Контрольная работа

Контрольная работа по дисциплине "Иностранный (английский) язык" предназначена для студентов вторых курсов средних профессиональных образовательных организаций и направлена на проверку лексического ( по теме: Реклама) и грамматического материала по темам: видо-временная система английского глагола; прямая и косвенная речь; согласование времен .
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Control work (advertising)

  1. Translate.

  1. Главный принцип рекламы - это максимум информации за ограниченное время и пространство.

  2. Длительность телевизионной или радиорекламы составляет от 10 до 60 секунд.

  3. Чтобы привлечь внимание потребителя вы должны предоставить довод в пользу приобретения рекламируемого товара за ограниченное время.

  4. Объявления обычно содержат 2 части: рекламный текст и иллюстрации.

  5. В печатной рекламе мы часто используем текст, воздействуя на мыслительные процессы.

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. Why does advertising often break the rules of grammar, image and society?

  2. How do human process the information?

  3. What needs does the ad with emotional presentation focus on?

  4. What kinds of illustration do you know?

III. Chose the correct tense:

1. Computer usually ... of 5 elements: hardware, software people, procedures, data.

a/ consist b/ is consisting c/ consists

2. Students ... information now from the computer.

a/ process b/ are processing c/ have processed

3. We ... just data into computer to get information as an output.

a/ input b/ have input c/ inputted

4. The user ... useful information yesterday.

a/ got b/ getted c/ was getting

5. Soon the electronic devices ... the people.

a/ direct b/ will direct c/ will be directing

6. They .... at the computer all day yesterday.

a/ are working b/ were working c/ worked

7. Children ... already when parents came in.

a/ played b/ had played c/ has played

8. The user ... the information by morning tomorrow.

a/ will get b/ will have got c/ will be getting

9. We ... hardware all day tomorrow.

a/ will repair b/ will be repairing c/ are repairing

IV. Transform direct speech into indirect:

1. Pete said: «Dad comes at home after 4 p.m. ».2. Mom said: «The politics adopted a new law of the environment yesterday. » 3. Betty asked: «Will people take measures to protect our nature? » 4. He asked: «What are you doing now? » 5. Steve said: «Dad has just repaired the radio. » 6. «I will be reading it all day tomorrow», he said. 7. «We were repairing it all day yesterday», told his wife. 8. «Make the coffee a bit stronger », he begged. 9. Она говорит, что она больна. 10. Она сказала, что она больна.

Control work (advertising)

  1. Translate.

  1. Рекламодатели используют разные техники, чтобы привлечь внимание потребителя.

  2. Существуют разные виды рекламы: телевизионная, печатная реклама на радио.

  3. Чтобы заставить потребителя купить продукт или услугу, вы должны презентовать рекламный продукт , воздействуя на чувства или интеллект.

  4. Печатная реклама учитывает социальные и экономические нужды покупателя.

  5. Телевизионная реклама ограничена по времени.

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. What can you tell about time and place limits in advertising?

  2. What parts does an advertisement have?

  3. What does the advertiser take into account presenting the sales message?

  4. Why is a photograph an efficient advertising technique?

III. Chose the correct tense:

1. Computer usually ... people in decision making process.

a/ help b/ is helping c/ helps

2. Students ... information now from the computer.

a/ output b/ are outputting c/ have output

3. We ... just data into computer to get information as an output.

a/ inputted b/ have input c/ input

4. The user ... useful information yesterday.

a/ get b/ got c/ was getting

5. Soon the electronic devices ... the people.

a/ direct b/ will direct c/ will be directing

6. They .... at the computer all day yesterday.

a/ are repairing b/ were repairing c/ repaired

7. Children ... already when parents came in.

a/ played b/ had played c/ has played

8. The user ... the information by morning tomorrow.

a/ will get b/ will have got c/ will be getting

9. We ... hardware all day tomorrow.

a/ will repair b/ will be repairing c/ are repairing

IV. Transform direct speech into indirect:

1. Mom said: «Dad came at home after 4 p.m. yesterday» 2. Pete said : «The politics adopt a new law of the environment tomorrow.»3. Betty asked: «Do people take measures to protect our nature? »4. He asked: «What are you reading now?»5. Alex said: «Mom has cooked a pipe today. » 6. «I was reading it all day yesterday », he said. 7. «We will be repairing it all day tomorrow », told his wife. 8. « Cook it », he said. 9. Она говорит, что люди загрязняют природу каждый день.10. Она сказала, что люди загрязняют природу каждый день.

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