Проверочная работа 10 класс по учебнику В. П. Кузовлева

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Проверочная работа по английскому языку

10 класс (по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева)


1.Add the article where necessary:

____Russia _____Africa

____UK _____Gobi Desert

____Alps ______Elbrus

____Moscow ______Arctic Ocean

____Baikal ______Volga

2. Ask polite questions.

Where is the bank? __________________________________________________

How old are you? ___________________________________________________

When will you come back from the country?__________________________________________________________

Where have you been so late?_____________________________________________________________

3. Match the word and the description.

1) patience _______ a) a willingness to do what someone tells you to do

even if it is unpleasant

2) submission ______ b) the ability to live through difficult conditions

3) cautiousness _______ c) the ability to wait for something calmly for a long


4) toughness _________ d) great care

4. Translate:

1) Австралия - самый большой в мире остров и самый маленький континент.


2) Люди страдают от нехватки чистой воды.


3) Великобритания - островное государство.


4) Юг и восток острова состоит из равнин или холмов.


5) Три четверти страны омывается океаном.


5.Choose the right variant:

1) In Great Britain __________ is the head of state.

a) the Prime Minister

b) the Monarch

c) the President

2) In the USA ________ is the head of state.

a) the President

b) the Prime Minister

c) the Vice President

3) In Great Britain __________ is the head of government.

a) the Monarch

b) the Prime Minister

c) the President

4) In the USA _________ is the head of government.

a) the Vice President

b) the Prime Minister

c) the President

5) In Great Britain __________represents the legislative branch.

a) the Cabinet

b) the House of Commons

c) Parliament

6) In the USA ___________ represents the legislative branch.

a) the Administration

b) Congress

c) the Senate

7) In Great Britain ____________represent(s) the executive branch.

a) the Prime Minister with cabinet and non-cabinet ministers

b) the House of Commons

c) the House of Lords

8) In the USA _________ represent(s) the executive branch.

a) the Senate

b) the President and his Administration

c) Congress

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