Конспект занятия «Толерантность в современном мире»

Данное мероприятие проводится в форме пресс-конференции, в котором участвуют студенты одной группы колледжа, приехавшие учиться в мегаполис из разных республик бывшего Союза, и американский корреспондент, интересующийся проблемами молодежи в современном мире..Заседание направлено на воспитание толерантного отношения к сверстникам и взрослым, милосердия, а также нетерпимого отношения к любому виду насилия,уважения к представителям других культур.  способности и готовности осуществлять общение на ...
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Конспект занятия«Толерантность в современном мире».Tolerance in Modern World.

Цели урока :

Воспитание толерантного отношения к сверстникам и взрослым, милосердия, а также нетерпимого отношения к любому виду насилия. Воспитание уважения к представителям других культур. Активизация способности и готовности осуществлять общение на языке. Актуализация иноязычных знаний. Преодоление психологических барьеров в использовании английского языка как средство общения .


формировать понимание важности изучения английского языка и потребности пользоваться им как средством общения, расширять кругозор и познавательную активность, воспитывать культуру диалога, умение работать в группе.

Ход занятия:

Данное мероприятие проводится в форме пресс-конференции, в котором участвуют студенты одной группы колледжа, приехавшие учиться в мегаполис из разных республик бывшего Союза, и американский корреспондент, интересующийся проблемами молодежи в современном мире.

Ключевые слова :

I believe you,

Our main pride,

You are from Kazan,

The same situation is ,

You can see pic,

May I ask you some questions?

В методической разработке отражены эффективные методы и приемы в укреплении межнациональной дружбы, опыт работы по воспитанию межнациональной толерантности, уважения к самобытным культурам различных этнических групп, а также анализируются пути уменьшения национальной нетерпимости в юношеской среде.

Son: Mum, Dad, Grandparents! Visitors! Look! Who has come to our place!

Mum: Oh, Good afternoon, dear friends! I am glad to receive you here at our home!

Dad: So am I! Come in, come in! You are welcome to our living-room. This way, please. Ladies first. Well, our rising generation! Let's make our acquaintance.


Son: My dear friends! Feel yourselves at home! We have a remarkable day today and I have got good news for you. An American friend of mine will come any minute to have a conversation with us. He is a correspondent of the Washington Post and he has come to Russia to learn more about youth problems, our customs and traditions.


Son: Oh, here he is! Hello, John! You are welcome! We are waiting for you.

John: How do you do, everybody! Let me introduce myself, I am John Brown from Arizona, a newspaper correspondent. I am interested in Russian style of life nowadays and I believe you do not mind if I ask you some questions.

Son, you are welcome, John.

John: My first question is: Are you close friends?

Rodion: Yes, we are. We have known each other for three years already as we study in one and the same group at the college and we regard each other kindly.

John: Ten thousand pardons, but looking at you, I have an impression that you are a multinational group, am I right?

Iliya: Yes, you are absolutely right. My name is Iliya and I am from Kazakhstan, Astana, I am a Kazakh. People from many countries come for a pleasure to my city and they are friendly met there. Those who came there for the firs time, want to come again and again.

Rodion: My name is Rodion and I am from Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. Kazan has always been a melting-pot and strikes nearly every tourist with its beautiful mosaic of Muslim and Russian Orthodox cultures peacefully coexisting within one city. With its colourful mix of mosques and Orthodox churches the Tatar capital is a crossroads of civilizations.

John: I see that you are of different faiths. How do you manage to be friendly to each other?

Iliya: People are basically the same all over the world. A religion can provide the moral fabric or structure for the people of a nation. It can guide its people on what is important in life; it helps us to cope with everyday problems.

Radik: I am Muslim from Bashkiria, my name is Radik I think a religion can be very helpful in creating a sense of order and stability for the mind. And I am of the opinion that if the religion is too rigid in its beliefs and intolerant of other religions and cultures, the people of a nation can be too rigid as well as in their beliefs and intolerant of others.

Son: Dear John! I want to tell you that we were lucky to enter the Assembling college here in Yekaterinburg and to be in one group. Our college is not only a place of education, it is a place where students can develop their skills in social relationships and increase our tolerance and mutual respect for each other.

John: Could you tell me about Muslim religious food?

Radik: Muslim dietary regulations are laid down in the section of the Koran known as "The cow" and faithful must eat neither pork not drink alcohol.

John: Could you tell me about your extracurricular activities?

Alex: Our main proud is going to the children's homes and old people's homes, you can see pics taken there.( Slides).There are reasons for doing it: Little children are missing their parents and elderly people may find themselves absolutely on their own. It can be difficult for them to cope with everyday problems and they can suffer even worse from lack of communication and our visits to them can lessen the problems. The worst thing for a human being is when there is nobody to talk to, and elderly people and little children often have to face this.

John: Oh, it's very kind of you. And do you help each other in studies?

Rodion: Of course, we do. I help my friends in English, Iliya helps in Maths, Radik helps us in Physics. Sharing studies cements our friendship and our motto is:

( sing all together) The more we get together,together,together

The more we get together-the happier we are

For my friends are your friends

And your friends are my friends

The more we get together, the happier we are.

Hamid: My name is Hamid, I am from Uzbekistan, I am Uzbek. I am happy to study at this college, I found many good friends here. My Russian is poor and my friends help me to master it. As we live at the hostel, it was easy for me to make friends. I really love them all, they do not laugh at me and they do not call me names. On Sundays I try to cook our national tasty food and treat my friends to it. They often do the same and we are happy because sharing food can develop friendship and may even indicate a sharing of religious beliefs.

Alex: Dear John! Can I ask you a question in my turn?

John: You are welcome.

Alex: What were you impressed by and did you come across with the cases of intolerance while staying in Russia?

John: Yes, I noticed a very strange thing here concerning your drivers. They are not tolerant to the pedestrians. I saw many times that they begin to move when people have not crossed the street yet. An American driver will slow down at a stop sign even if there is nobody in front of him and it is late at night. And one more thing: when going by bus yesterday during rush-hours I saw people pushing each other when getting on and off and the same situation is in the bus.

Son: I got a pleasure talking to you and now let's have a tea party.

John: With pleasure. Our meeting appeared to be so called "home -press-conference". You seem to be a very nice company and my next question for today:' Have you ever had a confrontation and conflicts and if so, how do you solve them? How do you manage to find the solution of the problem?

Radik: The question like this requires a special answer. Of course, we have some conflicts, as all people do, but we decide different problems without confrontation, we try to find out the gentle way of solving the problem. John: And my last question for today:

What are your interests and hobbies? All the same? What music, for example, do you like? What dances do you like?

Ilya: And this is where we have disagreements and often argue about it, only argue and never quarrel ,it is natural that we like different kinds of music , some of us like Rap, others like Pop music and the rest like Rock .I, for example, like Rap and our talks about music usually look like this: (предлагает посмотреть видеоролик, сделанный во время одного из таких споров о музыке).

Rap: What do you know about music? Your Pop makes everybody laugh. We are sick of your Justin Bieber [parodies his thin voice].

Pop: Well , you understand nothing, compared with your Scoop Dog and

Eminem-our Bieber is just a sweetie. Ears wither from your rap chatter.

Rock: Yes, both of you understand nothing in music ! Metallica-Yes! Or Ramstein is power!( Depicts rock).

Rap: All this is rubbish!

Rock: And by the way, performers of Ramstein and Metallica have professional education! They will play not only Rock and Beethoven!

Pop: Yes! Beethoven is powerful! About Beethoven even a movie was filmed! Such a sweetheart dog! [All twirling a finger to their temples].

Rap: Beethoven-Yes! You can recite rap! And I also like Mozart!

Rock: Yes, it is not your Bieber!

Pop: You are against Bieber! Among other things he is also a professional. By the way, in his childhood he sang in a large choir. And I also know Mozart. This is a composer!

Rap: Though you know Mozart ! [All laugh].

Rock : Listen and today in our Philharmonic Mozart's 40 Symphony is performed , Can we go?

Rap : Come on! Mozart-Respect!

Pop: OK ! We will not argue! I am going to the Philharmonic too. Rappers, only you have to change Rockers and you should comb!

We are all certainly different but we need not quarrel!

Rap: Yes, we are all different! But we should not forget about tolerance, which means to understand, recognize and respect the beliefs of other people.

Rock: we have different characters and we are of different nationalities, but let's be friends even stronger and will allow others to be different and it means respecting their hobbies and interests!

John: It was nice to listen to .And on the whole, I enjoyed our meeting very much. And now once more in brief : what tolerance means for you?

Illia: Tolerance , as I understand , it is kindness and recognizing the rights of others to be themselves.

Hamid: To my mind it is : respect of choices of others

Rodion: Allow pedestrians to cross at a green light, respect the line etiquette, be polite to clients, give directions to those who lost their way-I think this is what tolerance means.

Marat: And to my mind, tolerance is not just a passive position of enduring something, it is taking an active stand against prejudice and discrimination. If you know how to put yourself in the place of someone else-then you know what tolerance is.

Radik: John! When are you going to come to us again? We also liked our talk and hope this is not the last one.

John: In 2 months. I'll bring my friend Nolly with me, he is an Afro-American. He has lost his leg saving and Indian child from a crocodile .He will come here to take part in Paraolimpiad games.

Radik: That will be great! And now we will dance our favourite dancing "Lezginka" in the memory of our meeting. ( Танцуют все).

Литература :

1 Барышников Н. В" Параметры обучения межкультурной коммуникации в средней школе". Иностранные языки в школе, 2002, №2, стр. 28-32.

2 Умарова З. Я. "Толерантность как стремление к взаимному пониманию и согласованию". - Теория и практика общественного развития, 2012, №11 стр. 22-25.

3. Кошманова И. И." 90 устных тем на английском языке." Издательство "Айрис-пресс", Москва, 2008, стр. 28, 31, 104.

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