Урок по английскому языку на тему

   Талдықорған қаласы №16 орта мектеп гимназиясы           ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі  Шалкарова Зайгуль Мукашевна     Theme:  Period Peace by Joyce Cary (Home- Reading) Aims:  To teach the students to read and understand the story in origin, put problematic questions, do a creative work, change the story, work at the strategies of Critical Thinking, analyze the story;            To develop their lexical-grammatical pronunciation of speaking habits and skills of oral speech;             To bri...   2. Complete the diagram Sincere and difference between Clare and Phyllis                 3. Analysis of the story     Next our task is to analyze the story. Who wants to begin? 2.Rising a problem question What can you say about Tutin’s will to get divorced? Did Phyllis love Tutin or want to marry him by convenience? So,we’ll rise one of the main nowadays life problematic question:   What does the word “marriage” mean? Have you ever been in weddings?  What’s your first impression on wedding(hap... What does the word “divorce” mean? What can you say about divorced couples, their children, and their parents feeling?            IV. Repeating of the new theme.       To consolidate it through doing tasks 1 .Now, we’ll do a creative work. Two groups will be worked at the following:     The theme of the first group is “Marriage” and the theme of the second group is “Divorce”. Your task is to draw a picture and protect it. What do you imagine when you hear the given words?                     2...
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Талдықорған қаласы

№16 орта мектеп гимназиясы

ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Шалкарова Зайгуль Мукашевна

Theme: Period Peace by Joyce Cary (Home- Reading)

Aims: To teach the students to read and understand the story in origin, put problematic questions, do a creative work, change the story, work at the strategies of Critical Thinking, analyze the story;

To develop their lexical-grammatical pronunciation of speaking habits and skills of oral speech;

To bring up the students to the feeling of responsibility and love;

Visual aids: books, placards, pencils

Outline of the lesson

I Organization moment

  • Greeting

  • Marking absents

II Checking-up the homework to put 15 questions

III New theme The story "Period Peace"

  • To characterize the heroes

  • To complete the diagram

  • To analyze the story

  • To rise problematic questions

IV Repeating of the new theme

  • To do a creative work

  • To compose a rhyme

V Conclusion 1.giving marks

2.to read the story "Letting Down the Street" pp 164- 169

  1. Good morning dear students and teachers! Today we have an unusual lesson. We'll work hard and do different tasks. As we have home- reading we'll work with one of the stories. As we'd read it at home we'll analyze and discuss it. What's your home -task?

  1. Homework. to put 15 questions on the story.

  2. New theme

    1. We'll continue our work characterizing the heroes:

      • The main hero is Tutin. Let's describe him and draw his picture.

      • The secondary heroes are his wife Clare , his secretary Phyllis and Old Mrs. Beer. Describe them and your opinion about them.

      • Your own opinions about three children and their relations with father.

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  • What would you do if you do if you Tutin?

  • What would you advise if you were Clare's friend?

  • What would you do if you were Phyllis?

  • What would you do if you were Mrs. Beer?

  • What do you think about children's feelings?

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2. Complete the diagram

Sincere and difference between Clare and Phyllis

Урок по английскому языку на темуУрок по английскому языку на тему

3. Analysis of the story

Next our task is to analyze the story. Who wants to begin?

2.Rising a problem question

What can you say about Tutin's will to get divorced?

Did Phyllis love Tutin or want to marry him by convenience?

So, we'll rise one of the main nowadays life problematic question:

What does the word "marriage" mean?

Have you ever been in weddings?

What's your first impression on wedding (happy just married couple and their parents…)

Урок по английскому языку на темуУрок по английскому языку на темуУрок по английскому языку на тему

What does the word "divorce" mean?

What can you say about divorced couples, their children, and their parents feeling?

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IV. Repeating of the new theme.

To consolidate it through doing tasks

1 .Now, we'll do a creative work.

Two groups will be worked at the following:

The theme of the first group is "Marriage" and the theme of the second group is "Divorce". Your task is to draw a picture and protect it. What do you imagine when you hear the given words?

2 The last task of our lesson is to compose a rhyme.

Marriage: Divorce:

To love, wedding, happy, children to hate, to cry, children, sad.

V. Home-task: Will be to read the story "Letting Down the Side" pp 164-169.

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