Конспект урока по английскому языку «Лондонский зоопарк»

"Выдержка из материала: Today we have an unusual lesson. Our lesson is the lesson-trip to London. Buckingham Palace) What is the Buckingham Palace? (слайд 4) The end picture? (London Eye) (слайд 5) III. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи. Вопросно-ответная работа Now we are standing under the London Zoo. I bought tickets all of us. Take a tickets, please. (слайд 6) Look at the picture and say where is London Zoo situated in? (In the Regent Park) (слайд 7) Thank you. Well done! S...
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Открытый урок по английскому языку

в 6 классе

по теме «London Zoo»

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учитель английского языка

Родина Ольга Николаевна

2013-2014 учебный год

Цель урока: формирование навыков говорения, закрепление лексики по темам «Животные» и «Достопримечательности Лондона».

Задачи урока:

  • Общеобразовательные:

    • развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи;

    • формирование и развитие лексических навыков;

    • развитие грамматических навыков;

    • развитие навыков чтения, аудирования и письма.

  • Развивающие:

    • развитие коммуникативных навыков;

    • развитие памяти, внимания, мышления, воображения;

    • развитие инициативы в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности;

    • умение оценить свои знания;

    • умение использовать полученные знания;

  • Воспитательные:

    • воспитание познавательной активности;

    • развитие коммуникативной культуры поведения и общения;

    • воспитание внимательного отношения к собеседнику;

    • создание комфортной среды для каждого ученика и положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.

Образовательные технологии: коммуникативная, ИКТ, обучение в сотрудничестве, игровая, развитие критического мышления.

Методы обучения: показ, объяснение, организация тренировки и применения знаний, коррекция, оценка.

Формы работы:

  • индивидуальная;

  • фронтальная;

  • групповая;

  • работа в парах.

Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, раздаточный дидактический материал, компьютер, мультимедийная программа, презентация урока.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

Good morning, children and our dear guests!

I am glad to see you. (слайд 1)

Today we have an unusual lesson. Our lesson is the lesson-trip to London. Today I would like to tell you about London Zoo. We'll speak, read and listen about animals: wild and domestic, endangered and aggressive. The weather is not so bad. Are you ready? Let's begin our lesson! (слайд 2)

  1. Речевая разминка.

But first of all we can remember the sights of London. Look at the picture and say what can you see on this picture. We hands up and answer my questions.

Stand up, go to the blackboard and write your answer.

On the first picture? (Big Ben) (слайд 3) What is the Big Ben? (This is the bell)

On the next picture? (Buckingham Palace) What is the Buckingham Palace? (слайд 4)

The end picture? (London Eye) (слайд 5)

III. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи. Вопросно-ответная работа

Now we are standing under the London Zoo. I bought tickets all of us. Take a tickets, please. (слайд 6)

Look at the picture and say where is London Zoo situated in? (In the Regent Park) (слайд 7)

  1. Чтение текста, работа над грамматикой.

I give you a text about London Zoo, read, translate and discuss this text. (слайд 8)

London Zoo

  • London Zoo was opened in 1827 by the Zoological Society of London. The first enclosures were built to reflect the places the animals came from. African animals were kept in grass huts and goats lived in a Swiss-style chalet, for instance.

  • Today there are more than 8000 animals in the Zoo. Some are very rare, such as the giant Panda, so are encouraged to breed and are studied by conservationists. Many of the animals were born in the Zoo, or in other zoos around the world. You can adopt an animal at London Zoo for a year. The cost depends on the animal you choose, and is based on the amount of food it eats in a year. Your name goes on a plaque near the animal's cage.

  • The elephants and rhinos have the biggest appetite in the Zoo. An elephant's daily diet consists of hay, grass pellets, linseed cake, cabbage, carrots, apples, potatoes, dates, bread, salt, vitamins and minerals, washed down with 100 litres of water.

Now I ask some questions on the text and you answer my questions.

  • In what year London Zoo was opened?

  • How many animals in the Zoo now?

  • Name the rare animal in the Zoo.

  • Who has the biggest appetite in the Zoo?

  1. Совершенствование лексических навыков.

- Now let's play. You will read a text about animal and you can tell us what is the animal. You write down their answers on the blackboard. (слайд 9-11)

Игра «What is it ?»

  1. It is long and green. It can be very terrible and aggressive. It likes to eat meat and fish. It is very wild. It lives in the water. What is it ? (a crocodile) Let's check your answer.

  2. It is big and brown. It likes to sleep in winter. It has a sweet tooth. It likes to eat honey, berries, fish and meat. It can swim very well but it lives in the forest. It can be very aggressive but in the zoo it is very funny and nice. What is it ? (a bear) Is your answer correct?

  3. I have a very nice tail. I can fly. I` m covered with colourful feathers. I can talk. I am very funny. I am a …(a parrot)

  1. Физкультминутка. (слайд 12) Are you tired? Let's take a rest!( Вы устали? Давайте немного отдохнем!)

Конспект урока по английскому языку «Лондонский зоопарк»

Thank you. Well done! Sit down, please.

  1. Работа в группах.

Now we will divide into groups. Each group I gave a picture of the animal. Take a picture with animals, examine and describe the animal, which is represented on it. (Сейчас мы разделимся на группы. Каждой группе я дала картинку с животным. Возьмите картинку с животным, рассмотрите её и опишите животное, которое на ней изображено.)

You have 5 minutes to prepare.


Конспект урока по английскому языку «Лондонский зоопарк»a monkey Конспект урока по английскому языку «Лондонский зоопарк» a lion

Конспект урока по английскому языку «Лондонский зоопарк»a fox Конспект урока по английскому языку «Лондонский зоопарк» a shark

Конспект урока по английскому языку «Лондонский зоопарк»a hamster

Well done! You correctly described this animal.

Not bad! Thanks for your answer.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания.

- Now I would like to check your homework.

- Your homework was to prepare the message about the animals. Who wants?

  • The giraffe lives in Africa. It is an exotic animal. This is the tallest animal in the world. It can be 6-7 metres high. The giraffe can see very well. It has small horns on the head. They are usually yellow with brown spots. These animals like to eat acacia very much. They are very kind and generous. (слайд 13)

  • An elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. Elephants have larger ears than any other animal and their tusks are the largest teeth. An elephant` s nose is called a trunk. A lot of things can be done with the help of a trunk. An elephant is a nice animal, strong and friendly. It eats grass and green leaves ( about 300-400 kilos a day) and elephants can drink 150-200 liters of water. They are very playful in the water and wonderful swimmers. The elephant is the most intelligent animal next to the dog and it has a very good memory. (слайд 14)

  • Dolphins are very intelligent. They love to play with people. They can be of different colors.- black and white, blue and light blue. Most dolphins eat fish. Their brain is very big. They have a very good feeling to be helpful. They have a very good experience of communicating with people. They give birth to their babies, which are born with opened eyes, under the water, close to the surface. They can perform for children and grown-ups. Dolphins can jump out of the water, play with the ball and dance. (слайд 15)

  1. Подведение итогов.

- So, our trip is ending. (слайд 16)

- What animals we met in London Zoo? (Wolf, Fox, Dolphin, hamster, lion, bear, shark and other)

- Which groups we can divide these animals? (wild and domestic, endangered and aggressive)

- Now I give you a card. Express your emotions aftter the lesson. (слайд 17)

Конспект урока по английскому языку «Лондонский зоопарк»Конспект урока по английскому языку «Лондонский зоопарк»Конспект урока по английскому языку «Лондонский зоопарк»

  1. Домашнее задание. Оценки.

- Your homework you can find on the website dnevnik.ru (слайд 18)

- Thank you for the lesson. At the lesson all of us worked well. Your marks are …

-The lesson is over. Stand up. See you! (слайд 19)

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