7 evidently 17 besides

8 angrily, violently 18 lazy

9 not great in amount 19 to use more than necessary

10 very emotionally 20 sense, meaning, view

II Choose the right variant

  1. Please, remember (to close/closing) the door when you go out.

  2. Tom suggested (to go/going) to the cinema.

  3. I offered (to help/helping) him to translate the text.

  4. He regrets (to lose/ losing) his temper.

  5. I regret (to tell/ telling) you that your brother has got into a road accident.

  6. He didn't forget (to take/taking) his passport with him.

  7. I don't feel like (to work/working). Why not (have/having) a break?

  8. Jane remembered (to meet/ meeting) him before but she couldn't recollect where it was.

  9. I'll never forget (to go/going) out with my auntie.

  10. We stopped (to buy/buying) some flowers as a present.

  11. We tried (to put/putting) the fire out, but we were unsuccessful.

  12. he stopped (to work/working) and looked at us.

  13. I need some change. I need (to go/going) away for a while.

  14. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried (to knock/knocking) on the door. But there was still no answer.

  15. The windows are dirty. They need (to clean/cleaning).

III Had better or would rather?

1I … have five lessons of English than one of German.

2 Kate … not think of becoming an air hostess. She is airsick.

3 We … not be late for classes tomorrow as we are going to write a test.

4 I … go to the park with you. The weather is wonderful.

5 You … not put your mini-skirt on. Our teacher doesn't like it.

Offer or suggest?

1 Mary … reading poetry aloud.

2 Linda … to prepare dinner.

3 Who … that we should meet him at the station?

4 Sam … a game of chess.

5 He … me his help.

Used to / be (get) used to ?

1 I … get up very early.

2 He … be good at Mathematics.

3 She … being the top of the group.

4 In my childhood my aunt … bring me sweets.

5 She … doing everything herself.

Lie or lay? Use the verbs in the Past Simple.

1 Some papers … on the table.

2 Mary … her clothes into the box.

3 The farm … within three miles of the sea.

4 He … on the sofa and fell asleep at once.

5 She … the table and called the family to have dinner.

IV Give the adjectives a negative meaning using the prefixes un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-.

1locked; 2 mobile; 3 patient; 4 regular; 5 pleasant; 6 capable; 7 limited; 8 responsible; 9 different;

10 logical

V Insert the right preposition

1 Hold … down the road until you come to the stadium.

2 Hold … , I'll call Jane.

3 Hold … your dog, please.

4 Rain held steadily all the afternoon.

5 Caroline could hardly hold herself … .

6 The fortress held … for six weeks.

7 Hold … from the edge of the road, please.

8 The man held … his hand to help her.

9 My friend succeeded … translating the article.

10 He gave … smoking last year.

11 Please, forgive me … hurting you.

12 He was guilty … committing several crimes.

13 Who takes care … feeding the dog in your family?

14 I object … his getting the prize.

15 Nobody could prevent him … leaving the town.

16 She always complains … having a headache.

17 Please stop him … drinking much.

18 He was blamed … stealing some papers.

19 She looked forward … going abroad.

20 I believe he is capable … making the right choice.

21 Ted insisted … going to his place first.

22 Nothing could keep him … buying stamps.

23 I believe … his setting a record.

VI Translate into English using the Gerund

1Она боялась, что ее накажут. 2 Я не могу не думать об этом все время. 3 Дейв не возражал, чтобы остаться на несколько дней в Гринвуде. 4 Мама возражает против того, что я прихожу домой поздно.

5 Кейт расплакалась. 6 Он не привык, чтобы с ним так обращались. 7 Не удерживай его, пусть идет.

8 Я всегда с нетерпением жду, когда смогу заняться своим любимым делом. 9 Его обвинили в том,что

он ограбил дом. 10 Шум в соседней комнате не давал мне заснуть.

    Test to Unit I (O.V.Afanasyeva; English-IX)

    I Match the dates and the events

    1) 2000 - 600 BC a) defeat of Spanish Armada

    2) 600 BC - 43 AD b) reign of Queen Victoria

    3) 55 BC c) Hundred Year's War between England and France begins

    4) 1066 d) Londinium, Julius Caesar's expedition to Britain

    5) 1337 e) reign of Elizabeth I

    6) 1558 f) Act of Union united England and Scotland

    7) 1455 g) Elizabeth II was born

    8) 1558 - 1603 h) Act of Union united England and Wales

    9) 1707 i) America was discovered

    10) 1801 j) End of the British Empire

    11) 1914 - 1918 k) Gunpowder plot

    12) 1509 -1547 l) Seven Years' War begins (fight for colonies)

    13) 1926 m) the Bronze Age, the Iberians

    14) 1605 n) William the Conqueror defeats Harold Godwinson

    15) 1837 - 1901 o) the Iron Age, the Celts, pagans, druids

    16) 1536 p) Act of Union united England and Ireland

    17) 1492 q) World War I

    18) 1947 r) reign of Henry VIII

    19) 1756 s) the American War of Independence

    20) 1775 - 1776 t) Wars of the Roses: Houses of Lancaster and York fight for the


    II Match the words with their definitions

    1) ancient a) a possibility to do smth

    2) generation b) step by step

    3) achievement c) to send an army into another country to get control of it

    4) to capture d) a group of people who are born and live around the same time

    5) to establish e) skillful or capable

    6) efficient f) happening or living long ago

    7) contemporary g) modern or relating to the present time

    8) subsequent h) to create or to found

    9) available i) to catch someone so they become their prisoner

    10) opportunity j) to make a profit

    11) to benefit k) to make somebody/ something obedient

    12) to contribute to smth l) happening or coming after something else

    13) gradually m) possible to get free or ready when you need it

    14) to tame n) an advanced stage of human development

    15) civilization o) to make something possible to do

    16) a refugee p) someone who leaves the country

    17) to invade q) to force someone who is attacking to move back

    18) to retreat r) to move away from the position

    19) to repel s) countries that make an agreement with another country that

    They will help each other

    20) allies t) something people succeed in

    III Fill in the right preposition

    1 No one shall pick … or bully other pupils.

    2 It was too late and he suggested that he should pick me … home.

    3 Don't pick … unfamiliar objects. They may be dangerous.

    4 I couldn't pick … a handbag to match my coat.

    5 In summer he visited his granny in Georgia and picked … some words and expressions.

    6 He has a good ear for music and can pick … any tune.

    7 He has been living in Spain for three months and has picked … a little Spanish.

    8 I hope the letter will come … time.

    9 The train is sure to come … time.

    10 I can see nothing … the bottom of the well.

    11 Jane is going to come … Friday morning.

    12 We are meeting … tomorrow afternoon.

    13 I didn't see him … last lecture.

    14 She didn't want to join us, but … the end she agreed.

    IV Choose the right variant from the brackets

    1 They haven't met for two years and now she discovered a (quick/rapid) change in him.

    2 He is a (fast/rapid) reader. He can read a book for a night.

    3 If you want to come in time, you should take a (fast/rapid) train.

    4 He never (lays/lies) books on the shelves.

    5 You're cold. You'd (better/rather) have a cup of coffee to get warm.

    6 A (historical/history/historic) teacher turned out to be a young girl of twenty.

    7 I'm keen on (historic/historical/history) films.

    8 The representatives of the three countries signed that (history/historical/historic) document in Yalta.

    9 She (offered/suggested) to help us.

    10 I'd (better/rather) have a couple of cakes.

    11 I'd (better/rather) go to Moscow on holidays. There are a lot of (history/historical/historic) places to see.

    12 Sam (suggested/offered) our going to the (historic/history/historical) museum.

    V Use the appropriate article

    1 … Queen Elizabeth had dinner with … President Clinton.

    2 I saw … beautiful Goya in Milan once.

    3 William Clinton was elected … President in 1993.

    4 Lomonosov, … great Russian scientist, was born in … village near … Archangelsk in … poor peasant's family.

    5 … Student Popov is brilliant at Mathematics.

    6 Miss Green, … woman with … black bag in her hands, is our English teacher.

    7Mr Johnson, … schoolteacher, often came and told us fascinating stories about distant lands.

    8 … first English printer Caxton learnt how to print in Europe.

    9 William the Conqueror, … king of England, was a Norman by his background.

    10 … Head of Government has given an interview to… correspondent from "Pravda".

    VI Use Present Simple, Present Progressive or Future Simple

    1 The train (to arrive) in three hours. 2 She loves pets. Now she (to keep) four pets.3 I (to get) a volume of poems by Yevtushenko on my birthday.4 Lena (to show off) always.5 I heard he (to get married).6 When you (to meet) Bob? 7 I don't know when he (to come), but when he (to come), let me know.8 If he (to come), I (to tell) him what I (to think) about him.9 I'm not sure if he (to stand) for us.10 As soon as he (to arrive) in London, I will connect with you. 11 What you (to do)? - Nothing out of ordinary. I always (to do) so if I want you to pay attention to me. 12 He (to work) still at the lab.

    Key to Test (Unit I, English-IX, O.V. Afanasyeva)

    I 1m II 1f III 1on IV 1rapid V 1 -, - VI 1arrives

    2o 2d 2up 2fast 2a 2is keeping

    3d 3t 3up 3fast 3 - 3am getting

    4n 4i 4out 4lays 4the, a,-, a 4is showing off

    5c 5h 5up 5better 5the 5is getting

    6a 6e 6out 6history 6the, a 6are meeting

    7t 7g 7for, up 7historical 7a 7will come,

    8e 8l 8in 8historic 8the comes

    9f 9m 9on 9offered 9 - 8comes,

    10p 10a 10at 10rather, 10 - will tell, think

    11q 11j 11on couple 9will stand

    12r 12o 12 - 11rather, 10arrives

    13g 13b 13during historic 11are doing, do

    14k 14k 14in 12suggested, 12is working

    15b 15n history

    16h 16p

    17i 17c

    18j 18r

    19l 19q

    20s 20s

    Test to Unit II (O.V.Afanasyeva; English- IX)

    1. Give it a name

    1 a fault, defect or weakness

    2 to receive property or money after a person's death

    3 to bring or join together

    4 to find out or tell exactly who a person is

    5 to come out of something

    6 to keep within certain limits

    7 coming at the beginning, first

    8 unhappy, restless, not satisfied with smth

    9 to have to do with smb/smth

    10 to consist of or to include

    11 an offer of marriage

    12 to let smth become known

    13 to see or know smth that will happen in the future

    14 to mean

    15 a goal

    II. Choose the right variant from the brackets

    1 It took some time to (unite/join) two halves of the bridge.

    2 The victory in the war (united/joined) the nation.

    3 He was a born leader and soon the workers (united/joined) behind him.

    4 Would you like to (unite/join) us? We are going to the party.

    5 My brother doesn't want to (unite/join) the navy.

    6 They always talked about (policy/politics) at supper.

    7 I don't know much about his (policy/politics).

    8 My friend would like to go into (policy/politics) professionally.

    9 Honesty is the best (policy/politics).

    10 (Policy/politics) has never interested me.

    11 He was (like/as) son to me.

    12 Mike is late (like/as) usual.

    13 Sam cried (like/as) a baby when he had learnt the news.

    14 Alice works (like/as) a typist.

    15 He never tells lies (like/as) I informed you.

    16 The use of central heating is fairly (economic/economical).

    17 This country is in a bad (economic/economical) state.

    18 It's more (economic/economical) to travel by car than by plane.

    19 Europe is more than an (economic/economical) community.

    20 The government's (economic/economical) policies are much to be desired.

    III. Fill in the gaps the right preposition

    1 You should keep to a diet or at least cut … sweets.

    2 Steve mostly kept silence. He cut … once or twice.

    3 Let's cut … the cake now.

    4 When she became older she cut … her plaits.

    5 Don't cut this article … the magazine!

    6 You can easily cut … vegetables with this device.

    7 He is always picking … me!

    8 I want you to pick me … to my parents.

    9 I can't pick …a book to present it to my friend.

    10 Eat it quickly! Don't pick … the porridge!

    IV Open the brackets to make the story complete.

    Mrs Pack's intention was to shoot a tiger. She (arrange) already in her mind the lunch she would give with the tiger skin occupying all the conversation.

    Circumstances (turn) out to be favourable. It (happen) so that an old tiger (be) in the habit of coming to a neighbouring village. As Mrs Pack (offer) a large sum of money the children of the village (put) in the jungle (watch) the tiger (approach). The cheapest goats (leave) to attract him. A special platform (construct) in the jungle, in a comfortable tree.

    When it was ready the great night (arrive). Mrs Pack and her paid companion Miss Meb (sit) on the platform for some hours when they (hear) a tiger's roar. The goat (tie) at the bottom of the tree. The tiger (move) towards it because blind as he was he (see) it. "Now, now", cried Miss Meb with excitement and the gun flashed. Both the tiger and the goat (fall) dead.

    It was Louisa Meb who (draw) attention to the fact that the goat (die) from a bullet wound. "The tiger (not shoot), he (die) of a heart attack," she said to Mrs Pack.

    The discovery that she (hit) he wrong animal didn't stop Mrs Pack from facing the cameras. Her pictures (appear) in all the newspapers.

    As for Louisa Meb, now she has a wonderful cottage which beautifully (decorate).

    Silence should (reward).

    V Choose the most suitable word for each blank.

    Viewed from the outside at least, the Houses of Parliament give a firm impression of all those _(1) which we are supposed to value in the British form of government. The architecture gives the place a _(2) look, and the buildings are sandwiched between a busy square and the river, with Westminster Abbey not far away, making them a_(3) between the country house of an eccentric duke and a Victorian railway station. You have only to learn that the_(4) refer to each other as "The Honourable Member for So and So" to complete the picture of a dignified gentlemen's club, with of course a few ladies to _(5) the numbers.

    Sadly, over the past few years first radio, and now television, have shown the general _(6), who are after all the electorate, what in fact goes on when bills are _(7) and questions are asked . The first obvious fact is that the chamber is very rarely full, and there may be only a _(8) of members present, some of _(9) are quite clearly asleep, telling jokes to their neighbour, or engaged in shouting like badly-behaved schoolchildren. There is not enough_(10) for them all in the chamber in any case, which is a second worrying point.

    Of course, television doesn't follow the work of _(11)which are small discussion groups that do most of the real work of the House. But the _(12) impression that we as _(13) receive of the workings of government is not a good one. To put it bluntly, parliament looks disorganized, is clearly behind the times and seems to be _(14) with bores and comedians. This is presumably why members resisted for so long the efforts of the BBC to broadcast parliamentary_(15) on TV.

    1 a) views b)appearances c)identities d) features

    2 a)fashionable b)traditional c)close-up d) notorious

    3 a)mixture b)combination c)cross d)match

    4 a)members b)candidates c)delegates d)senators

    5 a)take away b)bring about c)make up d)set in

    6 a)situation b)public c)interest d)rule

    7 a)paid b)determined c)voted d)discussed

    8 a)handful b)majority c)few d)number

    9 a)these b)whom c)them d)others

    10 a)seats b)places c)room d)around

    11 a)elections b)those c)everyone d)committees

    12 a)overall b)visual c)positive d)striking

    13 a)audience b)often c)voters d)well

    14 a)working b)inevitably c)filled d)much

    15 a)matters b)committees c)speeches d)debates

    VI Give English equivalents.

    1 подписать мирный договор

    2 оружие массового поражения

    3 провозгласить право на труд

    4 суверенитет и территориальная


    5 политические права и свободы

    6 погасить локальные конфликты

    7 восстановить мир в районах

    повышенной напряженности

    8 призывать правительства

    9 нарушить право

    10 беженцы

    11 проводить переговоры

    12 взаимовыгодное сотрудничество

    13 оказаться заложниками

    14 запретить испытание ядерного оружия

    Test to Unit III (O.V.Afanasyeva, English - IX)

    I Write an appropriate word for each definition

    1)famous for smth bad

    2)a person who takes part in an activity or event

    3)doing what one is told to do

    4)to walk or step heavily

    5)to fight against someone

    6)to arrange for smb to have smth

    7)to mention or to speak about smth

    8)unwanted by the original owner

    9)acting or doing willingly

    10) fully grown or developed

    11) to spend your time and effort doing something

    12) to make smth quickly known

    13) to throw

    14) to be inclined to do smth

    II Insert the right preposition

    1) Speak … I can't hear you clearly

    2) I hope you'll speak … me at the meeting.

    3) His behaviour is outrageous.I have to speak … him.

    4) You don't need to speak much. Her work speaks … itself.

    5) If you don't agree with new rules, speak … yourself.

    6) I speak … us all when I say how sorry I am for it.

    7) We have gathered here to speak … against violation of our rights.

    8) Why are you keeping silent? Speak …!

    III Transfer the sentences using idioms with cast.

    1) It helped to understand the situation clearer.

    2) He is not the person you need. Stop thinking about him.

    3) The boy lowered his eyes.

    4) These trousers are out of fashion now; and she is sure consider them as not wanted anymore.

    5) Robinson Crusoe was left on a desert island.

    6) You can not act in such a way! Nothing can be changed.

    7) She tried to recollect all that had happened but couldn't do it.

    IV Fill in the right article.

    1) I hate … cold , I'd like to live in … hot country.

    2)… salad is very good as a starter. I'll have … salad to begin with

    3) Cheddar is … firm yellow cheese. … cheese should be kept in the fridge.

    4) Sally was not … beaty but she had the charm of … youth

    5) Every one expected Mr.Ford to make … speech at dinner

    6) I've just bought … new grammar

    7) Dollar is …American money.

    8) To work well one needs … experience

    V Fill in the right preposition

    1) There are 26 amendments … American Constitution.

    2) His love … pets is amazing

    3) Could you give me any reasons … your absence from the lecture?

    4) He tried but couldn't find a solution … the problem.

    5) Her reaction … nis words was sudden. She began laughing

    6) I can't feel respect … this terrible person

    7) Where is the key … the front door.

    8) Have you got an invitation … her wedding panty?

    9) Mary, you're wanted … the telephone. I haven't recognized the voice

    10) There are some exceptions … the rule.

    11) We could hardly hear her reply … the questions

    12) He felt relieved that he could satisfy his desire … a good sleep.

    13) A serious damage … the cathedral needed several months to repair it

    VI Give Russian equivalents of the words and word-combinations, using the prefix -self

    1)Конверт с обратным адресом 2)Эгоизм 3)Caмоучка 4)Самолюбование 5)Смех над собой 6)Жалость к себе 7) Самопожертвование 8)Однотонный 9)Самобичевание 10)Неопрятность

    VII Choose the appropriate word from the brackets

    1) Alla Pugacheva, the (famous/celebrated) Russian pop-star, was born on April 15, 1949.

    2) Theodore Dreiser, the (famous/celebrated) American writer, created "An American Tragedy".

    3) Diego Maradonna is a (well-known/celebrated) football player.

    4) Mr.Green is (well-known/famous) in the town.

    5) One of the most (famous/notorious) criminals escaped from prison.

    6) Ann always passes exams well. She is (self-confident/self-assured)

    7) I dislike (seft-confindent / self-assured) people. They are often impertinent.

    8) I often walk my dog in the (woods/ forest) behind my house.

    9) Does Britain import (timber / wood)?

    10) It's easy to get lost in the ( forest /woods).

    VIII Translate the sentences.

    1)Не успели мы выйти из дома,как начался дождь.

    2)Едва автобус скрылся из виду, раздался какой- то хлопок.

    3)После того, как картофель был привезен в Европу из Америки, он сразу стал любимым блюдом.

    4)Не успела она рассказать все до конца, как вошла ее мама.

    5) Как только начала играть музыка, он встал и покинул зал.

    IX Mach England end Russian equivalent:

    1) low self-esteem a)капризный

    2) behave awkward b)неловко вести себя

    3) lose self-confidence c) самоуверенный

    4) treat like children d) вызывающее поведение

    5) cocky/ self- assured e) обращаться как с детьми

    6) flighty f) низкая самооценка

    7) be/feel self-conscious g) наглый, дерзкий

    8) outrageous behaviour h) потерять уверенность в себе

    9) rejected i ) пристраститься к интернету

    10) to get along with peers j ) неряшливый

    11) impertinent k) неудачник

    12) to become a net addict l) смущаться

    13) scruffy m) ладить с подростками

    14) get over complexes n) отвергнутый

    15) loser o) избавиться от комплексов

    Test to Unit V (O.V. Afanasyeva, English -VIII)

    I Give it a name

    1 to excite

    2 uncovered, naked

    3 a frightening dream

    4 a drop of liquid coming from your eyes when you cry

    5 to go underwater

    6 to shiver/ shake with cold or fear

    7 two things together

    8 mixed up, not clear

    9 happening every year

    10 to make a deep sound from pain or unhappiness

    11 the place to which you are going to

    12 to move in the way that water does

    II Choose the right variant from the brackets

    1 Penicillin was (invented/discovered) by A.Fleming.

    2 We often have (different/various) opinions and quarrel.

    3 You can put the box (beside/besides) the sofa.

    4 Would you like an orange or a tangerine? - (Either/neither) is fine.

    5 The wild world of Africa is rather (different/various).

    6 I've got two friends. (Neither/none) is my classmate.

    7 The most chemical elements were (discovered/invented) by Mendeleyev.

    8 All the children knew the answer (besides/except) Ted.

    9 Mary has a lot of friends. I know (a pair/couple) of them.

    10 How long have you been (waiting/awaiting) for me?

    11 I need a new (couple/pair) of sleepers.

    12 That was a (quite/quiet) place to live in.

    13 Phil says he doesn't (together/altogether) agree with me.

    14 I (quite/quiet) understand you.

    15 I usually have a (pair/couple) of sandwiches (besides/except) bacon and

    eggs for breakfast.

    III Fill in the right preposition

    1 Who will see Mike … to school?

    2 Could you see … it that our guests are given tea?

    3 Which of you has seen him … recently?

    4 You can say anything you like about Jack, but I see … him.

    5 Who supplies the city … water?

    6 He was ill. His hands were trembling … weakness.

    7 I'm very hungry. Let's drop …at a snack bar.

    8 It was too late so Helen offered to see me … .

    9 Polly is ill. Let's drop … … her on Saturday.

    10 While shopping I dropped … my former classmate.

    11 Please, drop my letter … .

    12 He didn't know whom to blame so he dropped … everybody at once.

    13 He had to drop … of the University because lack of money.

    14 I've got a strong desire … drink something hot.

    15 He's very good at English that gives him an advantage … the rest.

    IV Use Simple or Perfect Infinitive

    1 We were to (meet) at three, but she didn't come. .2 I was to (come) at three and I managed not to be late. 3 She was to (phone) me in the evening but she called me only

    In the following morning. 4 His English is poor. He must (study) very hard. 5 His German improved. He must (study) during the holidays. 6 James could (say) what he thought to anybody. 7 You could (warn) me about her arrival beforehand. 8 You should (put on) warm clothes. It is rather cold. 9 You should (go) to the dentist a week ago.

    10 You needn't (go) shopping. Ann has bought everything. 11 You needn't (invite) Ted

    to your birthday party. He is such a bore!

    V Choose an adjective or an adverb from the brackets

    1 He looked (indifferent/indifferently). 2 He looked at his presents (indifferent/indifferently). 3 The flowers grow (wonderful/wonderfully) in such weather. 4 Jane grew (sad/sadly) when she heard that melody. 5 his words sounded (pleasant/pleasantly) but we didn't trust him.

    VI Fill in the right article

    1 … Scottish are proud of their origin.

    2 … Germans like to count and save their money.

    3 Last week I was at the conference where I met … American.

    4 What language do … Finnish speak?

    5 … Mexican food is very spicy.

    VII had better or would rather?

    1 I'd … go home, I'm a bit tired. 2 You'd … not argue with your parents.

    3 He says he'd … wait for me near my school, but not at the bus stop.

    4 Kate had … not think about becoming a stewardess/air hostess. She is airsick.

    5 We would … go to the park with you. The weather is wonderful today.

    6 I'd … switch off the TV. When it works I can't concentrate on my work.

    7 He would … e - mail to his friends.

    8 We'd … not be late for classes tomorrow as we are going to write a test on Physics.

    9 You'd … not book tickets to the smoker.

    Key to Test (Units V; English - VIII)

    I 1to thrill II 1invented III 1 off IV 1to have met

    2bare 2different 2 to 2come

    3a nightmare 3beside 3 around 3have phoned

    4a tear 4either 4 through 4study

    5to sink 5various 5with 5have studied

    6to tremble 6neither 6 with 6say

    7 a couple 7discovered 7 in 7have warned

    8confusing 8except 8off/out 8put on

    9annual 9 couple 9in on 9have gone

    10to groan 10waiting 10on 10go

    11destination 11pair 11off 11have invited

    12 flow 12quiet 12on

    13altogether 13out

    14quite 14to

    15couple, besides 15 0ver

    V 1indifferent VII 1 rather

    2indifferently 2 better

    3wonderfully 3 rather

    4sad 4 better

    5pleasant 5 rather

    VI 1the 6 better

    2- 7 rather

    3an 8 better

    4the 9 better


    63-73 ---- "5"

    54- 62 ----- "4"


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