Сценарий мьюзикла Городская и деревенская мышка

Сценарий мьюзикла Городская и деревенская мышка.1 место на театральном конкурс 2014 год.Сценарий составлялся мною самостоятельно , использовались некоторые фразы из учебника Enjoy English и  Spotlight.Песни, и музыкальное оформление мьюзикла подбиралось такде самостоятельно.В основном дети пели переделанные песенки сопрано.Было подобрано много костюмов и декораций.А также в мьюзикл был придуман хор зверят, которые вторили главным героям.Было очень интересно и незабывамо готовиться к этому конкур...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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1 сцена знакомство.

Country mouse(говорит под писк): Hello, I`m a country mouse. I live in the country. I`m very smart and kind. I read books, draw pictures and write poems. ( песня деревенской мыши а хор поёт в конце припев)

My name is a mouse and a live in this shoe

I like when the sun shines and the sky is blue

I`m a mouse .I`m the mouse I`m the country mouse

May be someday I`ll come and live in your house

Хор: She is a mouse .She is the mouse she is the country mouse

May be someday she`ll come and live in your house.

Town mouse(говорит под писк): Hello, I`m a town mouse. I live in the town in a big house.I`m very merry. I like to play computer games, dance and sing. My owner always sing this song. It`s about me. I`m like a star. It`s my favourite.(песня городской мышки а хор поёт припев в конце)

Mrs Mouse could I request you do not use my home

Please keep out of all my rooms where you are not free to roam

When you run along the pipes in my room the other night

I nearly fell out of bed you gave me such a fright

I thought the cupboards were secure but yet you made me jump

When I opened up the door and gave my head a bump

The apples in the larder that I placed upon the shelf

Are not put there for you to it I want them for myself

Mrs Mouse oh Mrs Mouse what are you doing in my house

Your habits quite disgust me You smell and you are not clean

Mrs Mouse oh Mrs Mouse you may be called a field mouse

But I don`t care for names and such I don`t know where you` ve been

I won`t use a mouse trap I could not hurt you like that

But if you don`t heed my words I might just get a cat

Хор : Mrs Mouse oh Mrs Mouse what are you doing in my house

Your habits quite disgust me You smell and you are not clean

Mrs Mouse oh Mrs Mouse you may be called a field mouse

But I don`t care for names and such I don`t know where you` ve been

I won`t use a mouse trap I could not hurt you like that

But if you don`t heed my words I might just get a cat

2 сцена в гостях друг у друга

Country mouse: Hello, town mouse, welcome to my house. It`s very small, but it`s very nice.

Town mouse : Oh no! It`s very bare! No bedroom, no bathroom, no kitchen - Oh dear! I want to go home, I don`t like it here. This place isn`t pretty come with me , let`s go to the city.

Country mouse: Oh my! Lots of food - It all looks so good.

Town mouse: Come on, country mouse, It`s great in my house! There`s plenty to eat. Here please take a seat.

Town mouse : Would you like some cheese and bread?

Country mouse: Yes of course my dear friend!

Town mouse : Here you are .Help yourself

Country mouse: Thank you. The cheese is so tasty but who is there so nasty?

3 сцена кот и вывод сказки

1.Кот выходит под мяуканье

2.Кот поёт свой выход

A cat :I`m a little kit- cat nice and sweet

Here are my wiskers here are my feet

When i`m going hunting mice be aware

Or you might just have a scare.

3.Кот поёт про мышек а хор припев повторяет.

A cat: Little mouse, Little mouse, funny little mouse, funny little mouse

Little head, little feet, little mouse is very sweet

Little mouse, little mouse.

Хор: Little head, little feet, little mouse is very sweet

Little mouse, little mouse.

Country mouse: Help me! Oh help me! The dog wants its tea! He doesn`t want cheese it wants to eat me.!!! I want to go home.I haven`t got sweets and cakes at home. I have got only corn.But a big cat doesn`t live in my house. I don`t like the town, I don`t like the cats. I`m staying at home with spiders and rats.

4. Cat : Wait my dear mouse. I want us to be friends and build a new house

5. Песня Friends поют все вместе!!!

Let`s all be friends Let`s all be friends

There is so much to do together

Let`s all be friends Let`s all be friends

Let`s be friends forever

We can Write in English, talk in English ,sing in English too

Send an E-mail or a postcard That`s all we need to do

Let`s all be friends Let`s all be friends

Let` be friends forever- See the world together

Let` be friends forever!!!

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