Урок по английскому языку «Искусство»

Урок английского языка для 9 классов по теме «Искусство» и по теме «Выдающиеся деятели Казахстана и стран изучаемого языка», включает в себя цели, задачи, все этапы нового урока: организационный момент, актуализация целей урока,, фонетическую зарядку, речевую разминку, проверку домашнего задания, чтение, актуализацию лексического материала, упражнения для развития лексики, рефлексию, урок направлен на формирование коммуникативных и грамматических навыков, отработать лексические единицы и речевые...
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Form: 9 03.03/04.03

Theme: Искусство.

Goal: Формировать коммуникативные и грамматические навыки, отработать лексические единицы и речевые обороты по теме «Музыкальные инструменты».


- совершенствовать речевые способности, уметь излагать исследованный материал, формировать языковые навыки учащихся;

- расширить общий и лингвистический кругозор учащихся;

- воспитывать чувство любви к прекрасному: к искусству, живописи; воспитывать уважение к мнению других, умение слушать.

Lesson procedure

1. Organization moment, announcing the aims of the lesson.

Good morning! Glad to see you again. Sit down, please. Today we'll speak a lot about art and its role in the world culture. The theme of our lesson is "Art".

2. Introduction.

Visual art is a vast subject, including all kinds of pictures and sculptures. Artists make art for many reasons. Hundreds of years ago - when many people couldn't read - paintings were often designed to illustrate stories. And a lot of paintings were made to decorate churches. More recently, artists have begun to paint to express their own feelings or explore ideas, or just to create something beautiful. People have always argued about art - how to make it? What it should like and why. But there are no wrong answers. What kind of art you enjoy is up to you.

So, today we are going to speak about art, painting in particular. We shall learn interesting information about famous artists and pictures, we shall visit the Museum of Modern Art in New York the museums in Almaty and practice our skills in describing pictures.

3. Warming up.

Now look at the quotation of a well-known English writer W. Somerset Maugham.

"There is nothing but art. Art is living. To attempt to give an object of art life by dwelling on its historical, cultural or archaeological association is senseless…" (W. Somerset Maugham "The Summing Up")

4. Phonetic drill.

Answer my questions:

  • Are you interested in art? What art in particular?

  • What world-famous artists do you know?

  • Have you ever been to any picture galleries or museums?

  • Have you ever tried your hand at any of the arts?

5. Follow up activities.

But first let's revise the vocabulary of this theme.

  1. Styles of Painting.

Put the letters in correct order:


















2) Guess what style it is

  1. It's the art that doesn't represent recognizable objects.

  2. It promotes accurate, detailed depiction of nature or contemporary life. It rejects imaginative idealization in favour of close observation.

  3. It's the conception of art as imitation of nature. Its subject included landscapes, tress, houses, street scenes. The artists paid attention to effects of light and movement.

  4. The key concept of this style is that essence of the object can only be shown from different points of view at once. Its works reject perspective in favour of geometric forms.

  5. The art in which common objects (such as comic strips, soup cans, road signs, and hamburgers) were used as subject matter.


1. Abstract 2. Realism 3. Impressionism 4. Cubism 5. Pop Art

6. Main part.

a) Checking up the home task.

Ex. 7, p 53 Read the texts about museums in Almaty.

  1. The State Museum of National Musical Instruments

  2. The A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts.

  3. The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

b) And now we shall visit the museum where we can learn some information about Pablo Picasso and his work "Three Musicians".

The Museum of Modern Art, New York

At the left of a bare and boxlike space, a masked Pierrot plays the clarinet. At the right, a singing monk holds sheet music. And in the center, strumming a guitar is a Harlequin, in Picasso's art a recurring stand-in for the artist himself.

Pierrot and Harlequin are stock characters in the old Italian comic theater. The painting, then, has a whimsical side, epitomized by the near-invisible dog: its head is about halfway up the canvas on the left, one of several subtle browns, and we can also make out front paws, a hind leg, and a jaunty tail popping up between Harlequin's legs. Overall, though, the work's somber background and large size make the musicians a solemn, even majestic trio.

The three musicians and dog conjure a bygone period of bohemian life, enjoyed here by Picasso in the guise of a Harlequin flanked by two figures who may represent poet-friends of the artist's: Guillaume Apollinaire, who was recently deceased, and Max Jacob. The patterned flatness of the work is derived from cut-and-pasted paper, and stands in stark contrast to the sculptural monumentality of Picasso's Three Women at the Spring, also painted in the summer of 1921.

And now answer the questions:

- What is the title of the work of art?

- Who created it?

- What genre is it? A landscape? A portrait? A seascape?

- What colours do you see most of or at least of in this work of art?

- What objects or shapes do you see first in this painting?

- Why do you think this is the first thing you noticed?

- What is the mood of painting?

- What feelings or emotions do you experience?

- What music would you choose to this picture?

- What is the main idea of the picture?

7. Rounding off.

Thank you, children, you've done your work perfectly. I am satisfied with the results of our lesson. I wonder if you are as satisfied as I am.

8. Home task. Ex. 1, 2, p. 54

Form: 9 06.03/07.03

Theme: Выдающиеся деятели культуры в Казахстане, США и Великобритании.

Goal: Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Известные люди», актуализация страноведческого материала, совершенствование навыков устной речи.


- ввести лексические единицы по теме " Знаменитости", формирование умений работать с информацией, развитие коммуникативных способностей в говорении;

- развивать мотивации к обучению, направленной на познавательную деятельность;

- прививать любовь и уважение к культурному наследию, традициям и народу своей страны и страны изучаемого языка.

Lesson procedure

1. Greeting.

Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you. How are you today? Are you ready to start our lesson? Let's begin.

I want you to look at the picture. What building can you see in it?

Right you are. It's one of the most popular museums in London - Madame Tussaud's Museum.

Can you tell us what visitors can see there?

That's correct. The museum contains the largest waxworks collection of famous people in the world. Can you name some of them? Thank you!

2. Checking up the home task.

Ex. Ex. 1, 2, p. 54

a) Read and answer the question: What's the text about?

b) Complete the sentences below.

3. Warm-up Activities.

Now, look at the slide and help me to match the names and the surnames.

1. Charles a. Chaplin

2. Margaret b. Christie

3. John R.R. c. Shakespeare

4. Joseph d. Defoe

5. William e. Darwin

6. Daniel f. Thatcher

7. Agatha g. Tolkien

8. Charlie h. Turner

4. Follow-up Activities.

Translate into Russian.

a) мастер акварели, b) стать известным, c) играть в театре, d) гордиться ч.-л., e) писать пьесы, f) основать музей, g) великий художник, h) летать в космос, i) популярный певец j) изучать растения и животных, k) детективный роман, l) известная песня, m) выставлять картины, n) любить путешествия и природу


a) a master of water color, b) become famous, c) act in the theatre, d) be proud of e) write plays, f) found the museum, g) a great artist, h) fly into space, i) a popular singer, j) study plants and animals, k) a detective novel, l) a well-known song, m) exhibit pictures, n) be fond of traveling and nature

5. Developing listening activities.

Listen to the information about these people and match the stories with the portraits. One portrait is extra.

(the portraits are shown: William Shakespeare, John Lennon, Agatha Christie, Joseph Turner, Charlie Chaplin, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill.)

  • He is an outstanding English writer. He was born in England in 1564. When he was 20 he went to London and became an actor. Then he began to write plays for the theater and became famous. He wrote 37 plays and many beautiful poems. His most famous plays are "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hamlet".

  • He is a popular English singer, guitar-player and song-writer. He was a member of the world-famous English pop-group of the 60s. Their most well-known song is "Yesterday".

  • She is a talented writer of popular books and plays. She was born in England in 1890. She didn't go to school, her mother taught her at home. She wrote her first detective novel in 1920. It was about Hercule Poirot, a bright detective. Her other main detective was Miss Marple.

  • He is a great English artist, master of water-color. He was born in 1775. When he was 15 years old, he exhibited his first picture. He was fond of nature and traveling. He is famous for wonderful colors on his landscapes and sea-pictures.

  • He is a bright scientist. He was born in 1809. At school he was fond of chemical experiments. He studied at Cambridge University. During the 5-year voyage he studied many different kinds of plants and animals. He is famous for his theory of evolution.

  • He is a gifted English actor. He was born in England in 1889. He began to act in the theater when he was 5 years old. Then he went to America where he became famous. He played in silent films. He is famous for creating a language of face and body. His best films are "City Lights" and "Modern Times".

Let's check up the task. Who was the first (second, etc.) text about?

Well, now you have to say why you admire people according to the chart.

Урок по английскому языку «Искусство»

7. Homework. Ex. 17, p. 174 b)

8. Summary of the Lesson

As we see music plays a very important role in our life.

It helps us to relax, it makes us more emotional, it makes us think of our life and change our opinion on our lifestyle. Our lesson is coming to an end. Did you enjoy it? I hope you did. You were very active and hard working and get the following marks……..

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