Методический материал Фразовые глаголы (7 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Есть
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Методический материал Фразовые глаголы (7 класс)Методический материал Фразовые глаголы (7 класс)Методический материал Фразовые глаголы (7 класс)

Phrasal Verbs

Spotlight 7

run out of - истощить свой запас

run into - сталкиваться, наталкиваться

run after - бежать за, преследовать

give away - отдавать, выдавать тайну

give back - возвращать

give up - отказываться

go on - продолжать

go off - портиться; издавать громкий звук

go with - подходить, соответствовать

look up - искать что-либо в книге, справочнике

look after - заботиться о ком-то, присматривать за кем-либо

look forward to - ждать чего-либо с нетерпением

look for - искать

come back - вернуться

come out - выходить, появляться

come round - заходить, заезжать

come across - натолкнуться, встретиться

turn into - превращать во что-либо

turn in - ложиться спать

turn on - включать

turn off - выключать

make up - выдумывать

make up with sb - помириться с кем-либо

make out - понять, разобрать

take (sth) off - снимать

take (sb) out - приглашать с собой куда-либо

take (sth) back - возвращать

take away - уносить с собой

fall apart - разваливаться, ломаться

fall behind with sth - отставать

fall out with sb - ссориться с кем-либо

Fill in: after, out of, into.

Mike ran____ Nick on his way home.

We ran ____ bread, so we went to buy some.

The police are running ____ a robber.

Fill in: up, back, away.

Give me____ my pen, please.

John gave ____ smoking last year.

Jack gave ____ his toy cars to little brother.

Fill in: on, off, with.

Put the milk in the fridge or else it'll go ___.

This shirt goes really well ___ the jeans.

Go ___. I didn't mean to interrupt.

The cat jumped onto the car and the alarm went ___.

Fill in: for, after, up, forward.

What are you looking ___? My English textbook.

Look ___ the words you don't know in the dictionary.

Students are really looking ___ their summer holidays.

Who looks ___ your little sister when your parents are at work?

Fill in: back, out, across, round.

The new film is coming ___ next month.

Come ___ to our house any time.

I came ___ this book in the shop yesterday.

They came ___ to the country a month ago.

Fill in: into, on, off, in.

Turn ___ the light when you leave the room.

Can you turn ___ the news, please?

In fairytales animals turn ___ people.

It's late. I think I'll turn ___.

Fill in: out, up.

She has made ___ with her sister after the quarrel.

I can't make ___ this handwriting.

This is not a real story. He made it ___.

Fill in: away, out, off, back.

My patents always take us ___ on Saturdays.

It was the wrong size, so I took it ___ to the shop.

Can we eat a take ___ tonight?

It's hot here. Why don't you take ___ your jumper?

Fill in: behind, out, apart.

It's hurtful when you fall ___ with friends.

That chair has fallen ___. It needs fixing.

If you revise regularly, you won't fall ___ at school.

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