Kazakhstan is my Motherland

   Look at the blackboard listen and read the new words       1. share-бөлісу       2. border-шекара       3. resources-байлық ресурстар       4. uranium-уран       5. deposit-жер асты қоры       6. rename-жаңа ат беру       7. reservoir-қор       8. former-бұрынғы                                    Answer to the questions           1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?           2. When was Kazakhstan established as the Republic of Kazakhstan?           3. With what countries does Kazakhstan sh...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Алмута вилайити Панфилов

Наһийәси Билал Назим

Мәктиви инглиз тили пән

Муәллими Мамелекова

Мехирбан Акиевна

The theme: Kazakhstan is my Motherland.

The aims: 1) To enrich their knowledge concerning the theme, on the

new words, to practice its pronunciation and teach them to

use the words in their speech.

2) To enrich pupils interest to the new material to develop.

Their speaking and thinking abilities to consolidate the

Material with asking and answering the questions, to

Develop their memory on the learning English words.

3) To raiser their interest to the English language widing.

Their scope, to bring up their patriotic sense and sense of

Proud for our Motherland, to be handsome and polite in

Their life.

Equipment: book cards electronic book active board

The types of the lesson combined

The method of the lesson: explain, reading, translating.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

Speaking about the date, day, season and weather

P1--- P2 P3

II. Phonetic Drill

So many countries so many customs

III. Checking Home task

To learn the new words and make sentences with the new words

1. What achievements have you been awarded for?

2. The ecological association «Tobigot» try do propose effective ways to

Solving the problem

3. «Tabigot» also proposed a method of separate trash collection and

processing wastes into raw materials.

4. Such was the case with the Sor Bulek-a sewage pond.

5. The Balkhash problem should be solved at the international level

Generalizing H/t

Match the English words with the Kazak words

1. association a. марапаттау

2. award в. жетістік

3. achievement с. өңделмеген

4. solve д. қоғам

5. propose е. ұсыну

6. process ф. шешу

7. raw г. өңдеу

5. Lexical material

Look at the blackboard listen and read the new words

1. share-бөлісу

2. border-шекара

3. resources-байлық ресурстар

4. uranium-уран

5. deposit-жер асты қоры

6. rename-жаңа ат беру

7. reservoir-қор

8. former-бұрынғы

6. New material Reading

1. Open your books p24 read translate pay attention to the new words 7 Oral


8. Writing Complete the sentences with the new words

1. Kazakhstan was _____________ an the Republic of Kazakhstan in

December 1991

2. Kazakhstan _____________ with the Russia China and the central Asian


3. The Country is rich with mineral _____________

4. In May 1998 Akmola was _____ Astana

5. The Kazakh is the ____________ language of the country.

Answer to the questions

1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

2. When was Kazakhstan established as the Republic of Kazakhstan?

3. With what countries does Kazakhstan share its border?

4. What can you say about the places of interest in Kazakhstan?

5. What is the official language in Kazakhstan?

9. Generalizing True or False


A _x__ ___

B ___ _x__

C _x_ ___

D _x ___

E _x __

F _x__ ___

G _x_ ___

10. Task to learn the new words ex 5 p 87

11. Marking

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