Тестовое задание по английскому языку на тему World War II

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
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World War II

1Тестовое задание по английскому языку на тему World War II. When did Adolf Hitler come to power?

a) in 1923 b) in 1933 c) in 1938

2. When did the second World War start?

a) in 1938 b) 1939 c) in 1940

3. What two countries were Germany's allies?

a) Italy and Japan b) Spain and Italy c) Japan and China

4. Who was head of Germany's Luftwaffe?

a) Herman Goering b) Heinrich Himmler c) Martin Borman

5Тестовое задание по английскому языку на тему World War II. What does Gestapo stand for?

a) the Ministry of Information b) the Intelligence Service c) the Secret State Police

6. What two countries declared war on Germany after the Nazi troops invaded Poland?

a) Great Britain and the USA b) Norway and Denmark c) France and Great Britain

7. What was the only WW II battle that was fought solely in the air?

a) the Battle of Britain b) the Battle of Stalingrad c) the Battle of Berlin

8Тестовое задание по английскому языку на тему World War II. What does the word Blitzkrieg mean?

a) a "lightning war" b) a gas attack c) an air raid

9. Who was Britain's Prime Minister during the war?

a) Harold Winston b) Winston Churchill c) Margaret Thatcher

10. Which of the following death camps was the largest?

a) Dachau b) Auschwitz c) Buchenwald

11. How many people lost their lives during the Second World War?

a) 30 million b) 40 million c) more than 60 million

1Тестовое задание по английскому языку на тему World War II2. When did the Japanese attack the American naval base at Pearl Harbour?

a) in 1939 b) in 1941 c) in 1943

13. What was the German code name for the summer attack on the Soviet Union in 1941?

a) Operation Barbarossa b) Operation Dragon c) Operation Bismark

14. The German invasion of the Soviet Union began on the 22nd of June, 1941. Who announced the news?

a) Josef Stalin b) Lavrentiy Beria c) Vyacheslav Molotov

Тестовое задание по английскому языку на тему World War II

15. How long did the Siege of Leningrad last?

a) 90 days b) 300 days c) 900 days

16. Who wrote the famous Leningrad symphony?

a) D. Shostackovich b) S. Prokofiev c) A. Alexandrov

17. Who was the highest - scoring fighter pilot in the Soviet Union?

a) I. Kozhedub b) A. Pokryshkin c) N. Gulayev

1Тестовое задание по английскому языку на тему World War II8. Which of the following was not a German fighter?

a) Misserschmidt b) Spitfire c) Fokker

19. What tank was considered to be the best tank in WW II?

a) T - 62 b) T - 72 c) T - 34

20. What river does Stalingrad stand on?

a) the Ural b) the Volga c) the Don

21. What German officer was promoted to field marshal the day before he surrendered to the Red Army at Stalingrad?

a) Friderich Paulus b) Wilhelm von Leeb c) Franz Halder

22). The famous Russian rocket launcher, 'Katyusha", had another nickname. What was it?

a) Stalin's Organ b) Ivan the Terrible c) Thunderstorm

2Тестовое задание по английскому языку на тему World War II3). What was the biggest tank battle of the Second World War ?

a). The Battle of Leningrad b). The Battle of Kursk c). The Battle of Stalingrad.

24). What Nazi party member saved 1,100 Jewish people by giving them work in his factory?

a). Rudolf Hess b).Oskar Schindler c). Josef Heinz

25).In 1943, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met a conference. Where did it take place?

a) in Cairo b) in Teheran c) in Yalta

2Тестовое задание по английскому языку на тему World War II6. Who was the supreme commander of the Allied Forces at the end of the war?

a) Winston Churchill b) Josef Stalin c) Dwight Eisenhower

27. Whose armed forces fought and won the Battle of Berlin?

a) Great Britain's b) The USA's c) The Soviet Union's

28. Which of the following countries was the last to surrender?

aТестовое задание по английскому языку на тему World War II) Germany b) Japan c) Italy

29. What happened to Adolf Hitler?

a) He committed suicide. b) He fled to Argentina c) He was killed during an air raid.

30. What happened to Benito Mussolini, the notorious Italian dictator?

a) He was captured by the American troops and tried as a war criminal.

b) He was captured and hanged by Italian partisans.

c) He mysteriously disappeared.

31. Which of this Nazi leaders was short by an SS guard at his own request?

a) Goebbels b) Himler c) Kesselring

32. How many atomic bombs were dropped on Japan?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

33. Where were the war trials held after the war?

a) in Berlin b) in Nuremberg c) in London

34. How many years did the Second World War last?

a) 5 years b) 6 years c) 7 years

ally - союзник

Luftwaffe - Люфтваффе (военно - воздушные силы гитлеровской Германии)

Intelligent service - разведывательная служба

troops - войска

to invade - вторгаться, захватывать, оккупировать

solely - только, исключительно

lightning war - молниеносная война

air raid - воздушный налёт

death camp - концлагерь, лагерь смерти

naval base - военная база

landing ground - взлётно-посадочная площадка

to surrender - сдаваться, капитулировать

to announce - объявлять

siege - блокада

to capture - брать в плен

to torture - пытать

highest-scoring-самый результативный


to promote-присваивать звание, повышать в звании

rocket launcher-пусковая установка


Allied Forces-армии союзных держав, войска союзников

to commit suizide- покончить с собой

flee-убегать,спасаться бегством

notorious-пользующийся дурной славой,печально известный

to try-судить


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