План урока на тему A day in my life

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Есть
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A day in my life


  • Students will use vocabulary

  • Students will use evaluate information based on prior experiences and newly-acquired knowledge.



Expected sesults

S will be able to talk about the school things

About zenna

The procedure of the lessons

Teacher's action

Student's action

Organization moment

2 minutes

- Good day! How are you?

- I am fine! Thanks.

- What is the date today?

- What day is it today?

- What is the weather like today?

Good day! We are fine! And you?

Today is the....

Today is …

It's ……….


5 minutes

Phonetic drill.

What is your name?

What is your surname?

How old are you?

Can you spell your name?

What season is it now?

Let's begin our lesson with a
Your friend is his friend,
His friend is her friend,
Her friend is your friend,
But who then is my friend?

Answer the questions

Checking up h/work

5 minutes

Let's check your home work

What was your homework?

You must make up sentences

S will read, answer

New theme

10 minutes



Life [laif] жизнь
live [liv] жить
read [ri:d] читать
To have breakfast [hævbreikfəst] завтрак
To have lunch [lΛntζ] обед
To have dinner [dinə] обед
To have supper [sΛpə] ужин
To have classes [klasiz] уроки
To get up [get Λp] вставать
To go to bed [goutu bed] ложиться спать
To go to school [gout u sku:l] идти в школу
To go home [gouhoum] идти домой
School starts [sku:lsta:ts] занятия начинаются
School finishes [sku:lfiniζiz] занятия заканчиваются
To do homework [du houmwo:k] делать д/з
To watch TV [wotςtivi] смотреть ТВ
In the morning [moniŋ] утром
In the afternoon [aftə:nu:n] после обеда
In the evening [ivniŋ] вечером

Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense/ Настоящее простое (неопределённое) время (I do)
Мы используем Present Simple когда речь идет о действии, которое происходит вообще, необязательно в данный момент, если оно происходит постоянно, или повторяется. Нам не важно, происходит ли действие в момент речи:
The earth goes round the sun. (действие происходит постоянно)
Nurses look after patients in hospitals. (вообще)
In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m. (повторяющееся)
Незабывайте к глаголам после he / she / it добавлять "s".:
I work in a bank. Barry works in a shop.
Мы используем do / does что бы сформировать вопрос и отрицание:
Do we work?
Does he work.
Excuse me, do you speak English?
"Would you like a cigarette?" "No, thanks. I don`t smoke."
What does this word mean?
Rice doesn`t grow in Britain.
3) Мы используем Present Simple, когда говорим, как часто что-то происходит (с наречиями частотности):
I get up at 8 o`clock every morning.
How often do you go to the dentist?
Ann doesn`t often drink tea.
In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.

Work with dictionary

S will answer

Doing exercise

Make up sentences

Describe your day

I know everybody of you like playing. Let's play a bit. You should look and make pairs

  • Have

  • Go

  • Help

  • Watch

  • Read

  • Play

  • Do

  • Clean

  • Listento

  • Teeth

  • Homework

  • Music

  • Breakfast

  • To school

  • Mother

  • A book

  • TV

  • Games

План урока на тему A day in my life

Now you are ready to tell about your day. Look at this plan. It will help you to describe your day

Usually I get up at…
I wash ….., clean…, and have …
After breakfast I…
At … o'clock I …
Then I …
I sometimes …
After dinner I…
In the evening I …
I have supper at …
After supper I …
At … o'clock I go to bed.

Student will make pairs

S will make up sentences

S will talk about the day in their life


5 minutes

Answer the questions:
1.When do you go to school?
2.When do you have breakfast?
3.What lessons do you have every day?
4.When do you go to bed?

Open your record - books and write down your home work ex 2 page 108

S ask questions about their difficult.

Write down the homework


5 minutes

Our lesson is reaching the end. My dear, today you were very active and worked hard.
Your marks for today' s lesson are…
Thank you! See you later!

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