План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Movies

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
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Lesson plan

Theme: Movies

Grade: 9b

Unit: 6

Equipment: English course book by Ajapova T., Abildaeva Z., Zhutbaeva Z., pictures, handouts, board.

Educational aim: to form the students' knowledge on the topic of "Movies."


  • To practice new vocabulary;

  • To develop speaking skills;

  • To cultivate the sentiment of respect for other countries.

Course of the lesson

  1. The beginning of the lesson

- Good morning, children!

- Good morning, teacher!

- I am glad to see you

-We are glad to see you too.

-Sit down, please. Let's begin our lesson.

  1. Warming-up activity Let's play game. On the desk you can see the cards. You task will be come

up in the front of the class, pick out the card and tell some associations with this word.

  1. Practice with the previous material

Let's check up your hometask. Open your book on page 135, repeat the words. Then we have a test.

  1. Presentation of new material The theme of our lesson is "Movies". Today we are going to talk about

movies , different kinds of movies, TV programmes and your attitude to them. Speaking. In pairs discuss the question below.

-What is your favorite movie?

-Are there any kinds of movies you dislike?

-Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater?

-Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? If yes, name it (or them)?

-What do you prefer going to the cinema or theatre?

-What kind of films do you know? Open your books on page 137 Ex. 1. Your task is to fill in the blanks with the words below:

  1. An …….. movie is a movie with a lot of fighting and it can be violent. (action )

  2. A……..is a movie which is funny and it can make us laugh.(comedy)

  3. Ghost movies are…….. .( frightening)

  4. Adventure movies are…….. .(exciting)

  5. Romantic movies are sometimes…….. .(boring)

  6. ……..is a movie about American cowboys usually riding horses quickly and wearing hats.( Western)

  7. …….. is a movie with animations like Tom and Jerry.( Cartoon)

I give you 3 minutes

Now check your answers


Read the words.

Group them into three. Draw a table of this kind in your notebook.

сlassical jazz horror films science fiction

western pop game - shows soap operas

thrillers news comedy talk - shows


TV programme


The next task is to match the pictures with the words. (The class is divided into three groups. Each group gets pictures of movies, cartoons and their names. Students choose one movie or cartoon and tell the main idea of it).

  • Tom and Jerry

  • The Lion King

  • X-men

  • Madagascar

  • Avatar

  • Maleficent

  • Hachiko

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone

  1. Hometask Open your diaries, put down your hometask. Ex. 2 P. 138, Ex. 3 P.138

(orally), Ex. 3 P.140.

  1. Evaluation

Teacher puts marks for pupils' work.

  1. Additional task

Read these sentences. Is it the same in your country?

A) Cinemas show a lot of continental films.

B) Cinema is an entertainment in London.

C) Cinema-going is a regular habit for many people.

D) You can buy tickets in large stores and hotels.

E) Newspapers give a list of films and their hours.

The lesson is over. Thank you for your activity. Good bye children.

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