План урока на тему Revision (6 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Lesson plan - Сабақ жоспары

Theme: Revision

Grade: 6 "A"

Time: 06.02.2016 ж

Сабақтың мақсаты:

  • Білімділік: Оқушылар өткен тақырыптағы сөздік қорларын молайтады, сын есімнің шырайларын қайталайды, Англиядағы және Қазақстандағы мектептер туралы білімдерін бекітеді;

  • Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың логикалық тұрғыдан ойлау қабілеттері, тыңдау, сөйлеу, жазу қабілеттері дамиды

  • Тәрбиелік: Оқушылар ұжымшылдыққа, бір-бірінің пікірлерін құрметтеуге үйренеді, пәнге деген қызығушылықтары арта түседі.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

  1. Introduction (1 minute)

  • Good afternoon, pupils.

  • Good afternoon, teacher.

  • How are you today?

  • We are fine. And you?

  • I am Ok, thank you!

  1. Dividing the pupils into groups (2 minutes)

Now before beginning our lesson, I want to divide you into groups. For dividing you into groups you must choose one of these cards on my hands… Now you are chosen cards. What is written in the cards? Now read the words. And you must be divided into groups: "School uniform", "School subjects", "School objects".

School subjects School uniform School objects

English blouse pen

Russian shirt copybook

Kazakh skirt ruler

Maths blazer book

History shoes blackboard

  1. Presentation (3 minutes)

Now you are divided into groups. The theme of our today's lesson is "Revision".

The captains of the team: ……………….

Questions for teams:

  1. What subjects do you study at school?(School subjects)

  2. How many days a week do you study at school?(School objects)

  3. What do you wear at school? (School uniform)

Thanks for your answers! Now today's lesson is competition lesson. And competition consists of several tasks:

  1. Hidden words

  2. Yes/No questions

  3. Making sentences with pictures

  4. Gestures

1) The first task is "Hidden words". In this task you are given letters on the paper. You must find more words and write the words with translations. If you write only word -1 point, if with translation- 2points.For this task I give you 3 minutes

Now I count your points.

"School subjects" team has….

"School objects" team has….

"School uniform" team has….

2) Yes/No questions. I read 4 questions for each team. You must answer YES/NO.

1st team

1) Schoolgirls wear a white blouse YES

2) In England school day starts at 8 o'clock NO

3) In Kazakhstan school day finishes at 13.10 or 13.30 YES

4) Schoolboys wear a blazer at school YES

2nd team

1) Schoolboys wear red trousers at school NO

2) In England schoolchildren study 5 days a week YES

3) In Kazakhstan school day starts at 8 o'clock YES

4) Schoolchildren wear a jeans NO

3nd team

1) In Kazakhstan schoolchildren study 5 days a week NO

2) In England lunch time for students lasts 1 hour YES

3) Schoolchildren in England study Kazakh NO

4) In Kazakhstan schoolchildren study English YES

"School subjects" team has….

"School objects" team has….

"School uniform" team has….

Now our pupils must be tired. To warm up the students there is a song given. You may sing and dance. Let's stand up and dance!

3) Do you remember adjectives and its degrees? Now our next task is about adjectives "Making sentences with pictures". I'll give you papers which are pictures on it. You must make sentences using these pictures. And read it. For each sentence 1 point. You have 5 minutes to do this task.

Now I'll count your points.

"School subjects" team has….

"School objects" team has….

"School uniform" team has….

4) The last task is "Gesture". In this task one pupil must come to the blackboard and I'll give him the papers with words. He/she must read and show this word with gestures without saying. For each team - 1 minute

III. Giving home task.

Schools in Kazakhstan

Schools in Kazakhstan

Schools in England

Schools in Kazakhstan


IV The end of the lesson

The lesson is over. Good bye!

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